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By CarmenJimersonCross-SafieddinePublished about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Katherine Kromberg on Unsplash

THE COMPUTER CHIP WAS NO LARGER THAN A MICRODOT. Like a tab of purple haze to all the updated highs of the early seventies... like the micro organism found at the lab of the neighborhood nerd... like a speck of dust blown by the winds of El Nino, so was the chip Alan would attempt to place in the iris of his client. His chiropractic office had been open since his graduation from Michigan State University. It was open and at his wim for experimentation in all the open and questionable fields of medicine and biology left unanswered by his university faculty. His own research had left a vacuum in his intellect which seemed to be stuck in high power mode. The tiny office at the rear of his therapy area was no larger than a commercial bathroom, but held a wealth of notes and reference manuals. It was a bank for any sincere vulture of academia. He scannd over Carol's computer files to brief himself on the next client. Kraus was coming in at 1:00 and her neighbor would most likely come along with her. The neighbor... Janet, was an ongoing routine. He was well into the second year of prescribing natural herbal remedies of gentian root, and other herbs for her vertigo. Vertigo that stemmed from systematic lupus- a cancer of the lymph system. She had become light sensitive and giddy since their acquaintance; although her major complaint had been of a "shortened leg" which could not be repaired... it was a birth defect. She complained of a broken shoulder on each visit, but he reassured her that if she ceased carrying her oversized, overloaded purse, her shoulder would feel renewed. He was content to focus upon her lupus using prescription of remedy mentioned by friends who studied other alternative medicines. If he could, he would rid or lessen his friend's problem on his own. Janet lived just upstairs from this newest patient and had referred her, Ms. Kraus to chiropractic correction of her dizziness. Today's client was complaining of a similar ailment... dizziness and stiff neck from whiplash. A car accident and therapy ended before pain disipated brought her to him via his client friend... a client with paying insurance! She brought a CHAMPUS claim form with her, extended to his office girl before being escorted into his back room. She explained that she'd been in an auto accident six months earlier and was struggling to rid herself of an undying "swirling" sensation. She had come in with Janet on an appointment and had asked questions about her own situtation. Chiropractor Brace became overly enthusiastic at the revelation of hallucenations coupled with dizziness after a whiplash while working at her job. Her car was rear ended when another driver came through a redlight running into her car pushing her into the line of traffic ahead of her. There was an attorney working on the accident claim... against Planters-Lifesavers Corporation... the employer of the driver in the wrong. The attorney was working... but he was a bit slow. He was slow and her pain was ongoing. She placed the question, "What can you do for the stiff shoulder/neck, other than more medication?" He had scheduled her appointment immediately and sent her with a referral for an xray of her neck and cranial area. Chelsea Community Hospital - Xray and MRI Departments complied with the order and returned their interpretations to his office. She was returning to hear his results. "It was clearly cervical strain, at the neck... third and fourth cervical discs; but there was a cloud at a more elevated region of her head on the film. A cloud that could not be analyzed without further questioning. He needed more information. "I'd better get a bite to eat," he glanced up from his computer at the clock. He ushered his client out of the two room office and locked the door. He dashed across the street and a few doors west of his own business to the neighborhood cafe' for a bagel with cream cheese and lox. The other clients seemed to remain as focused in their own business as he was on his own; the meal went quickely and his thoughts returned, unchalleneged by outward stimulation. The bagel, cream cheese and lox - a perfect combination. It went down smoothly and gave the effect of fulfillment for his physical needs. A more pressing anxiety, one not so easily secured, was that of proving his organizational declaration that the chip could work.

As a member of the ACA, he was working to develop a counter intelligence device. His contribution would allow a remote observation of any visual object location or action experienced by the implant model. Within the university labs, it had been tried on available lab specimen. The last... to his knowledge, had been a lamb. One of many young livestock had been selected, implanted and released into the fold. tapes were made for anything transmitted for one month.

* to be continued


About the Creator


A widow, sharing experiences. SHARING LIFE LIVED, things seen, lessons learned & spreading peace where I can.

Call me "Gina" ( pronounced "jeena" ) short for REGINA

more at my original page

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  • Test4 months ago

    Super!!! Excellent story!!!

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