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The child half bird

An unexpected package

By Arisa Diane Oliver Published about a year ago Updated about a year ago 9 min read
The child half bird
Photo by Leone Venter on Unsplash

A child half bird

Most of the time , as humans , we wouldn’t expect someone to send anything in our house without informing us first or maybe it’s just what I think. And I can say that since the time I’ve been living in this world , I only receive a package when I order something so even though I don’t always know the exact day I’ll receive my order , I at least expect something. But some things just happen and all of the sudden it changes everything in our lives .

It changes our plans and even change the way we used to think. But I can’t really tell if the feeling we get when something unexpected happen in our life is positive or negative. All I know is that it all depends on how we perceive what just happened at that specific moment. It all depends on how we grew up as a person and also what we learned from others.

The truth is that me personally , I would rather know about something instead of being confronted to something unplanned. But at the same time , things happen for a reason. Of course when sometimes things happen , we get scared only because we didn’t expect that to happen. One thing is that whenever something unplanned happen , we either learn from what happened or use the situation to help someone else in need.

For that reason , I would say that as humans we only grow , learn more and become better when a situation arise out of nowhere and we do our best to overcome that situation. Isn’t it good to not always expect things after all ? Shouldn’t we do our best to adapt to situations even when it’s difficult ? I remember as if it was yesterday when a very important person in my life told me that change is necessary and it’s only good for a person to adapt to situations. I realize that it was nothing but the truth.

One day, I decided to stay home , just watch some movies and relax. It was so long since I didn’t get some time to rest so it was so great when I planned to use my day to do something meaningful for myself. Little did I know that my whole life was about to change. I thought that I could enjoy my day just doing nothing but I was wrong. The day before, I was so tired as I had a long day , but instead of sleeping early, I stayed up to put my room in order. I ended up not sleeping at all the whole night. I was so surprised when I decided to check the time and it was already five in the morning.

I couldn’t sleep anymore. Of course I was still tired but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t sleep. I then decided to just watch a movie. The movie was two hours. I only had one hour to finish watching my movie when I heard the strangest noise. I run so fast so I could check what was going on. I saw something unexpected. I saw a drone but the drone was already far away. It wasn’t all. I then turned around to get in my house when I perceived a package in front of my door. The truth is that I was terrified. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. The first thing I told myself was to just leave the package outside as I didn’t know what was inside. I stood in front of my door for a very long time , still undecided. I was both scared and curious. Even though my heart was beating so fast due to my terrible fear, deep down , I wanted to know what was inside the package. But the weird thing was that the package was not a small one.

After a while , I thought that maybe I got lucky and received something that would change my life in a meaningful way. To me , the package could have ended up somewhere else but it was in front of my door. I told myself that there might be a reason to that. After a long wait , I finally lifted up the package. I didn’t want to open it outside as I wanted to be the only one to see what was inside the package. I was walking so fast to get back in the house before someone even see me. I was exited to uncover what was hiding inside the package. I closed my door so fast then found some scissors to open the package. There was a large black box when I finally opened the package. My hands were shaking. The fear starting to take control of my mind and my body but I had to open the box. It was as if I couldn’t stop myself . I had to know what was inside that box no matter what would have happened next.

When I finally managed to open the box , I screamed so loud like I never did since I was born. Tears were coming out of my eyes. I thought I was going to faint.

In front of me , there was a child quite big inside the box but the child was half bird. Only the feet and the arms of the child were human. But the strangest thing was that the child seemed to be sleeping or even dead before I opened the box. As soon as I opened the box , the child opened his eyes. All the plans I had for my day no more mattered to me. I just asked myself what was going on. Why in front of my door ? Why me? But why was the child still alive when I opened the box ? Was there something I needed to know ? Was there something I really needed to understand ? I didn’t notice that there was something else inside the box. I checked to see what else I could find then I found a letter. I thought that I would understand why I got the package if I at least took my time to read the letter. I got so emotional reading the letter. Even though I was still shocked I couldn’t stop myself from reading the letter. That’s what the letter was saying :”Dear stranger , please take your time to read this letter as you receive the package I send. I was at first unsure about my decision. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t see other options. I’m so afraid.

