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The Best Laid Plans

Or the best laid mistakes?

By Colleen Millsteed Published about a year ago 7 min read
Image courtesy of Pixabay

I pace my bedroom floor, back and forth, wearing a groove into the carpet. Why? Oh why? There must be a way to fix this. These thoughts are flying through my mind as I pace.

Foolish, I was so terribly foolish and now I’ve ruined everything. Everything! Oh, what can I do to fix this?

Backwards and forwards I pace. My mind racing as I remember how I got to this point.

It all began when I met Sally last year. It was love at first sight.

There she was, standing in all her glory and my heart raced. She stood looking regal in her business suit, long curly blonde hair framing her petite face. Sexy red lips smiling at me, with a glorious twinkle in her deep blue eyes.

And that smile. A smile that I felt was all for me. A smile that reeled me in.

Here stood a real life Barbi doll and my heart didn’t stand a chance. It was love at first sight and the rest, as they say, was history.

Except she was married. Married to an adonis, a Ken doll look alike.

But as I got to know Sally better I discovered that her husband treated her terribly. He didn’t love her. She was simply a possession to him.

I watched them together and could see the pain in Sally’s eyes every time he brushed her aside, every time he ran her down in public. Was I the only one that could see her unshed tears hiding behind her brilliant smile?

I decided she definitely deserved better. He did not deserve such a gorgeous wife, a kind hearted and adoring woman.

No she deserved to be with me!

It was at this realisation that I set out to fix this, knowing that with me she could find happiness. She’d finally understand what real love was all about. I would worship the very ground upon which she walked and she’d never feel unloved again.

As a time traveller the solution was simple. I would head back in time and change things a little. A tweak here and there to free her from this destructive marriage. Free her to become mine.

Sounds easy! Well it did at the time but maybe I didn’t think it through enough. Oh, the foolishness of thinking with the wrong head!

Thinking I had it all figured out at the time, I made the necessary preparations to travel through time and correct this travesty.

As it was now the year 2055 and knowing Sally got married in 2045, I decided to travel back twelve years, to the time she was engaged to this twerp, but not yet married.

Because time travelling warped and distorted the reality of time as we know it, I’d only be gone a day so I wouldn’t even be missed.

And with the decision and the plans made, I foolishly traveled back to the year 2043.

It took me a few days to find Sally and her beau and I did enjoy taking the time to tour this version of the past. To take note of the changes from the future I was born into. To discover how society lived in 2043.

Once I found the young couple, I realised Sally’s partner was even better looking than he was in the year 2055 and that’s saying something. I can certainly see why she was attracted to him but I didn’t understand why she allowed him to treat her so badly? His looks weren’t worth that kind of pain and torment.

After watching the pair, no not stalking — watching, I decided the simple answer was to straight out murder this man. That way she’d never marry him and quite frankly I didn’t feel he deserved to live.

A couple of days later, I was ready to put my plan into action.

One night after watching him belittle Sally again and again, I knew I was making the best decision for this beautiful woman. He didn’t deserve such a precious mate.

I waited in the alleyway beside Sally’s apartment as he walked her to her door and kissed her goodnight.

When he left he would need to walk past the mouth of the alley in which I was hiding. I waited patiently.

As he walked past, heading back towards his car, I hit him over the head with a piece of four by two timber. Hard enough that I heard his skull crack and I caught him, as he slid towards the ground unconscious.

I had stolen a rental car and hidden it further back in the alley. It was to this car that I dragged his unconscious body. A dead weight but I finally heaved him into the back seat and handcuffed both wrists to the ‘oh shit’ bar above the window.

If he come around while I was driving there was no way he would be able to escape those cuffs and he wouldn’t be able to reach or attack me. He was my captive with little chance of escape.

I jumped behind the wheel and carefully backed out of the alley, not wanting to attract attention.

Although if anyone did see and remember me I’d be long gone once the investigation into his murder commenced. Still why attract unnecessary attention?

I drove my prisoner out to the countryside keeping my eye out for the perfect murder site. After about an hour I heard a few groans coming from the back seat. Perfect, as I’d very much like him to be awake and alert when the time come for him to meet his maker.

