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The Baby Deal

Chapter 3: Doing tests, breaking hearts

By Mackenzie101Published 2 years ago 15 min read

Blair woke up to birds chirping. It was now Saturday morning.

'Good thing we don't work weekends.' She thought as she groaned, remembering she had medical appointments that morning.

'Really not looking forward to those....'

Blair reached over to her nightstand and grabbed her phone. She started searching the internet for alternative birth options and places. Her search finally brought her to a birthing center. She watched a few of their videos and even some of actual natural births and water births.

'Huh....I never even considered a birth outside of a hospital and no drugs either. I'd be a little nervous as this is my first child, but maybe this is the way to go for me. I'm gonna go check out this place....'

She saved the birth center's information in her phone and got dressed for the day. She chose a jeans material looking button down and some jeans.

'Alright, 5 Million Dollars and my future, here I come!' She thought as she grabbed her purse and keys and left her place to go check out the birthing center.

A little while later, Blair arrived at the birthing center.

'Oh wow....this place looks nice!'

Blair made her way through the front door and into the lobby.

'Wow, it's even nicer inside!'

The nurse sitting at the desk looked up at Blair and smiled. "Good Morning! How may I help you?" The nurse's cheerful voice caught Blair off guard for a second.

"Oh...Hi, I'm Blair and I'm looking at possible places to give birth."

The Nurse responded "Well, we can definitely help you with that! Are you currently pregnant?"

"" Blair stumbled over her words and blushed a little.

"But you're actively trying? Don't worry, we can still help! Right this way!" The Nurse said cheerfully as she got up from around the receptionist's desk.

'They seem super friendly here too.' Blair thought to herself as she followed the nurse.

She stopped her halfway down the hall and had Blair step up on a scale. It took a few moments before the digital numbers came up.

"Okay, 135 pounds." The nurse said as she typed it into the tablet she had with her.

Next, she sat Blair down in the chair and proceeded to take her blood pressure.

"'s 100 over 80. It's good. Follow me, please. "

Blair followed the bubbly nurse through the sky painted hallway, and to a room. She handed her a clip board and closed the door.

Blair started filling out her information on the clipboard.

It was only a few minutes later when another woman in scrubs and a lab coat comes in. She was a small young woman in her mid to late 20's with dark chocolate brown hair. She smiled warmly at Blair.

"Good morning, I'm the Midwife. My name is Kari and I'm the head Midwife here at Humble Beginnings. What can I help you with?"

"I'm looking to get pregnant as soon as possible."

Blair almost went into shock hearing herself say those words. 'Oh my God....did I just really hear those words come out of my mouth?!' Blair thought to herself.

"Okay, well then let me take a look here....." The Midwife said as she took the clipboard from Blair.

"Okay so....this would be your first says here you're currently on birth control?"

"Yes ma'am. I need to know how long I have to be off of it before I can actually start trying." Blair stated, hoping it wouldn't be long.

"Well, everyone's different. I usually say wait a month, but it could be immediately, it could be a month, could be several months, even up to a year or more."

Blair's mouth nearly drops open at her answer.

'Damian is only giving me 3 months to get pregnant! What if it doesn't happen in that timeframe or I get pregnant after the contract is null and void because I couldn't get pregnant in the time he wanted? I'd be broke with a kid whose Dad wouldn't even acknowledge we exist!'

The midwife noticed the concern on Blair's face.

"What's wrong? You look concerned."

Blair shook her head.

"Oh....I....just....kinda thought it would be an immediate thing after I got off the pill."

'It's really because my boss gave me a crazy small window of time to try and get pregnant!' Blair thought to herself, trying to control her facial expressions.

"Don't worry Ms. Huxley, we'll be there for you every step of the way. We even have this great deal where we can do your initial blood work to make sure everything's good to go to have a pregnancy. If you don't get pregnant within two years, we'll refund you your initial payment. If you do, we'll apply it towards your balance with your insurance."

She looked down at her chart.

"Oh, you work for Dresher Inc.! That's a huge company. I assume you have insurance?"

Blair nodded.

