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Summer Falls

First in 'Summer' Series

By Kenzie BishopPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Summer is a time of happiness & relief from the year's stress. For 18 year-old Summer Lawson, its nothing but bad memories & the universe's poor excuse for irony.

Other Glassview High students pushed past me as the final bell rang. Everyone was always thrilled about the last day of school and to start their summer vacation. Why was I getting trampled? Because I hate summer and I was in no hurry to sprint toward it. The best part? My name IS Summer.

I bent down to pick up my cell phone that had been knocked across the hall by yet another summer enthusiast.


My only piece of technology had been smashed by a foot, just as I was about to be if I didn’t get up.

“I am so sorry! I didn’t even see it there-” a female voice gasped.

When I looked up, I saw a tall and bronzed girl staring at me and my phone that was now in about a thousand pieces. Without thinking, I cut her off,

“Wow, yeah no worries. But maybe next time, try not acting like summer is halfway over and look where you’re going!”

The girl looked hurt and I immediately regretted my response. Don’t get me wrong, I was still furious. But I also recognized what true emotional pain looked like and wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy. Before I got the chance to apologize to her, she had already taken off. I stuffed the largest intact piece of my phone in my bag and scurried to the bus.

Resting my head against the window, guilt gnawed away at me. Sure, I wasn’t exactly known as the most friendly girl at school. But I tried to contain my own pain and avoid lashing out at innocent by standers. Sometimes, like today, all of that hurt seems to overflow and hurt someone else.

“So, are you going?! You have to go, it’s the biggest event this summer!” someone a few seats behind me squealed.

They were definitely talking about the Glassview Summer Festival. That’s the only thing that people her age ever talked about in this town. Aside from summer itself. I vowed to never go again, not that I found any reason to. The hot sun baking everyone and everything on the beach, loud and obnoxious crowds, and tragic memories were just the beginning of it. Besides, she had no friends to enjoy it with anyway.

I snapped out of my self-loathing trance as he bus rumbled to a stop. I grabbed my bag, made my way down the aisle, and off the bus. I hated the bus, mostly because I shouldn’t even be on it at almost 18. But I couldn’t afford a new car and I refused to accept my parents help. I knew they already struggled for money and I absolutely wouldn’t add finances to the list of why I am a burden to them.

“Hi honey, how was your last day of senior year?” my mom shouted from the kitchen. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. I had even more reason to be excited today. It was my last day of high school ever.

“It was good!” I replied, a little too enthusiastically. I didn’t consider it lying to her, but I also really didn’t want her to worry. With it being my senior year, she was hell-bent on having a celebration. Something else that was going to be miserable because of my lack of friends. That meant every guest would be over the age of 50 and either family or family friends. Also because now I had to acknowledge that I have no clue what my life after high school would be.

Maybe I would get a new phone for my graduation party. That would be something I could get behind. With a name like Summer, you’d think I would be bright and happy. Especially during the happiest season of the year. Well, I wasn’t always this miserable and bitchy. In fact, I used to have a boyfriend, lots of friends, and even a best friend. Even more shocking;

Summer used to be my FAVORITE time of the year. That is, until 2 summers ago.


About the Creator

Kenzie Bishop

Kenzie Bishop is a young, new dystopian author. Growing up in a small town, books became of Kenzie’s favorite ways to spend her time.

'Masks & Matches' will be her first novel & is set for release Summer 2022.

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    Kenzie BishopWritten by Kenzie Bishop

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