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The Abandoned House

“If walls could talk, they could identify who murdered me and tell you what occurred on the night of my death.”

By Jessica BandaPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 21 min read
The Abandoned House
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

“ If walls could talk… They would tell you I’m not okay. They would tell you about every argument that went on. Tell you about the scars I hide. They would tell you about the nights they had to hear me cry, the nights I’d toss and turn till I finally fell asleep.

If walls could talk they could tell you stories; tell you the truth about what really goes on between these walls. If walls could talk, they could identify who murdered me and tell you what occurred on the night of my death.”


It was drizzling out, the streets glisten with the reflections of the street lights. On a typical evening the roads and walk ways wouldn’t be so lonely. Today though wasn’t a typical day. In fact the whole week hasn’t been of the norm.

Just on the corner street on Broadway sat a local coffee shop “ Colombo’s Coffee & Pastries ”. It’s been there since the 70’s, but throughout the years the only thing that has changed are the menus and prices.

Everything else has remained the same, this could be why it attracts so many. The feeling when you walk in is so inviting. The owners as everyone calls them “Ma and Pa” are the most sweetest souls. Ma’s father had opened this coffee shop and left it to Ma to take over when he passed away. Her father had her promise to never sell out, keep the traditions alive and not to change its look to much.

Ma has kept that promise ever since and the coffee shop still thrives! There is not a person in town who hasn’t came by for breakfast or late dinner, or just a cup of coffee and a conversation. So there is nobody in town these two don’t know! What started as a coffee shop has been turned into a little dine in. I don’t think Ma’s father would disprove.

Every evening even on days like today, rain or shine. Nothing stops Andy from coming in everyday around 7p.m to get her usual. Ma has grown pretty attached to Andy. Maybe because she reminds her of the daughter she lost. Or because Andy entertains Ma by listening to her yap away. Andy isn’t an open book and doesn’t have many friends. She does though have a few admirers that watch from a distance, and an ex who has not quite yet gotten over their breakup.

Friday: 8 p.m, the clock read. Ma keeps looking into the diner to see if Andy has came in yet. With every “ding” from the door bell the anticipation grew stronger.

10 p.m: The shop now closing and still no sign of Andy. “ Dear I’m worried about Andy”, as Ma clutches onto her shirt above her heart. “ It’s not like her to not come in. She hasn’t been in since Monday. Oh I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach” , she cries out. Pa gives Ma a reassuring pat on the back and tells her in his deep Italian accent, “ My love you worry to much, I am sure she is fine. She is young she probably had something come up. You know that Rocco boy probably got the nerves to ask her out! Yeah that’s it. Matter of fact I haven’t seen him all day either. Probably preparing a special night.”

Ma hugs Pa’s arm as he locks up and nods her head, “ your probably right dear, let’s hurry up and head home I’m freezing!” “ We can’t have that now love”, Pa responds with a wink.

Saturday 1 p.m: “Anderson in my office now!” Bellows Sergeant Davis. Anderson walks in not knowing what he is about to walk into. He has been on the force for 10 years and can only recall being called in to his Sergeant’s office cluelessly only 2 times. “ Yes , Sir, you wanted to see me?” Nervously he asks. “ Where’s Detective Marino? Have you spoken to her? You two still talk right? She isn’t answering any of my calls.” “ If she isn’t in here soon I’ll rip both of you a new one! Now go, find her, we have this case to work on, and I need my best on it NOW!” The frustrated Sergeant yells.

Anderson leaves the office and heads outside to have a smoke. Thumbing through his phone, stops at Marino’s contact information. Hesitates a few seconds daydreaming about the other night. The hot steamy shower, kissing her shoulders from the back as he wraps his wet hand around her hair and bends her forward. Marino and Anderson never officially dated. Anderson never was ready to commit. Then there was this obstacle, he was MARRIED!

Marino was his partner for 3 years. She knew he was married, she respected that. Was till their last year as partners, Anderson had told her they were divorcing. That’s when they became closer. Then when Marino made Detective she cut him off. She wanted more than just hot steamy sex and cheap takeout.

Anderson wasn’t very happy about that, specially when he saw her walking with her new man. He’d drive by her house, hoping to get a glance of the two. Watching, stalking, looking to see if they were enjoying themselves.

It wasn’t healthy but deep down he loved her and his jealousy took control. He’d go home at night finding his wife doing what ever in their bedroom and bend her over the bed and fucked her while imagining it was Marino. He did this so much Mrs Anderson just thought he missed her so much and couldn’t keep his hands off her.

