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The black mirror -2

Lily collapsed to the ground

By IvanPublished about a year ago 5 min read
The black mirror -2
Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

Chapter 4: The Battle

Lily's parents knew they had to do something to stop the mirror's dark power from consuming their daughter completely. They did some research and found an old book that mentioned a ritual that could break the mirror's curse.

It was a risky plan, but they didn't have any other options. They knew they had to save their daughter from the mirror's grip.

They waited until Lily was asleep and snuck into her room. They carefully removed the mirror from the wall and took it outside, where they set up a small fire and began the ritual.

The ritual was complex and dangerous, but they were determined to see it through. They began to chant and cast spells, and the mirror began to glow with an eerie light. Lily's screams echoed through the night as the dark power of the mirror fought back.

Lily's parents could feel the power of the curse growing stronger with each passing moment. They knew they had to complete the ritual quickly before it was too late.

As they continued to chant and cast spells, the power of the curse grew stronger, causing the ground to shake and the trees to sway violently. It was as if the entire world was protesting against the ritual.

But they persisted, fueled by their love for their daughter and their determination to break the curse. Finally, after what felt like hours, the mirror shattered into a million pieces, the curse broken.

The shattered pieces of the mirror lay scattered around the fire, glittering in the moonlight. Lily's parents collapsed to the ground, exhausted and relieved.

Chapter 5: The Aftermath

Lily woke up the next morning feeling disoriented and confused. She remembered bits and pieces of the previous night, but it all felt like a dream.

Her parents sat her down and explained what had happened - how they had found the cursed mirror, and how it had almost consumed her completely.

Lily was shocked and scared. She couldn't believe she had been so obsessed with the mirror, and she didn't know how to move forward.

But with the help of her family and friends, she slowly began to heal. She went to therapy and talked through her feelings, trying to come to terms with what had happened.

Months passed, and Lily slowly began to feel like herself again. She realized that the mirror had shown her a dark, twisted version of herself, but that wasn't who she truly was.

She started to distance herself from the mirror and its power, focusing instead on her family and friends. She found solace in her hobbies, and started painting again.

But despite her progress, Lily knew that the mirror's power still lingered. She could feel it watching her, waiting for the right moment to strike.

One night, Lily woke up to find the mirror sitting at the foot of her bed. It was cracked and shattered, but still radiated a dark power.

Lily tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips. She felt herself being pulled into the mirror, into a twisted version of reality that she could not escape.

Chapter 6: The Return

When Lily opened her eyes, she was no longer in her bedroom. She was in a dark, twisted world that was a reflection of her own.

Everything was dark and twisted, with shadows lurking in every corner. The sky was blood red, and the air was thick with the scent of decay.

Lily stumbled forward, trying to make sense of her surroundings. She felt the dark power of the mirror coursing through her veins, filling her with a sense of power and dread.

As she walked deeper into this twisted world, she started to see familiar faces - her friends and family, all trapped in this dark, twisted reality.

She knew she had to find a way to break the curse once and for all.

Lily wandered through the dark and twisted world for what felt like hours, searching for a way to break the curse. She encountered monstrous creatures and terrifying visions, but she refused to let the mirror's power consume her again.

Finally, she came across a small cabin in the woods. It was shrouded in darkness, but she could feel a faint sense of hope emanating from within.

Lily cautiously approached the cabin and peered inside. She saw an old woman hunched over a cauldron, stirring a thick, bubbling potion.

The woman turned to look at Lily, her eyes piercing through the darkness. "I've been expecting you," she said in a creaky voice. "You're here to break the curse."

Lily nodded, relieved to have found someone who could help her.

The woman beckoned Lily inside and offered her a cup of the potion. "Drink this," she said. "It will help you break the curse."

Lily hesitated for a moment, unsure if she could trust the woman. But she knew she didn't have any other options. She took the cup and drank the potion in one gulp.

Instantly, Lily felt a surge of power flow through her. It was as if the potion had given her the strength to fight the mirror's curse once and for all.

She thanked the woman and hurried back into the twisted world, searching for the mirror.

As she walked, she could feel the mirror's power growing stronger, as if it knew she was coming. But Lily refused to let the mirror win. She summoned all of her strength and pushed forward, determined to break the curse once and for all.

Finally, she came face to face with the mirror. It loomed over her, radiating a dark power that threatened to overwhelm her.

Lily closed her eyes and summoned all of her strength, focusing on the love and support of her family and friends. She chanted the words of the ritual, and the mirror began to shake and crack.

Finally, with a burst of light, the mirror shattered into a million pieces, the curse broken once and for all.

Lily collapsed to the ground, exhausted but relieved. She had overcome the mirror's dark power, and she knew that she would never let it consume her again.

As she walked back to the cabin in the woods, Lily felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that the mirror's power was gone, and that she was free to live her life on her own terms.

The end.

Sci FiClassicalAdventure

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    IWritten by Ivan

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