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Taking Turns

Animal Instinct

By Kai K ColbyPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Bells echoing in the distance brighten her sleep-clouded eyes. She sits upright, the soft blankets beneath her ensuring that every move she makes is done so in absolute silence. Her tongue runs quickly across her lips as her light silver eyes focus on the doorway on the other end of the darkened room. She can already smell her as she approaches, the familiar fragrance of sandalwood and white lily intermingling with the sweat of the day's demands. But there is a new odor seeping into the room, a sweetness that grows stronger with every new footfall.

The light rapping against the heavy wooden door causes her to smile, such cautious and courteous behavior for one who should fear nothing. The keys rattle as the lock turns, and soon the room is bathed in artificial light. It is weak, yet still, she winces and recoils for a brief moment, shielding her eyes as they adjust.

"Nakita? Are you awake?"

"I am. Welcome home, Alyona."

Nakita shifts to get a better view of the doorway, smiling when Alyona turns to greet her. She holds a bag in one hand, taking a moment to free the other by slipping the keys she carries onto the hook near the coat rack.

"Where have you been?" Nakita's voice is gentle, but her teeth gleam as her sharp eyes study the load her counterpart has brought home.

"Rehearsal." A matter-of-fact answer, neutral and natural. Alyona barely even glances in Nakita's direction as she kicks off her shoes and settles her package onto the small table.

"And then where?" Nakita's low, rich voice caresses the air between them, the alluring sound making it all but impossible for Alyona not to look at her, even if she had tried.

"Don't lie to me."

"I would never, my heart."

Nakita doesn't falter, her cool eyes cutting into Alyona, impatiently awaiting an explanation.

"Happy birthday, rodnaya." She smiles, reaches into the package on the table, and pulls out a small pink box. Nakita watches curiously as Alyona approaches, eyes fixed upon the box in her hands.

"It isn't much, but it reminded me of the kind babka used to make when we were little."

She carefully unties the delicate satin bow that holds the package closed, letting it fall away as she pulls off the lid, revealing a single slice of chocolate cake, the icing so shiny it is almost glistening in the pale light.

"Hm." Nakita takes one sharp sniff of the dessert, her nose wrinkling up in distaste.

"You couldn't have brought me anything... fresher?"

"Nakita..." The name drips from Alyona's tongue, hanging somewhere between a sigh and a growl. The taller woman shakes her head, reaching up to lift the chain from around her neck, pulling it over her head of thick, dark hair, and grasping the key it carries, which she uses to unlock the hatch in the door of the younger's cage.

"Anything fresher would contradict the entire reason for you being where you are right now, rodnaya." She slides the little box through the opening, holding it there for as long as her patience will allow, and, when it no longer does, a deliberate clearing of her throat is what finally prompts the other to react.

"Thanks." Nakita pulls the cake into her enclosure, setting it on the floor beside her and redirecting her piercing eyes back to her gifter.

"I want to perform again."


"You can't keep me in here forever. You need me, Alyona. We're better together."

"Nakita -"

"You know I'm the strongest of us. I sell the tickets. When I performed, we could afford an entire chocolate cake from the finest bakery, not this sliver from the back of the market."

"Well, I do what I can with the handicap I've been given." There is a slight edge to Alyona's voice, though she remains calm, her warm brown eyes never leaving Nakita's face.

"If you had even a little control over yourself -"

"Oh, this again." Nakita chuckles darkly, looking down at the cake briefly and shaking her head, her long white braid falling over her shoulder when she looks up again.

"I have never been gluttonous. I have never lied to you. I have never taken from those who did not have something to give which would not be missed. I take what I need from those who are weak. That is our birthright."

"That is archaic!" The rise in Alyona's voice causes her cheeks to flush in shame, but Nakita only raises a brow, smirking triumphantly from behind her bars.

"And what are we, if not archaic?"

"Oh, Nakita, please -" A sudden knock at the door causes her to stop short, her body tensing up as she turns to look.

"Alyona! It's Manya. You forgot your shoes at rehearsal. I was on the way to the pub to meet the others and figured I'd drop them off for you."

"Just a moment!" She moves to push herself up from where she kneels before the smaller woman, but she feels a grip on her hand and she turns quickly, looking at Nakita questioningly.

"Aly. I'm sorry. Thank you." Nakita gives her hand a squeeze and, despite the warm words, Alyona feels a chill up her spine. She swallows down the discomfort, offering up a soft smile as she pats the back of Nakita's hand gently.

"Of course, my sweet." With her free hand, she reaches through the bars to run the tip of her index finger softly down the bridge of Nakita's nose, tapping it affectionately before drawing away and rising to her feet. She gives the other a knowing look as she turns for the door, securing the chained key around her neck as she moves.

Alyona unlocks the deadbolt and opens the thick door with a warm smile, greeting her friend with a hug.

"Manya! You are a lifesaver! I really wanted to break these in a bit more before our next rehearsal." She takes the shoes from the petite woman's hold, stepping aside just slightly in an effort to appear welcoming.

"Would you care to come in for some tea?"

"Oh, I..." Manya peers nervously inside, easily spotting the large cage and the gorgeous gray fox staring her down from behind its wired barrier.

"I was rather hoping you'd come with me, actually. We're all getting together for a drink since tomorrow is a rest day, and we'd love to have you with us for once." She smiles hopefully, but the apologetic look she receives in return lets her know what answer she's about to get.

"I'm sorry, but I've been away all day. It isn't kind to leave pets alone too long." A quiet yip from the caged animal sees Alyona's smile tighten, but she simply shrugs her shoulder sheepishly.

"See? She's already jealous." They both chuckle, Manya nodding her head and giving her friend a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, then. I'll see you the day after tomorrow, yeah?"

"Of course. Goodbye, Manya! Thank you again!" She closes the door, leaving Manya with no choice but to go on alone.

Manya meets their friends and coworkers at the Blues Cafe they commonly frequent, explaining briefly that her attempts to encourage Alyona to join them had failed, before doing her best to divert the topic to anything other than just how strange their introverted star is, with her fondness of caging wild animals and her mysteriously absent partner.

A round of beers and a few comments on the unfairness of their manager is all it takes to distract the troupe, and they spend the rest of the evening drinking and laughing, all looking forward to sleeping in the next day. Whether it is the alcohol, the merriment, or the true fondness she feels for her kind and disciplined teammate, come night's end, Manya finds herself once again at Alyona's doorstep, whilst en route to her own flat.

"Alyona!" She shouts quietly, in that hushed, overexaggerated attempt at subtlety all inebriated humans have attempted at one time or another.

Receiving no reply, she knocks lightly on the door. She steps back in surprise when it creaks open with ease, glancing around before pushing it open and moving forward cautiously.

"Alyona? Are you okay?" There is no answer, but she hears a quiet growl. Taking a deep breath, she gathers her courage and flicks on the light just inside the doorway, blinking as her eyes adjust to the brightness. When she can focus again, she peers into the room, gasping quietly when she sees the cage in the back.

There is no longer that beautiful gray fox she has seen so often in the recent past. Instead, much to her dismay, she is greeted by a fiercely powerful-looking brown bear staring back at her with dark, sad eyes, a silky pink ribbon hanging from its neck, and a piece of half-eaten chocolate cake lying just outside of its reach on the other side of the bolted cage door.

Short Story

About the Creator

Kai K Colby

pursuing my passion and my dream

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    Kai K ColbyWritten by Kai K Colby

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