I did my best to stay calm but I just couldn’t keep up. It has been so long and I was so stressed .

I’m writing this letter with so much tears in my eyes. I can’t control my emotions. I’m not writing to you because I have the courage. This is because it’s the only thing I can do right now . I feel so frustrated . You know , a very long time , I used to live a comfortable life. But it was until I got pregnant. I’m half human and half bird. I’m leaving in a different world , very different from yours. It might sound crazy to you right now because you were not aware that such a person existed in this world and I’m sorry to make you learn about something like this in this way.

My husband really loved me so much. It was the kind of love that made him do everything to make me comfortable and happy. After many years of living together as a couple , I got pregnant.

I finally gave birth but something bad happened. My child turned out to have a different color than the one me and my husband have. My husband then decided to not accept the child as he thought it wasn’t his. In our world , we have different colors and each color belong to a specific family . I couldn’t explain why my child turned out to be different from us. My husband wanted to get rid of our child as he couldn’t control his anger. It was as if he suddenly became a different person. I couldn’t even recognize him anymore. I didn’t want to take the chance to lose my child. Only one thought came in my mind. The one to send my child far away were he would be safe . Where he could grow up and life a long and happy life.

I then waited until my husband fell asleep and I sent a package using the powers I have and I just wish that whoever would receive this package take care of my baby. I know it’s a difficult favor to ask but I really need help.

Don’t be afraid. My child won’t die even though he’ll be in the box for a long time as he has powers. Please take care of him . We don’t know each other but I hope that by reading this letter you’ll make a decision that will be in my favor.” After reading the letter I couldn’t believe what just happened. I had mixed emotions. I couldn’t stop crying. It was as if my whole life just changed in a day. I couldn’t decide if I was feeling happy or sad at that moment. I knew at that moment that the person who sent the package didn’t know anything about me.

She just wanted someone to be there for the child she couldn’t protect. The age of the child wasn’t specified in the letter and there was no way I would have know has he was half bird. Even his head had the form of a bird. He haf green eyes but he had the same arms and hands as humans. I was no more scared I was fascinated . I felt as if it happened for a reason.

But at the same time I didn’t know if I could really take care of a child who wasn’t completely human. I felt as if I was challenged. I also felt like it was my job to take care of the child and make sure he was fine. I suddenly felt as if he was my responsibility. Instead of spending my day relaxing , I did hide the child in my house and went out to buy some clothes , shoes and also some food for the child. I didn’t know what I was going to do next but I knew I needed to do something at that moment.

I spent my day shopping and ended up being so tired but I didn’t regret it. In the evening , I made sure I bathed the child , fed him and dressed him. I was proud of what I was doing.I was scared that the child would not like human’s food as he was only half human but I didn’t have any trouble feeding him. I thought it was crazy what I was doing but the child needed someone to be there for him . I told myself that no matter how difficult it would be I would do my best to fulfill the wish of the woman who sent the letter. I didn’t expect to ever meet her as she wasn’t in my world but to me she deserved the help . Even though my life completely changed in the course of just one day , I was so happy and the joy that I was seeing on the face of the child made me feel as if I made the right decision.I was so happy to take care of him even though I just met him.

I realized that it’s possible that a person’s life change really fast. Not all things that are unexpected are bad. From the moment I received the package , I was no more afraid of the unexpected. I learned so much from the people I love the most in my life that becoming a better person is also caring for others and there’s nothing more beautiful then the compassion we can have for others. Of course being beautiful on the outside it great but having a good heart is even more beautiful. I wish that the beauty of my heart always be higher and always stand out more than the way I look on the outside.

ClassicalFan Fiction

About the Creator

Arisa Diane Oliver

My author name is Arisa Diane Oliver. I’m the author of two books : A strange world and Poems in colors. I’m 26 and writing is really important to me. I love spending time with my loved ones , shopping and dancing.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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  • Precious Reidabout a year ago

    This is a very interesting way to emphasis the sudden shift and turns that life can take. If we aren’t careful, we can spiral into a frenzy of feeling sorry for ourselves. We as humans need to learn to adapt to change because change is inevitable. Loved the read <3 keep writing!

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