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The Arrogance of Beauty

Isabella knew the power her beauty held over others

By Ekombe hauPublished about a month ago 4 min read
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

In the opulent city of Esmeralda, where the sun danced on golden spires and laughter mingled with the fragrance of exotic blooms, there lived a woman whose beauty was unrivaled. Her name was Isabella, and she was the epitome of grace, her every movement a symphony of elegance that commanded attention wherever she went.

Isabella knew the power her beauty held over others. Men would stumble over their words in her presence, vying for just a fleeting smile. Women whispered enviously as she passed, their gazes filled with a mixture of admiration and resentment. But to Isabella, their reactions were merely validation of what she already knew – she was the most beautiful creature in Esmeralda, perhaps even in the entire kingdom.

With each passing day, Isabella’s arrogance swelled like a bloated balloon, fed by the constant adulation she received. She surrounded herself with mirrors, reveling in her reflection as if it were a masterpiece to be worshiped. Her vanity knew no bounds, and she took pleasure in flaunting her beauty at every opportunity, like a peacock displaying its plumage.

Yet, amidst the sea of admirers, there was one who remained immune to Isabella’s charms – a humble artist named Alessandro. Unlike the others, Alessandro did not fall at her feet or shower her with praise. Instead, he observed her from a distance, his keen eyes seeing beyond the surface to the emptiness that lay within.

Driven by a curiosity she could not ignore, Isabella sought out Alessandro, determined to uncover the reason behind his indifference. She found him in his modest studio, surrounded by canvases that seemed to come alive under his skilled hands.

“What do you see when you look at me?” Isabella asked, her voice laced with a hint of challenge.

Alessandro regarded her with a steady gaze, his expression unreadable. “I see a woman who is consumed by her own reflection,” he replied softly. “But beauty, my dear Isabella, is but a fleeting illusion. It is what lies beneath the surface that truly defines us.”

Isabella’s brow furrowed in confusion. No one had ever dared to speak to her in such a manner before. “You think yourself immune to my charms, don’t you?” she scoffed. “But I assure you, no one can resist the allure of true beauty.”

Alessandro smiled knowingly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Ah, but true beauty is not found in the mirror, Isabella. It is found in acts of kindness, in moments of selflessness, in the warmth of a genuine smile. And until you learn to see beyond your own reflection, you will remain trapped in a prison of vanity.”

With those words, Alessandro turned back to his work, leaving Isabella to ponder the meaning behind his cryptic message. Try as she might, she could not shake the feeling that there was truth in his words, a truth she had been too blind to see.

Determined to prove him wrong, Isabella set out to perform acts of kindness, believing that her beauty would open doors that had previously been closed to her. Yet, no matter how many coins she donated to the poor or how many compliments she paid to strangers, she found herself feeling empty and unsatisfied.

It was during one of her charity outings that Isabella encountered a young girl named Sofia. With her tattered clothes and dirty face, Sofia was the picture of innocence amidst the bustling city streets. Moved by compassion, Isabella offered the girl food and shelter, expecting gratitude in return.

But instead of thanking her, Sofia looked up at Isabella with eyes that held no trace of awe or admiration. “Why do you help me?” she asked simply.

Taken aback by the question, Isabella faltered for a moment before replying, “Because it is the right thing to do.”

Sofia nodded thoughtfully. “But do you truly care about me, or are you only doing this to make yourself feel better?”

The words struck Isabella like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the depths of her own selfishness. In that moment, she realized that her acts of kindness had been nothing more than a facade, a vain attempt to prove her worth to the world.

Ashamed of her own shallowness, Isabella sought out Alessandro once more, this time with a humility she had never known. “I see now that true beauty is not something to be admired, but something to be cultivated from within,” she confessed. “Will you teach me how to see beyond the surface and embrace the beauty that lies within?”

Alessandro smiled warmly, his eyes sparkling with pride. “You have already taken the first step, Isabella, by acknowledging the flaws that reside within us all. True beauty is not about perfection, but about embracing our imperfections and using them to enrich the world around us.”

And so, under Alessandro’s guidance, Isabella embarked on a journey of self-discovery, learning to see the world through eyes unclouded by vanity. No longer did she seek validation in the admiring glances of others, for she had found a beauty that transcended the limitations of her physical appearance.

In time, the people of Esmeralda came to know Isabella not as the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, but as a beacon of kindness and compassion. Her radiant smile warmed the hearts of all who crossed her path, her gentle spirit a reminder that true beauty is found not in outward appearances, but in the depths of the soul.

And as for Alessandro, he found in Isabella a muse unlike any other, her inner beauty inspiring him to create works of art that captured the essence of the human spirit. Together, they proved that true beauty knows no bounds, shining brightly in the darkest corners of the world for all who have eyes to see.

Short StoryPsychologicalFantasyFan FictionFable

About the Creator

Ekombe hau

Fictional stories writing and types of good narrative, histories science etc.

content creator in vocal media

lover of music

musical instrument Drummer

Master of psychology and counselling

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    Ekombe hauWritten by Ekombe hau

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