Tap… tap… ring..ring..ring.. “ You’ve reached the voicemail of …” click. Nothing, Anderson flicks his cigarette and walks back in. Trying to avoid his Sergeant he heads to his desk.

5p.m: Bruno Moretti walks into Colombo’s. He looks a mess, like he hasn’t slept in days. His eye bags had eye bags. His clothes were plastered with dirt. His facial expressions looked as if he saw a ghost.

“ Long night? You look like you’ve seen a ghost son. What can I get you?” Asks Pa as he examines Bruno. “ I’ll just take a coffee to go please.” As he throws cash on the counter waiting impatiently to get his coffee. Ma hears Bruno and comes out, hands him his coffee.

While she hands it to him she sadly asks , “ Dear have you spoken to Andy? I know you two broke the engagement off but maybe you heard from her?”

Bruno gives her a blank look like of guilt mixed with anger and sadness. He grabs the coffee and heads out the door yelling “ Keep the change!” An off he went like he had something he couldn’t hold off to do.

“ I don’t know, something doesn’t feel right. Did you see how he looked. That boys a mess! I hope nothing has happened to Andy!” Ma exclaims. “ Dear, you worry to much. You’ll see. Comes 7 Andy will be walking through those doors! I promise!” Pa tries to reassure Ma.

8 p.m: Later that evening Anderson drives by Marino’s house. He parks across the street and just watches. He sees a shadow coming from the side of her house. He gets out slowly and advances towards the house. One hand on his 9mm and the other holding his flashlight.

“ Stop, and come out slowly with your hands up, so I can see you. I am armed so don’t try anything fancy.” As Anderson walks closer the shadow walks slowly with his hands up.

“Rocco ? What are you doing snooping around?” Anderson put his flashlight down and takes his hand of his gun. Rocco and Anderson been friends since Highschool.

“ Oh, sorry man if I scared you.” Rocco says. “ Scared ( haha) you don’t scare me. You didn’t answer me though, what are you doing snooping around?” Rocco’s face turned from happy to Oh shit I’m in trouble , he starts tapping his fingers on his pants. “ Uh, I came by to ask her something , but I kept knocking and no one answered so I came to look through her windows to see if I could see anything.”

Anderson doesn’t seem convinced but he knows Rocco and he is a weird man but harmless. “ Well maybe she just isn’t home Rocco.” “ Well I thought that too , but then I seen her car.” He turns to point to Marino’s car parked across the street. Very strange when Marino has a garage.

“ Let me take a look you stay here Rocco. I mean it don’t follow!” Anderson proceeds to the front door. Knock…knock.. “Marino it’s me officer Anderson. Can you hear me? Is everything alright?”

Nothing but crickets. “ I’m coming in!” He wiggles at the door knob to see if it was open. Rrrrr… the sound of the door whines as it slowly opens.

Rocco starts to get worried and yells to Anderson, “ Shouldn’t you call this in?” Anderson looks his way and says, “ The door was unlocked we don’t know if we’ll find anything so why call it in.”

It’s dark, a musty smell lingers, smacks you in the face as you walk in. Anderson covers his nose and turns the light on. Papers from her coffee table laying all over her red stained carpet. An empty wine glass that has been knocked over lays off the edge of the table.

It’s obvious from first glance there was a struggle between Marino and the suspect. Rocco walks in and covers his nose, “ Shit! What’s that smell? Smells like someone died up in here!” Then it hit them both.

“ MARINO!” They both yelled at once. Anderson grabs his cell phone and calls his Sergeant up. “ Sarge , I’m here at Marino’s. There seems to have been a struggle. I haven’t searched the house yet but it smells like death in here. I’m calling you first, send everyone! Something could have happened to Marino!”

Monday 12:35 p.m, four days prior: “John I told you I need some space, I just broke off my engagement and I need time to think things over. I don’t need you getting into my head.” Andy shuffles her bedroom back and forth as she holds on to her cellphone. “ Come on babe, I know you miss me. And you know damn well I can make you forget about that loser. I don’t know what you even saw in him! I bet he is a lame lay. You know I always hit the spot!” John tries convincing Andy.

“It’s always about sex with you isn’t it! I’m hanging up. I gotta go, someone is at the door anyways. And John please just stop calling.” Andy hangs up before John could get a word in. She walks to the door, opens it half ways.

“Rocco? What can I help you with?” She takes the top slide lock off and opens the door completely. “ Hey Andy, are you busy? Do you think I can come in?” Andy looks confused. She knows Rocco from Highschool, but they never actually had a conversation. She’d watch him at the coffee shop. Catch him watching her from a far.

