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The beautiful thug: she killed hundreds of young girls and bathed in their blood to preserve her beauty

and the end is tragic

By ABDOPublished 12 months ago 6 min read
The beautiful thug: she killed hundreds of young girls and bathed in their blood to preserve her beauty
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Elizabeth Bathory is a very beautiful and educated girl, apprenticed by the best teachers. At the age of fifteen, she married Count Ferenc Nidasde, who was ten years older than her, and moved to live with him in a lonely, remote castle in the foothills of the mountains.

The Countess Elisabeth Baltori was the most beautiful girl in the country, and she was so proud of her beauty that she would stand in front of her bedroom mirror for several hours a day, looking at her amazing beauty and slender figure.

Her husband, Count Ferenc Nidasdy, was nicknamed "The Black Eagle" because he was a national hero in Hungary, where he spent and gave most of his life fighting for the homeland, where he fought the Ottoman Turks with valor and courage. During the periods of her husband's absence from her and his preoccupation with war and fighting, throughout 25 years of marriage, the countess used to stay alone in her remote and desolate castle. Especially her maids, as she was spending her time hurting them to the point of sadism.

Wicked aunt and charming maid

Countess Elizabeth, with time, became a real villain, and what increased her evil, was her eccentric old aunt, who used to visit her from time to time, during the period of her husband's absence. Her aunt is insane, lavish and immoral parties, in which they practice all kinds of debauchery and debauchery, and what increased the evil and debauchery of Countess Elizabeth, is the presence of one of her maids, who was called Dorka and was a real witch, as she taught her all the ways of magic and sorcery, Dorka quickly became the source of her confidence and close help, Where they later carried out disgusting crimes, as she referred to them by doing several reprehensible and evil dirty deeds.

Torturing maids pleasure the great countess

Countess Elizabeth found great pleasure in torturing her servants, especially the beautiful young women, as she hated every beautiful girl, and several servants helped her in the matter, including her evil old governess, Ilona Jo, and the hard-hearted servant Vico, as well as another very evil maid, Named Anna Drola, these servants, in addition to the countess, her aunt, and her assistant the evil witch, formed a demonic group, so that they would remove the clothes of the maids even if they committed the simplest mistakes, then the countess would begin to flog them as she was very pleased with the matter, and their cries would excite her ecstasy until the castle became a black point and hell Unbearable.

Especially after the death of her husband, Count Ferenc, who was injured in one of the battles, where Countess Elizabeth expelled her husband's mother, and thus became more liberated and practiced her sadism without disturbance.

The appearance of the first wrinkles and the onset of obsession with young blood

Elizabeth, obsessed with her beauty and youth, who spends hours in front of her mirror, noticed one morning that wrinkles appeared under her eyes. It was a great misfortune for her, as she noticed signs of time appearing on her face, which she refuses. She had to drink the blood of young girls to stay young forever, an idea that flashed in her eyes and mind.

One morning, when the countess was about forty years old, her anxiety about her beauty had increased greatly, and she felt firmly that she was getting old and that her beauty would inevitably fade away. But one day, while one of her young maids was combing her beautiful long hair, the little maid unintentionally pulled a hair from the countess's head, so the latter got angry, and started hitting the poor maid on her face, until blood exploded from her nose, and a few drops of it fell on the countess's hand. The evil, blood of the maid that fell on the hand of the countess, made her feel a great, indescribable euphoria, and the surprise was that when she slowly rubbed the red spot, her skin appeared from under it cold and tender, so the countess was sure that this blood would restore her youth and vitality and make her skin soft, whiter and more spectacled.

The first little victim

At that moment, the countess called her maid, the wicked witch Dorka, and her evil servant Fico, and they stripped the poor maid of her clothes, tied her with ropes, and hung her, as the countess cut the poor's arteries, and made her bleed on a large metal bowl, and so the poor girl remained bleeding until the last drop of blood and then she died.

The countess bathed in the blood of the murdered maid, and felt energetic and euphoric, and that her skin had become brighter and more radiant. Thus, she made sure of the truth of her aunt and her charming maid, that the blood of young girls is the perfect way to restore her youth.

Filtering the blood of hundreds of young girls in search of permanent youth

It was wonderful for the countess, and from that time she decided to kill the young girls and purify their blood, so she killed all the young maids in her castle, so that she took a bath of blood daily so that she would remain a beautiful young woman, and after the killing of the maids, her assistants proceeded to kidnap the young and beautiful peasant women, and the girl as soon as Entering the castle, she would end up murdered and hung above the great metal bowl so that the sadistic countess could take her daily bloodbath.

Sometimes the countess drank the blood of her victims to obtain health and long life, and with time, she felt that the blood of poor peasant women coming from the village had little effect on her skin, so she decided to kill the girls of the noble classes, whose families were sending them to the castle of the countess For them to learn from them the royal protocol and etiquette to act and speak tactfully at parties and gatherings in the layers of high society, and indeed, then dozens of those noble girls were killed and bathed in their blood, and here was the beginning of their end.

Hundreds of victims and a tragic end

The countess became more reckless in committing her crimes, and with the disappearance of the girls of noble families, immediately after they arrived at the castle, many rumors spread about the countess's relationship with the matter, especially after the increasing number of victims, until the news reached the ears of the Emperor of Hungary, who issued orders to the head of government to investigate what It is located in the castle.

Indeed, on December 30, 1610, a group of soldiers entered the Countess's castle at night, and a shocking surprise awaited them, as they saw dozens of dead girls without a drop of blood in them, and they also found the body of a girl who was still alive and was bleeding over a large metal bowl, and then found Over a dozen noble girls are imprisoned in the basement of the castle.

The shock was after finding the Countess's notebook, in which the names of 650 of her victims were written.

Her trial was one of the largest trials in the history of Hungary, and to this day its facts are still preserved in the country's records, while all her assistants were executed, then hanged, and then their bodies were burned, but the Countess and because of her social status was not tried, but she was not even banned by the court, however, The Emperor ordered her confinement in her castle, then he locked her in her bedroom, where all the windows and doors were closed with stones, and they delivered food and water to her through a small hole in the wall.

In the year 1614, that is, four years after Countess Elizabeth Bathory was imprisoned, in her castle, the guards found her reclining, as she had died when she was fifty-four years old.


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