I watched him in the rear view mirror and it was when he raised his head and glared at me that I glanced out the front window and spotted the perfect place I’d been searching for.

As we rounded a curve, I began to speed up. There on a straight stretch of road, that ran for approximately two miles, was the perfect cliff face. Beyond the cliff face was a deep ravine. The perfect murder-come-accidental death site, except it wouldn’t be ruled an accident because he was handcuffed in the backseat.

As I accelerated further, I heard him begging for his life. It was music to my ears and with a smile on my face, looking into his fear filled eyes through the rear view mirror, I drove the car off that tall cliff, jumping from the vehicle at the very last minute.

The last thing I heard was his scream of terror.

I stood at the top, on the side of the road, and watched as the car rolled and banged down the cliff face and as it hit the bottom of the ravine, the car burst into flames.

I let out a hysterical giggle, pleased to know there was no way he’d survive those flames.

I’d done what I come here to do and Sally was now free to be happy!

Without hesitation I travelled back to the year 2055, arriving on the same day I left but late into the night.

Hyped by adrenaline and exhausted by the deed, I climbed into bed pleased with the way it had all gone to plan.

With that I drifted off to sleep.

The morning soon dawned and I jumped from my bed, excited for the day to come. Full of the anticipation of seeing Sally this morning, I was determined to confess my love for her and finally make her mine.

I quickly dressed and immediately I headed for the office, not even taking the time to break my fast.

That could all wait.

I was itching to see Sally, to surprise her when I confess my adoring love.

Only it was I that got the surprise, or should I say, the shock of my life.

As I walked into the office I found Sally in the arms of my boss, Wayne. Wayne was practically devouring her with his kiss.

I cleared my throat so they’d know they were no longer alone.

Sally and Wayne slowly parted and turned to me with a smile.

“Hello Sam, you’re in early today. Sorry for the display but this is my wife Sally. She’s just returned from visiting her family for the last month and I was welcoming her home. We weren’t expecting anyone else in the office so early,” Wayne explained.

Wife? Wife?

No, this is not how it was meant to play out today. This is all wrong!

I was devastated and trying hard not to show my heart upon my sleeve.

With a stoic face I responded, “I’m terribly sorry to barge in and interrupt Wayne. Nice to meet you Sally, but if you’ll excuse me, I’ve just remembered I’ve forgotten something at home. I’ll be back shortly.”

And with that I fled the office in distress and hurried home, totally devastated.

As I paced back and forward across my bedroom floor I realised my mistake. By travelling back in time and making that change, I had freed Sally up to find happiness. Arrogant enough to believe that she’d wait twelve years to do so and when she did that happiness would be with me.

But no, Sally did find her happiness but it was with someone else. Someone she met at some stage between 2043 and 2055. Someone she loved dearly and that someone loved her back. Here they were living their happily ever after.

Oh, what have I done?

I pace my bedroom floor, back and forth, wearing a groove into the carpet. Why? Oh why? There must be a way to fix this. These thoughts are flying through my mind as I pace.

Foolish, I was so terribly foolish and now I’ve ruined everything. Everything! Oh, what can I do to fix this?

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About the Creator

Colleen Millsteed

My first love is poetry — it’s like a desperate need to write, to free up space in my mind, to escape the constant noise in my head. Most of the time the poems write themselves — I’m just the conduit holding the metaphorical pen.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  4. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  5. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (4)

  • J. S. Wadeabout a year ago

    Great story Colleen 🥰

  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    I like your opening scene, I really feel the stress and anxiety of the main character. Very relatable. I also love the main characters perverse sense of right and wrong, makes him more relatable yet. A very different perspective to narrate, very intriguing and well done! Too bad Sam didn’t get what he wanted though, hard lesson to learn.

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    This is the great and the ending leaves it open to try again. Well done. My friend.

  • Ooooo, I loved the loop! And you can write so many versions of this story using the loop. Just brilliant! But poor Sam, he didn't get Sally. Imagine if he actually tried again and again to get it right. I would read every version of this story that you write! I really enjoyed this one!

Colleen Millsteed Written by Colleen Millsteed

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