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The Awakening

Tony Randle

By Tony randlePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
the union

Hello Big Al!

Hello Little Al!

My Northern Nod, and my Southern separated so far apart. By galaxies that takes lifetimes to travel. I see your eyes in the stars.

The power of the unknown possessed by the universe that connects us to the mother of earth.

Have scorn us both you’re an angle. I am covered in the scars of the demon of love. Created to mask the sores and cuts from the water that taunted your purpose on this 3D world.

Her bald round head, the blossoming of the flower she is. Saw the love through the golden rays of the pain that I withhold. She didn’t know it was drowning the child within.

Walking through the fire with teeth that cost hundreds. The smile glowed at night and under the sun. Concealed the death resulting in the rebirth. The trails guided by the barn owl just to live.

Oh, wise Owl the master healer, the wisdom you amplify from the focus of all within. Even Bastet herself follows with patients, relaxation and alleviate from within and the out. Whispering affirmations in the glow of the dark side that came before the light.

The spirts of the great divine masculine and famine. Moving the knowledge of the Gods at the speed of light ringing of the left and right drums. Too, Awaken the memories that jams country songs. While his mother and sibling count sheep in the skin.

The Split of Adam to the sun. She glowed the two are one. As his divine capabilities felt like the warmth of the grand rise. Two of one created the third. When tripled it gave the power of the single space of infinity the highest is nine.

Damaged but, soften me was the cost to see heaven on the land where Eve deceived Salmon to cut his charge of a hundred men. The cycle told the story of life, as well everything done under the sun. She is the totality, the mother of Cosmos unaware of the shadow that was being created inside the heart of her son.

Too, reach the fourth dimension align the first seven that is the foundation of the ascension of the epiphysis. What does the power of the fifth retain? Contradicted at what cost? Each level of seeing the God that the Barn owl visualize when is sees you. What affliction does the next fifteen has in store?

Even though I am the gate keeper of Hell. The son of Fenrir the devourer of the sun. I am the scales and the balance of life and death. Outweighed on either side I’ll destroy the mother that holds all the answers. She placed us…Me…I mean you on the soil. That has every green, red, blue, purple, and yellow leaf that will mend the heart.

Time created only to make us rush through the only life we pay to own. Daydreaming under the stars, and sleeping walking under the Eye of Sikuli. Heir of the morning star, the house of the homeless, and the plug and socket of both.

I Am as I Am the beholder of the world. I turn the tables that makes your soul dance. I am the keeper of the lighthouse that guides you to the shores. I chopped and screwed the beat molding the vibrations that heals the personification of the spirit you carry in your arms. Thus, song followed through like Tyson’s left hook remember follow through with the elbow.

The change of frequency removed the oxygen that stops the beat of the heart. We were once two until we became one. Satan and Jesus we fuse and fought. The illusions of the matrix multiplied and divided. I am prolific and you’re the pride. We swapped instantly to calculate the angle and the distance. Too, ultimately figure out the instant change. Something mathematical something like calculus and trigonometry. The union was magical, majestic if you ask me. Someone had to have vision to bring us back in the third quarter.

A book lost and overlooked told the story of the kid that left the ball one the 40, to play cops and robbers in the field. While, watching for the donkeys. The tiger punished his power stripped like the beauty of her innocence’s when she was 12.

Just don’t forget the wizard the kid that dug through the pages. A young Rochelle Ballantyne disrupted by lack of the use of the tongue. Hid the structureless home. Class with seniors he skipped algebra 2. Told he would amount to nothing because he just wasn’t present.

Would you sum it up? I want to tell you about the two that are one. As they reunite to become the prodigy of the demons and the brother of the most his high. Sabotaged the purpose that connected them both. Your home now I can sleep the delay cleared the way.

No more easting leftovers of the coworkers out of the home of Oscar. This is a shark tale; your evil eye cannot Will me. I am Gogeta, the fusion of frenemies. The ego and the child the perfect connection. Downloading the power of the subconsciousness at Godspeed. Barn Owl of Ga’hoole continue to lead her the sister of the moon.

She’s the mother of the farther and the son. The shadow and the godly state of the mind are the seeds of life. She the universe she id the portal of life. The conductor of the unseen. I am a complex being. The damage still exists, it just doesn't control me. I watch the stars under the sun. I speak to the clouds under the moon. Your home now that’s all that matters to me.

A mirror reflecting our true reflection. The hurt that taught me, are now divine blessings. A true divinity indeed.

Short Story

About the Creator

Tony randle

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    Tony randleWritten by Tony randle

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