The most he has ever said to her was, “ Sorry” and that was couple years ago when he bumped into her at the grocery store. “ Uh sure come in.” She says as she gestures for him to step in.

He enters and they find their way to the couch. There were paper’s neatly stacked on the coffee table. A wine bottle , a glass half ways filled with red wine. And pictures laid all across.

She tries to cover all the photos and papers and accidentally tips her glass of wine over. As she watches the wine drip all over her carpet she gets up in a hurry at the same time Rocco does. They bump into each other hitting the table, all the movement makes the papers fly all over.

Andy gives up trying to clean the mess. Frustrated already she looks at Rocco firmly and asks him, “ So what can I help you with? I’m kinda busy.”

“Of course I’m sorry I won’t take much of your time. I just stopped by because, well,” Rocco looks to the wine dripping, freezes for a second then finally asks. “ If your not busy Thursday night, if I could take you to this new restaurant that opened up.”

Andy sighs and thinks of a way to let him down easy. She knows Rocco to have some tantrums when turned down. She rubs her arm as she steps back a bit. “ I just called off my engagement to a man I really loved. It be unfair to myself if I don’t take time to process it all and heal first before I go on a date. I hope you understand Rocco!”

Rocco’s eyes turn red and he grabs her wrists. “ It’s just I been in love with you since Highschool and I finally got the courage to ask you out.” He grips harder, “ I think it’s kinda unfair if you don’t give this a shot.”

Andy pulls her arms back and rubs her wrists. “ What the hell!” She yells. “ I think it’s time for you to leave. Did you forget I could arrest your ass for harassment.”

Rocco backs up and without care reply’s, “ Fine, fine I’m leaving. But this won’t be my last attempt.” He walks out the door. Andy slams it behind him. She walks to her window, pushes the curtain to the side just enough to glance out and make sure he gets in his car and leaves.

“What a fucking day this has been and it’s not even 5 yet!” Andy heads to her kitchen grabs a slice of cold two day old pizza from her island and devours it. Grabs a cold beer from the fridge then heads to her bedroom.

Sits on her accent chair takes sips of her beer and shuffles through her photo gallery on her phone. “ What is this fucker up to? What is he hiding in that house? And why out in the middle of nowhere. Nothing but trees and dirt for miles.

Andy tops off her beer , looks at the time. “Shit, I need to go follow this lead.” She heads to this trailer park where a missing lady was reported to be seen last.

Monday 4:25 p.m: Marino with her notebook and pen out sits across this younger man. Almost bones, ashy blonde hair. Aged to young, looks as if he was on narcotics. “So that was last week on Wednesday around 9 p.m , right? And you said he was a tall cacasian man. He was wearing blue jeans, work boots, black sweater, and a black stalking hat. You mentioned you didn’t see his face. If you were to see some photos , then do you think you’d be able to recall?”

The young man shaking his leg nervously, biting on his finger nails looks up at Marino. Then as if he was whispering says, “ I’ve told you already , I’ve told everyone! I didn’t get a good look at his face. I never seen this man around here before. I just found it odd that around the time this girl went missing he starts coming around and through here.”

“ If you found it out of place then why didn’t you or anyone confront him and ask him if he was lost or something.” She frustratingly asked. “ Look Miss it’s non my business I didn’t need that kind of attention around here. If that’s all the questions you have I think we’re through here.” He says impatiently.

Marino gets up nods and walks out the door, “ Well thank you for your time. You been of great help.” She hands him her card , “ If you remember anything, anything at all don’t hesitate to give me a call.” Marino gets into her car and heads out.

As she drives back to town she notices a familiar car drive past her. She slows down and waits enough time to not be seen by the driver. She makes a u- turn and follows.

The driver must have seen and noticed her too because he had vanished. No trace of him anywhere. Marino stops and takes some notes in her notebook. Then heads to town.

Tuesday 3:55 a.m, three days prior: Still the mess in the living room sits untouched. The wine already dried up and the papers just waiting to be picked up. The quiet , cold house watches over Marino as she sits with her thoughts going over all her evidence, all her clues. She feels like she is so close to solving the disappearance of the young lady from the trailer park.

She talks to herself as the walls listen. Tears roll down her face as she prays she is wrong. Days without sleep, must been the crying. She dozed off as she had no control over herself any longer.

Tuesday 9a.m: Ding… Ding… a text message from Bruno. “We need to talk about what you think you seen.” Ding… Ding… “ It’s imperative that you call me as soon as possible.