" any chance do those labs include STD testing?" Blair said, blushing. She never had a reason to ask for one prior to this.

"We can add that in."

'Yes! Two birds, one stone!'

"So do you want to go ahead and get that done? We can also educate you on supplements and what pain management techniques we'll be using during your labor and delivery." Kari asked.

'I think this place will be a good choice for me. I don't like hospitals and I can deal with pain for a day, right? Women who didn't know they were pregnant or got to the hospital too late give birth all the time and survive. I'll be fine, right?'

Blair sort of inwardly laugh at herself for giving herself a pep-talk.

"Ma'am? Do we want to go ahead and get you processed?"

The midwife brought her out of her sort of daze.

"Huh? Oh yeah, let's do it."

Kari smiled. "Okay, I'm gonna go get the nurse and we'll get some blood work in a jiffy!"

The midwife left and within a few moments, the nurse came in with a tray of supplies. Blair looked away quickly.

'If I see that stuff, I'll be sure to faint!'

The nurse looked at Blair and smiled.

"Ah, you're one of those patients. Don't worry! As long as you don't jerk away, I'll be in and out before you know it!"

Blair gulped a little.

'It's for 5 Million, it's for 5 Million, it's for your future! Come on Blair! You can do this!'

"Alright now, roll your sleeve up...." She rolled up a chair in front of Blair, bringing the bed down to her level.

'Just don't think about it! Just think about all the great things you're gonna do when this is all over. Hell, you might even end up working at a place like this.' Blair closed her eyes, trying to focus on her thoughts only, not the stick.

A few moments passed....

"Okay! All done!"

Blair opened her eyes. She already bandaged and wrapped up her arm.

"Oh....that's it? We're done?"

She smiled at her as she took off her gloves and tossed them into a nearby trashcan. She had already taken care of the other medical equipment.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Wow....I hardly felt a thing!" Blair says excitedly, almost like a child.

She laughed.

"Well, that's what I like to hear! Okay, so we have some information to take home with you and a list of vitamins we would like for you to start taking. Do you have any other questions?"

She said as she handed Blair a small stack of papers. Blair took them.

"No, I think I'm good for now."

The nurse got up, opened the door, and ushered her back out into the hallway.

"Oh, I almost completely forgot! The tour! So, you saw our exam room? That's where you'll be for most of your visits once you do confirm you're expecting."

She led Blair further down the hall.

"We also have pregnancy yoga if you're interested, an on site chiropractor, and you can also choose to do a water birth or on the bed in your own private room."

She opened the door to one of the birthing rooms. Blair stepped inside and she followed.

"Oh wow....this is absolutely gorgeous!"

The room had a beautiful canopy bed. The windows led to a beautiful ocean view. The floor was wood.

Blair walked into the bathroom where the water birthing tub was. The bathroom was painted in a soft brown color. There were spa like robes hanging on the wall and a giant round white tube was almost in the middle of the room.

'Oh my gosh, this place makes my apartment look like a shack!'

"So, what do you think?" The nurse asked.

"I can't wait to give birth here! I'm actually excited!"

'God, what is wrong with me?!' Blair thought to herself as she caught that last bit coming from her mouth.

"Well we're excited to have you! Hopefully the next time we see you, we'll be checking in two of you!"


They both stepped back out into the room and into the hallway.

She escorted Blair back to the lobby. She sat back down at the receptionist desk, and put the car reader on the eave in front of her and Blair.

"Okay, it'll be $200. Will that be cash or card?"


She took it, and swiped it quickly. The machine made a beep noise and she handed it back to Blair with a smile. She printed out a receipt for her and handed it to her with a smile.

"Bye for now! We'll call you when your results have come in."

Blair smiled back at her and walked out the door. She left with the biggest smile on her face.

'Well, at least I got the process started. And now to move on to the hardest part of all of this....'

A familiar voice called out to her as she left the birthing center. "Blair? What are you doing here?

She turned and looked up to see her boyfriend, Brian.

'Soon to be ex-boyfriend.' Blair thought sadly to herself.

"Oh....uhm....I was just in the neighborhood and decided to check out this place."

