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Tale of a Green Octopus

A strange little story for a job application

By Corina CochranePublished 6 months ago 1 min read

Edwin Powell Hubble once said, "the universe is unfolding as it should." This is a story that is a reflection of so. I never expected to be where I am today. I'm a green octopus that can survive on land. If that isn't bizarre enough, I also have a PhD in English Literature. I remember the look on my mom's that I was giving up my career as an English teacher to be an entertainer at Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX offices like the back of my tentacle. The look of disappointment is forever burned in my memory. The truth is, I love to dance and I'm really good at it. Try picturing eight legs in tap shoes- it's unreal. I was living my dancing dream however, I was haunted by the guilt of my mom's wasted investment in my English Lit. PhD. November 8th 2022, I was putting on a fabulous show before a large business meeting when we received devastating news- Bankman-Fried had gone bankrupt. The party was over. Thank goodness I have my degree to fall back on. My mom would be elated. As a green octopus, I must say, life isn't so black and white. I don't need to choose to be this or that. And, certainly nothing is ever set in stone. So perhaps, I should put my worries to rest and keep reaching for those dreams.

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About the Creator

Corina Cochrane

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