Marino wakes up to the notifications, stares at her phone for a few minutes. The pit of her stomach churns. She isn’t looking forward to this conversation but it needs to be done, and it has to be done in person. Marino texts Bruno back. “ Meet me at my place at 6 tonight.”

Marino gets showered and heads to see the Sergeant to go over some of her findings.

1:45 p.m: As Marino finishes her conversation with the Sergeant she looks at the empty desk that belongs to officer Anderson. She couldn’t help to wonder what is he up to now. The man she once knew , had love for is a complete stranger to her now.

She was the best detective in her precinct. Yet when it came to relationships she couldn’t unfold the mystery of love.

Saturday 9 p.m : Police officers surround Marino’s house. Sergeant Davis walks in. “ Nobody touch anything.” He demands as he covers his nose. “ I want this place turned upside down , don’t miss a spot. Take pictures of everything, until we find Marino we will treat this like a crime scene.”

“ Sarg, your going to want to see this!” A voice yells from inside her bedroom. Sergeant Davis walks to Marino’s bedroom while examining the rest of the house as he passes. Other than the living room there isn’t much of a struggle anywhere else.

In the bedroom there are officers taking pictures of what ever could potentially help solve what happened to Marino. “What is it Sarg? Is it Marino?” Shouts Anderson as he tries to enter through the crowd. Sergeant Davis turns around and holds Anderson back.

“ I’m going to need you to leave , from this point on your off this case. You were to close to Marino. I’m going to need someone who won’t mess this case up because of feelings. Go home Anderson , hold your wife and kids tight.” Trying to push through to see what they found he cries out, “ BUT SARG! She was my partner.” “ Go home Anderson! That’s an order or would you like to be suspended for a month?”

Backing up Anderson gives in, “ Fine, fine I’m going home! But if you need anything, anything at all call me!” Anderson heads out, but he doesn’t go home.

“This is now a crime scene, tape it up, bag everything! Search this house upside down, nobody rest until Detective Marino is found!” Sergeant Davis yells aggressively, trying to hold back his emotions.

In the bathroom there is blood splattered all over. Looks like it’s been here for days. A part of the shower has a dent , as if her head was smashed into it. Blood dragged into the bedroom, someone dragged her body onto the bed. That’s where the blood trail ends.

Sunday 10:25 a.m: The results from the fingerprints found in Marino’s house came in. Two of these stand out. The killer may not been so smart cleaning up. Or they could be missing another print, more evidence to solve this crime. No body was found on the premises, no hair other than Marino’s. No witnesses seen anything suspicious. They did mention Rocco stopping by and doors slamming. Bruno’s name came up as well, around 6p.m on Tuesday he stopped by.

Sunday 1p.m: News of Marino’s disappearance spread like wildfire. Marino always felt alone in this world, but if only she could see how many people loved her, admired her. Sergeant Davis is kicking himself for not looking for Marino sooner. He starts thinking about it now seeing it’s been since Tuesday morning he has heard from her. It wasn’t out of picture for her to go days without contacting him.

She loved getting into her work and shutting the world out. So he didn’t think much of it. He tries to replay every conversation over and over in his head. She talked about her case with the young missing lady. Nothing stood out, except that these two cases now could be tied together. Who ever took the girl had to have Marino.

Down the hall Rocco sits waiting to be interrogated. “ So Rocco, we have a couple witnesses say they seen you storm out of Marino’s place Monday afternoon. Could you tell me why you were there? And don’t try lying to me. Was Marino in any distress before you left?” An officer asks Rocco, Rocco looks down at the table and starts to cry. “ I swear I didn’t hurt her, I just went to ask her if she would go to dinner with me but she turned me down. We bumped into the table and she spilled her wine. All her papers and photos flew everywhere. But that’s all that happened, I left and didn’t see her again since. She was fine when I left I swear!” Rocco covers his face continues to sob worrying about Marino.

Sergeant Davis taps on the window for the officer to come out. “ I feel he is telling the truth , for now. We can’t rule him out just yet. He mentioned photos , I don’t remember any photos held with the evidence. Those photos must have our suspect, we need to find those photos asap!” “ I’m on it Sarg.” The officer rushes off.

Next door sits Bruno, looking very tired but clean. The Sergeant walks in, I’ll take the lead on this one he tells the officer in the room. “ Bruno Moretti, I have many witnesses say they seen you last with Andy! Even have a few say you been acting out of the ordinary and there been days you been covered in dirt! Where is she Bruno? I know you didn’t accept Andy calling off the engagement. She caught you having an affair. You just wanted it all didn’t you. Andy and your side pieces.” The Sergeant getting angrier by the second, trying his best not to grab Bruno.

