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Sweet Revenge

The Last Bite

By Rosaline GunnPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

Everyone has a breaking point. Whether it’s ten days from now or ten years. Leslie’s was today. Today was the beginning of the end. No one should have to live like this no one, is what she was thinking while applying ice to her eye and mouth. When people say there are signs no one becomes an abuser over night they hadn’t met David. In the beginning he was charming, tall, handsome, and a doctor. He knew exactly what to do and say to make you fall in love with him. He taught Leslie how to dance and how to have a good time. She never saw the night of November 15th coming.

David’s anger, rage, look in his eyes were pure evil, but just like that it came and went. So did the night of her parents anniversary when he thought she smiled too long at the waiter, the night when her ex called and wished her a happy birthday, the nights when dinner was late to the table, and the night she told him she was pregnant. In a blink of an eye ten years had come and gone. A decade of beatings, rapes, threats, tears, and dinners.

The day finally came, the day where Leslie knew what she had to do. The day when David hit their 9 year old son John for standing up to his father. David threatened her that if she left he would take John from her and she would never see him again. So she stayed until that day came. The day where one fight changed everything. It started off with the planning of dinner and of course dessert . Leslie knew exactly what she wanted to make. Something special, something dark, and sinful.

It was their anniversary, so fitting she thought. Of course she started with with a visit to the hospital where David worked. She surprised him with dropping off breakfast in his office. He didn’t know she picked up something special as well. She knew it had to be something untraceable and tasteless. She knew exactly what she needed, she was the wife of a doctor of course.

She had taken his punishments for years but when she looked at herself in the mirror after the last beating she didn’t recognize herself. The woman she use to be. She didn’t want John growing up thinking this was ok. She couldn’t risk leaving David, she feared the worst would happen. No she had to do this it was the only way out for her and her son she thought, thought while mixing her cake. Adding all of the ingredients that was needed. Sending her son to stay the weekend at his friends house.

Dinner was delicious David said while Leslie cleared the table. As she was bringing the dessert over to the table. The phone rung, David answered, “hello”, silence on the other end. This set him off, off for the last time little did he know. “Who was that”, he asked. Leslie didn’t know, hadn’t a clue but before she could speak she was meant with a slap to her face.

She didn’t cry like she normally would nor did she moan, or run to the bathroom. She walked over to the table with a knife and a plate . David was startled and said, “what are you gonna do with that”? Leslie replied, “ Serve you your dessert”. She presented him with a slice of cake, chocolate, his favorite. She couldn’t eat it of course her face was hurting, but enjoy she said. It’s all for you.


About the Creator

Rosaline Gunn

I am a wife, another of two and a registered nurse. I am more of a spiritual person than religious at this point in my life. So, this is my first time trying my hand at writing. I hope I learn a lot, progress, and make new friends.

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