He looked at the sign and his eyes went wide.

"A birthing center?! My God......Blair.....are we..... are we.....pregnant?! I's cool if you are. I'm happy! I'm going to be a Dad, but....I thought you were on the pill?" Blair saw the mix of emotions on his face. Fear, joy, excitement all in a couple of seconds of each other.

"No, no I'm not pregnant. I just.....wanted to see what kind of services they offer to women. Like yearly checks." Blair lied.

"Oh.....well.......maybe one day we'll be here for the real thing."

'Oh my God, this is breaking my heart and I haven't even broken up with him yet!'

Brian's smile faded. "Blair, what's wrong? You look so sad....."

"Can we....can we go back to my place" Blair asked, nervously.

"Well sure babe. Anything you want."

"Come on, my car's over there." Blair motioned for him to follow her.

A few minutes later, they arrived at her apartment. Blair tossed her keys on the coffee table and sat down on the couch.

Blair sighed as she waited for Brian to sit down.

"Babe, what's wrong? You're making me a bit nervous...."

Blair looked at him. She was surprised she could even look at him after what she was about to do.

" know I love you....right?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"'ve always supported choices....right?" Blair felt herself loosing her confidence.

"Blair, what's going on? Just come out and say whatever you need to say."

Blair gulped.

"I.....I'm breaking up with you.....right now....."

Blair looked on as Brian sat there for a moment. Blair once again saw several emotions cross his features. Confusion, sadness, and a little anger.

"Why, Blair? I thought we were happy. I know we've had our struggles with you dealing with your job and your Mom, but I thought we were fine. You haven't given me any signs you were unhappy. What did I do?"

"'s not you at all, you're amazing....."

"Then why are you breaking up with me? I don't understand at all."

Blair panicked slightly. 'Shit! I didn't think this part through! What can I tell him?!'

"I've....had an opportunity with my job pop up and I won't be available for almost a year."

"So you're going to be soooo busy with this, that you won't have time for me? What about your Mom?" Brian was trying to hide his anger and hurt, but Blair could hear it plainly.

"She's busy dealing with the cancer still. They're going to do a new trial drug and I'll see her in between times that I can. Besides, Dad's with her most of the time now."

"Blair, that's still no excuse to break up with someone! We can work around it! Is there someone else?"

"No, no! Not at all! It's just....a 9 to 12 month project and I really need this...."

"And you'll have absolutely no time for us?"

"No.....Maybe we can get back together and try it again in like....a year?"

"In a year?! Why?! Blair, none of this makes any sense! If you're not seeing anyone else behind my back, and I'm not giving you any reasons to break up, then why would you want to do this to me? To us?"

Blair can tell he was trying his best to hold back his anger, the tears that threatened to fall. She was trying her best not to just throw herself into his arms and give up on this whole crazy deal. Find another way to get out of Dresher Inc. and go back to school on her own.

'But I know this is the only way, this is the best solution, even if it hurts both of us.'

Blair watched him get up and pull out something from his pocket. He tossed it on the coffee table to land in front of her.

'Oh my God is that.....?'

Blair gingerly picked it up and looked at the engagement ring and then at him.

'Brian was going to propose....'

"I've had that for a while Blair. I was going to ask you to marry me soon, but I never found the right time."

He took the ring back from her.

"Now I guess I'm glad I didn't find the right time, because obviously I'm not the right man for you."

She watched him go to her room. He started packing up the few items he had at her place. A few pieces of clothing, his toothbrush, other personal items he lent her or left there. He found an empty box and put it all in there. He picked up his box and headed for her door. He put his box next to the door. Blair was still sitting on the couch, trying not to burst into tears as her heart was shattering into pieces, watching him walking through her place, obviously heartbroken.

He took out his keys and started working on getting her apartment key off the keyring. He eventually succeeds and laid it on the coffee table.

"I'm sorry this ended the way it did. I'll never understand.....maybe one day I will but....not now." Brian said.

Blair can't even look at him. She would burst into tears if she even dared to look at him now.

"I'm sorry...." Blair managed to get out.