“ I swear she was fine after I spoke to her, if only walls could talk! They would tell you.” “ If only walls could talk.” The Sergeant froze, without a word-he ran out, grabbed his phone and called for back up to meet him at Marino’s house.

He started remembering a few conversations he had with Marino, she mentioned often “ If walls could talk.” Like if it meant something but he didn’t know what at the time.

They get to her place , he runs to her room. “What are you looking for Sarg?” An officer asks. Look for anything out of the ordinary on her walls. I feel she was trying to tell me something. They looks for a good 20 minutes and finally, with excitement an officer yells,” I found something Sarg!” There was a tiny hole in her wall, behind this hole was a camera hiding.

“ I think she felt she was real close to solving this case that she had to protect herself somehow. Let’s get this played, we should have our suspect on this recording!” Yells Sergeant Davis.

They played the recordings back. They see Anderson walking into her bedroom. Andy already in the bathroom. He walks into the bathroom and they see nothing else. They hear yelling coming from the bathroom, sounds of struggle. Anderson yelling at Marino. “ You little bitch, you couldn’t just take an L for the first time. You had to keep poking around. I was willing to let you go until I seen you drive past me.”

“ Stop John , let me go! Stop this is rape, you won’t get away with this!” John Stop! I knew it was you that I seen as I left the trailer park!” Andy cries in agony, trying to fight officer Anderson off her. He has her bent over , having his way with her. “ Let go of my hair John , your hurting me!”

They hear a bang coming from the recording. That could been Andy’s head smashed into the shower wall. They fast forward to Anderson dragging Marino’s body to her bed. He wraps her up in her blanket. Then heads to the bathroom again. “ He must went in to clean himself up.” An officer says sadly.

They fast forward it more, Marino’s body is left there until Friday late at night. That’s when Anderson comes back and removes it.

“ That’s it we have plenty of evidence to get a warrant to search Andersons house and arrest that bastard!” Sergeant Davis gets up and heads to Andersons.


What the recording can’t show you, or tell you is how I wanted to get as much proof to put John Anderson away. He was as crooked as they come. I can’t believe I didn’t see it when I was his partner. I been tracking him for weeks up to my death. Not only for the disappearance of the young lady, but also for stealing and selling drugs.

He came into my house as I showered, rapped me as he whispered what he was planning to do to my body. I don’t want people to think I just gave in. I fought, I fought my hardest until my very last breath. He had me in the shower, my hair wrapped in his hand. Gripping onto one of my arms behind my back. He would kiss me as if he was really enjoying this. Like some sick perv. I thought I trained hard enough to be able to escape this kind of attacks.

He must been high on adrenaline or something, he was so much stronger than I remembered. I was so close to getting him off me when he grabbed my head with a grip of my hair and with all his force smashed my head into the wall.

I had to protect myself somehow, days before my death I planted a bug in my room and living room. After I seen John drive by it made my suspicions reality and I knew it be sooner than later he will be stopping by.

The photos on my table were evidence of Anderson at this abandoned house. Him at the hardware buying ominous items. Him meeting up with criminals and selling them drugs he had stolen from the evidence room.

A man that had said he loved me at one point murdered me and left me to rot in my own house. How could nobody check up on me. Bruno came so close to finding me. He would help himself to my back yard finally making that garden I been wanting but never got around to doing. He wanted to surprise me, hoping it help me forgive him for being a cheating bastard. If only he would used his spare key to come find me.

I’d probably be alive still, but I bled out from the blow to my head. When John came back for my body I was already dead. He was hoping to get to me before I died. He had plans for me in his abandoned house.

He brought me there, I met the young lady I been looking for. He put us together, we watched over each other. I begged for her forgiveness, I told her how sorry I was I couldn’t save her. But I reassured her our bodies will be found. It is just a matter of waiting now.

John is not dumb, he destroyed all my evidence. He isn’t smarter than me though, and he probably didn’t think I’d have clues and extras printed out of my evidence. I hid everything they will need to put Anderson away. Besides the bugs I planted in my walls, I hid my paperwork and extra photo prints in my wall as well. I kept hinting to Sergeant Davis “ If walls could talk” , hoping sooner than later he will figure it out. I knew I was playing with the devil, I had to be prepared for any outcome! Now I will wait till they come and dig my body up so I can rest easy!

Short Story

About the Creator

Jessica Banda

Finding my purpose in life one story at a time.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    Really powerful story, I love the direction you went with it! So engaging and compelling, great perspective!

Jessica BandaWritten by Jessica Banda

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