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Talking Hives

Real friends save the day.

By Amanda BlackPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Talking Hives
Photo by Camilo Dück on Unsplash

The top of a head slowly creeps up from underneath a kitchen table. We are looking at mischievous brown eyes. They creep up some more, and now we’re looking at a young round face. This is Lionel. He stares across the table at a single slice of chocolate cake that is sitting at the center of the table with a glass covering. The moisture from the freshly melted chocolate is glistening in the sun beam, shining in from a nearby window. It is glorious. Lionel licks his lips. His eyes quickly find a small index card positioned next to the plate. In neat block hand writing the card reads in permanent marker.


Lionel rolls his eyes. He notices another note tucked underneath the plate. Lionel pulls out the card, it reads:

“ I’M SERIOUS, YOUR HIVES DO NOT TALK TO YOU!” Lionel places the note back under the plate. He pulls out his EpiPen. It has a Captain America sticker on it.

The sound of kids laughing and playing outside can be heard. Lionel goes to the window. There is another index card with a message taped to the glass. It reads:


Lionel looks past the note, and sees all of the neighborhood kids starting a game of kickball. The mid-day summer sun shines down on them. A girl stops running, and notices Lionel watching. Her braids are black and swinging with every move that she makes. She has glasses, and wears a lavender jumpsuit. She beckons for him to come out and play. Lionel does not move. She runs up to the window. She taps the melody of The Avengers theme song on the glass with her pointer finger. Lionel finishes the melody, as he taps the pane from his side. This makes her laugh, as she darts off to rejoin the other kids on the street.

By Nicolas Mejia on Unsplash

Lionel goes to the living room. He dramatically flings himself onto the couch. Bored.

After a moment, he peers over at the plate of chocolate cake.

He is back on his feet, and over at the table again. He pulls a fork out of his back pocket. Has it been there this whole time? We’ll never know. Lionel lifts the glass covering, and stares down at the cake. Lionel wields his fork like a sword, and swoops down to tear off his bite. Then he tosses the fork and uses his hand to shove the cake into his mouth. It’s delicious. He licks the plate.

Next, Lionel’s eyes are slowly fluttering open.

“Lionel, wake up.”

He hears the voice but doesn’t see anyone. He realizes that he is on the floor. The plate’s broken pieces are scattered below the table. Lionel doesn’t remember dropping it.

“Down here, lift your hand.” The voice says.

Lionel lifts his hand. It is extremely bloated from an allergic reaction. On the hand sits a pink fleshy hive.

“ You hit the ground pretty hard.” It says.

“I did?” Lionel says. His voice is groggy.

“Oh yea, this time you made more of plop than a thud.” It says.

Lionel can feel the cool hard wood on the back of his legs.

“ You can’t keep doing this.” It says.

“Ma, doesn’t believe that you talk to me, or that we’re friends.” Lionel says.

Lionel tries to sit up. He yelps in pain.

“I’m spreading to your lower back now.” It says.

The sound of the kids playing outside echo throughout the living room area.

“I’m sure you can find a more likely friend out there ” It says.

Lionel closes his eyes, and listens to the sound of laughter. Hives have begun to cover his other hand, it is bloating.

“Yea, but you’re the one that’s here.” Lionel counters.

“That’s a pretty low bar. And a lot of agony just to have someone to talk too.” It says.

“Maybe, but I don’t mind. You’re fun.” Lionel says.

“Lionel this is not fun. I’m spreading to your torso now.” It says

Lionel lifts his shirt to see the fresh new hives that have begun to appear. He winces in pain.

There’s silence.

“Did you see her again?” It asks.

Lionel smiles. The hives have spread to his face now, and even this small gesture hurts him.

“ Yea….I like that she only ever wears the color lavender. And how thick her glasses are. She looks like a mad scientist.” Lionel responds.

Lionel’s legs begin to bloat now.

“Up we go.” It says.

Lionel’s entire body begins blow up like a balloon. He begins to float around the living room area. At first, he’s bumping into walls and knocking over lamps and end tables. Eventually he steadies himself and turns right side up. The EpiPen falls out of his pocket and lands on the floor with a clank.

By David Dibert on Unsplash

“ I’m like a flag on a pirate ship!” Lionel says excitedly. He begins to lose is breath. Lionel floats along the length of his house. The high vaulted ceilings pull him to the roof.

“This is way better than going outside.” Lionel says his voice getting weaker.

“I’m gonna spread over your eyes now Lionel.” It says

Before Lionel’s eyes are completely swollen shut, he looks down and sees a big lavender hair bow.


“Charity?” Lionel calls down.

“You look like you’re in the Macy’s Day Parade.” Charity yells back.

“What are you doing in here?” Lionel yells.

“I saw a big ole’ thing flying around through your window. So I snuck in through your back door to make sure you were okay.” She giggles.

“HE NEEDS HIS SHOT!” It screams.

“Why’d you do that?” Lionel asks, his throat is closing.

“Because real friends save the day.” It says.

Charity notices the EpiPen on the floor. She picks it up and traces her finger along the Captain America sticker. She smiles at this, and looks to a bloated Lionel floating above her. She climbs on top of the couch and tries to reach Lionel’s bloated leg. But she can’t. She hops onto the coffee table, and jumps to reach him. But he’s floating too high up.

Finally, Charity begins stacking the chairs on top of each other. She has built an incredibly wobbly tower of death. Charity puts the EpiPen in her mouth for safe keeping, and begins to climb the swaying stack of chairs. Once she reaches the top chair. Charity reaches for Lionel’s bloated foot, of which has begun to break though his brand new Nikes.

By Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Finally she grabs hold, the sudden change of weight forces Lionel to swirl around the living room area, with Charity swinging from his leg. Charity, finds the strength to hold onto Lionel with one hand, as she grabs his EpiPen from her mouth. She takes the needle out, and jams it into Lionels leg.

After a moment, they begin to descend.

Next, Lionel’s eyes flutter open again. Immediately he is looking at his face being reflected back at him. Charity’s brown eyes are magnified behind her prescription. He feels a pillow under his head.

“ I like your glasses.” Lionel says weakly. Charity helps him to sit up. She hands him a cup of water. Lionel checks his arms and legs for the hives. They are gone. He notices a bandaid has been place over the puncture wound on his leg. It has a picture of the Falcon avenger. Also known as Captain America’s closest friend and ally. Lionel looks to Charity, and she smiles knowingly. Lionel is feeling like his old self again. Charity stands and comes across the index cards. Lionel can’t help but notice how much brighter the lavender looks up close on her brown skin. Charity goes to sit beside him with the cards in hand.

“At least you didn’t go outside.” She says with a laugh.

Lionel checks his arms for hives again. He sighs loudly.

“ I really should have.”

Short Story

About the Creator

Amanda Black

I am a playwright that is looking for a place to stretch my legs into other mediums of creative writing.

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    Amanda BlackWritten by Amanda Black

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