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The beginning

The creator

By Rhea Cathleen De GuzmanPublished 13 days ago 4 min read
The beginning
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In the beginning, there was only darkness. A void so vast and endless that it seemed to swallow everything in its path. But within this darkness, a spark of light flickered into existence. This was the birth of God, the creator of all things.

As God gazed upon the emptiness around him, he felt a deep sense of longing. He desired to fill this void with life, with beauty, with purpose. And so, he set about creating his people.

With a wave of his hand, God sculpted the earth from nothingness. He shaped mountains and valleys, oceans and rivers. He painted the sky with hues of blue and white, adorned it with shimmering stars and a radiant sun.

But it was not enough for God to simply create the world; he wanted to populate it with beings who would cherish and protect his creation. And so, he fashioned humans in his own image - intelligent, compassionate, capable of great love and great destruction.

God watched as his people flourished on earth. They built cities and civilizations, they formed bonds of friendship and love. But as time passed, greed and envy crept into their hearts. Wars broke out, nature was ravaged by their actions.

Seeing this destruction pained God deeply. He knew that if left unchecked, his people would destroy themselves and everything he had created. And so he sent messengers to guide them back onto the right path - prophets who spoke words of wisdom and compassion.

But despite his efforts, some humans continued down a dark path filled with hatred and violence. And so God made a difficult decision - he would flood the earth to cleanse it of its sins.

As the waters rose higher and higher, washing away all traces of human civilization, God wept for what could have been. But amidst this devastation emerged a glimmer of hope - a rainbow arched across the sky as a promise that never again would such destruction be wrought upon earth.

And so God's people began anew - humbled by their past mistakes but filled with gratitude for the second chance they had been given. They lived in harmony with each other and with nature, cherishing every moment as a gift from their creator.

And as long as they remembered God's teachings - to love one another as he had loved them - they knew that they would always have his guidance and protection on their journey through life's adventures.

Chapter 2:

The aftermath of the great flood left the earth cleansed but scarred, a reminder of the consequences of humanity's folly. As the waters receded and life began to stir once more, God watched over his creation with a mixture of hope and apprehension.

Amongst the survivors of the flood was a young woman named Elara. She had weathered the storm by clinging to a makeshift raft, her heart heavy with loss for those who had perished. But as she gazed upon the rainbow stretching across the sky, she felt a glimmer of hope ignite within her.

Elara was determined to honor God's gift of a second chance. She dedicated herself to rebuilding what had been lost, working tirelessly alongside her fellow survivors to cultivate new life from the ashes of destruction.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Elara emerged as a leader amongst her people. Her compassion and strength inspired others to follow in her footsteps, creating a community built on mutual respect and cooperation.

But not all was peaceful in this newfound world. There were whispers of dissent amongst some who resented God's interference in their lives. They believed that they should be free to live as they pleased without being bound by divine commandments.

One such dissenter was Malakai, a charismatic but troubled soul who harbored deep-seated anger towards God for what he perceived as unjust punishment during the flood. He gathered like-minded individuals around him, sowing seeds of discord within Elara's community.

As tensions rose between Elara's followers and Malakai's rebels, it became clear that another confrontation was inevitable. And when it finally came to pass, it threatened to tear apart everything that had been painstakingly rebuilt after the flood.

In the midst of this turmoil stood God, watching over his people with sorrow in his eyes. He knew that they were capable of both great good and great evil - it was up to them to choose their path.

One fateful night, as darkness blanketed the land once more, Elara sought solace in prayer at an ancient altar dedicated to God. It was there that she received a vision - a vision of unity amongst all living beings on earth, regardless of their differences.

With renewed determination burning in her heart, Elara called for a meeting between her followers and Malakai's rebels under the banner of peace. She spoke eloquently about forgiveness and understanding, urging both sides to set aside their grievances for the greater good.

To everyone's surprise, Malakai himself stepped forward and offered an olive branch in return. He confessed his pain and anger towards God but expressed willingness to work towards reconciliation for the sake of their shared future.

And so it came to pass that Elara and Malakai led their people hand-in-hand towards a new era of harmony and cooperation. The scars left by past mistakes served as reminders of what could be lost if they strayed from their path once more.

God smiled upon his creations from above, knowing that they had learned valuable lessons from adversity and emerged stronger because of it. And as he watched them thrive amidst challenges yet unknown, he whispered words carried on gentle winds:

"In unity lies strength,
In forgiveness lies peace,
In love lies eternal grace."


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    RCDGWritten by Rhea Cathleen De Guzman

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