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Story on Mystery of Earth's Secrets

Questions about earth secrets that we don't have answers

By Jela jumaPublished 9 months ago 2 min read
Mystery of the earth

Hey everyone! Space exploration is always fascinating, with new discoveries and space missions like SpaceX rockets. Sometimes it feels like we know everything about Earth, like an old married couple, but there's still a lot of mystery left. Let's explore some basic things about our planet that we still don't fully understand.

1. Unexplored Caves: Did you know that over 95% of our oceans remain unexplored? But even on land, there are thousands of undiscovered caves, estimated to be around 90% of the planet's total. Even in well-explored regions like the US, about 50% of caves remain undiscovered.

2. Unknown Minerals: We know about 5,000 minerals on Earth, but experts believe there are over 1,500 minerals that we still don't know about. Many of these may be in unexplored areas.

3. Earth's Interior: We've only scratched the surface when it comes to understanding what's beneath our feet. While we have theories based on analysis of gravity, fossils, and earthquakes, there's still much we don't know. In 2014, a discovery hinted at an ocean inside the Earth, possibly containing life.

4. Undiscovered Civilizations: We've found evidence of ancient civilizations like the Mayans and Egyptians, but there could be hundreds or even thousands of hidden civilizations yet to be discovered, buried under dense vegetation, deserts, or underwater.

5. Unknown Species: Earth is vast and home to countless creatures, with many yet to be seen or documented. Researchers estimate there may be five to ten million species, of which we've identified only around 1.2 to 1.3 million.

6. Gravity's Mystery: Despite understanding gravity's effects, scientists still struggle to fully explain what gravity is. It's one of the four fundamental forces of nature, but its actual nature remains elusive.

7. Slippery Ice: While it may seem simple, the reason why ice is slippery has puzzled researchers for a long time. Theories range from pressure-induced melting to friction, but none fully explain the phenomenon.

8. Moon's Origins: The moon's creation is still a mystery, with various theories suggesting it was either formed from a part of Earth, captured from another celestial body, or created by a massive collision.

Isn't it amazing that there's so much left to discover and understand about our own planet? Embracing the mysteries makes life exciting! Let me know your thoughts on how the moon might have been created. See you later!


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