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Strikes; Essential or Pointless?

All you need to know about the 2023 Teacher and Bus Strikes.

By G.A.L. GracePublished 12 months ago 2 min read


The current teacher and bus strikes are causing significant levels of inconvenience and frustration for thousands of people in London. The strikes are affecting most people's daily routines and making it harder for them to get to work or schools. As well as this, it can be stated that the bus strikes are causing traffic congestions and delays on the roads, which can be irritating for drivers and commuters.

The exact reason for the teacher strikes is unconfirmed, though it could be dissected that there are issues related to pay, working conditions, or other important concerns that the teachers are trying to address. The teacher strikes can have a big impact on students and parents, as well as the teachers themselves. Students may miss out on valubale classroom time and fall behind in their studies, while parents may have to scramble to find alternative childcare arrangements. For teachers, striking can be a difficult decision to make, but it is often seen as a necessary way to bring attention to important issues and advocate for change.

Strikes can be a powerful way for people to make their voices heard, but can also have negative consequences for those involved and for the wider community. Strikes can be effective in bringing attention to important issues and putting pressure on employers or governments to make changes, however they are also a risky strategy that comes with its own set of challenges and drawbacks. Although, this depends on the specific situation and the goals of those involved.

Past Example of Teacher Strikes

One example of a past teacher strike was the Chicago teacher's strike in 2019, which lased to 11 days and involved around 25,000 teachers and staff members. The teachers were advocating for better pay, smaller class sizes, and more support staff, among other issues. The strike ultimately ended with a new contract that addressed many of the teachers' concerns.

Past Example of Bus Strikes

One example of a past bus strike was the London bus strike in 2015, which lasted for 2 days and involved around 27,000 bus drivers and other staff members. The strike was over a dispute about pay and working conditions; it caused a significant disruption to transportation in the city, with many communters forced to find alternative ways to get to work. The strike was ultimately resolved with a new agreement between the workers and their employers.

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About the Creator

G.A.L. Grace

I began writing at 12, but struggled to gain positive results from my work. I joined vocal with the hope that my writing may mean something to at least one person. My greatest ambition is to become an author; to educate and please others.

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