"I don't believe it for a second. Have a nice life Blair. I know I'm going to try without you."

He picked up his box, opened the door and left. She waited for the door to click shut and burst into tears. Throwing herself on the couch, sobbing uncontrollably.

'I hope this shit is worth it! I hope I can get him back once this is all over. I can't believe I just did that to him!'

She spent the next 30 or so minutes mourning over her now dead relationship with Brian.

'Guess I'll just try and enjoy the weekend by myself until Monday. I'm sure Damian will be happy to hear I've started the process of being basically his surrogate mother.'

Saturday and Sunday drug along painfully for Blair. No one called her or texted her. She just sat in the dark of her apartment, ordering take out and eating ice cream, crying between random rom-coms and other random movies she found to try and get her mind off the Brian thing and the Damian thing.

' do two men have so much power over me?! One I'm not even dating?!' She thought angrily to herself as she shoveled another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. Eventually it wasSunday, which meant it was time for her to get ready for the work week.

She regretfully got up off the couch, picking up take out containers and at least two single ice cream containers, trying to tidy up her weekend pity party.

'God, I haven't done this in years! I found a great guy in Brian, but I gave that up for money. I'm still torn about that. All I can do is hold out hope that I can get him back after I give birth to Damian's baby.'

She tidied up her apartment, laid out some suits for tomorrow, and got into bed.

'Tomorrow starts the beginning of the rest of my life.'

Monday morning came very quickly. Blair woke up that morning feeling different.

'Maybe because I managed to break two hearts in one day.'

She got up and picked from the office outfits she laid out last night.

'Okay, let's go tell Mr. Dresher I accept his deal and have started the process, which I'm sure he'll be very happy to hear.'

Blair rolled her eyes at the thought.

She left her apartment, locking the door on the way out.

Within a few minutes, she was in her SUV and didn't waste any time making it in to the office.

She grabbed her purse and keys, get out of the car, and made her way to through the lobby, and to the elevators with a mission.

Once in the elevators, Blair was very anxious for the elevator to reach the 12th floor, making the others in the elevator give her weird looks.

The elevator finally made it to the 12th floor and she stepped off into the hallway.

She made her way to the desk, ignoring every "Good morning" every employee was saying to her.

'Wouldn't be surprised if I get called into HR for an attitude problem or something if this keeps up!'

She finally made her way to her desk, Melody looked up in surprise.

"Well, you're here early." Melody said with a smile.

"Is HE here yet?" Blair said, rather snappy.

"He who?" Melody asked, giving her a concerned look.

"Dami.....Mr. Dresher!" Blair caught herself before she could say his first name.

" Why do you suddenly care if he's here? Didn't you say you live for the peaceful days when he's not here?"

Blair moved around to her desk and clocked in, standing and waiting for him to appear.

"I know, and most days those are my sentiments, but today I really need to talk to him."

"O....okay then....." Melody shook her head and went back to whatever she was working on.

'God, I'm starting to sound like one of his regulars and I haven't even slept with the man! Ugh!'

He finally made his entrance to the office.

Blair waited until he passed her desk. She immediately got up and followed him through the double doors before he could close them and closed them herself. He turned around, surprised to see her there.

"Ah, Ms. Huxley, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit this morning?"

"Cut the crap Damian, I've had a hell of a weekend and I have you to thank for that. Now, let's get down to business. How do we get this deal going? What do I have to do or sign? I've already gotten the tests you requested over the weekend, I should have those back this week. I also broke things off with my boyfriend for this so, what's next?" Blair snapped at him.

He blinks at Blair for a moment and then recovers.

"Ah....I admire your proactivity. All you need to do is go over and sign the contract."

'Of course he would have me under contract.'

He went over to his desk and sat down. He dug through one of his drawers and pulled out a rather thick contract and slapped it down on the desk in front of her. Blair came and sat on the other side of the desk.

"Now, since you've made your decision, shall we get started with the contract?"

Tips aren't required, but are much appreciated!


About the Creator


I used to write fanfics when I was younger, now I publish my stories I didn’t get a chance to publish as fanfiction.

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