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The Beginning

the beginning of love

By FindingYourFlowersPublished 5 months ago 2 min read
The Beginning
Photo by Hisu lee on Unsplash

"You! You are the one who sent my whole world into chaos, everything that was right side up, is now upside down! Left is right and right is left! I've not a clue what to do! My organs have switched spots and I cant sleep! Not without seeing your beautiful face, the smile that graces that beautiful mouth, that leads to your beautiful eyes!" He said loudly, proudly, then sighed in contented bliss at the end of his protestation, the beautiful, yet ordinary woman he was walking to in the street.

"You are mad." she stated plainly but her smile only grew, she turned a slight pink, extending her hand to him, he took it and follwed where she lead. They walked hand in hand to their small house, "Must you make a spectacle everytime we go out?" She asked, the smile still on her lips as she set her bag down, and wrapped her arms around his neck, his around her waist, a similar smile on his lips. "The world must know what you mean to me, how special you are, and how dedicated I am and will be forever. How else would the message get to everyone that you, my love, are a taken woman?" he asked with a quirked brow and a soft peck of his lips on hers.

He kept an arm around her waist and took her other hand in his and they slow danced in their living room to no music. She nuzzled her face into his neck and placed an appreciative kiss right above the collar of his shirt. "I love you." She said softly, she turned slightly to glance at their wedding photo and smiled up at him with wrinkled lips and smile lines. His slightly dried lips placed a loving kiss on her forehead and continued to dance into the night with her, "I love you too, in every lifetime, in any world, you are my only love." he told her as he always does, he turned on their song. Reliving their first dance that they repeated every year on their anniversary, today is their 50th, they swear that the honeymoon phase never ended, but its just begun.


About the Creator


Hello, I'm 24 years old and an amateur poet, I hope you all like what I write! I also post on Wattpad under Findingyourflowers

I look forward to my time here :)

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