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Story of Lucky - Part 2

Still in through the dog's eyes

By Ankitaa ArunPublished 4 months ago 4 min read


Mr. Striker is out and, in the field, just Lucky and Ankitaa. Ankitaa misses and slips, and now let’s see if Lucky can score. Wait for it, wait for it, Lucky kicks, and the ball scores! Lucky is now the new champion and record-breaker of Dogsbone Village! Zzzz! Zzz! Ruff, YAY! Wait a second. Why am I not in the ‘fetch’ field? Did I not score? What happened to Dogsbone Village? Oh, don’t tell me it was a dream!

“Lucky, wake up! Did you have a dream?” Seriously? There’s always that one person who asks you if you had a dream after you just had a dream. Talk about a cruddy life. I mean being a dog is luxurious but sometimes it’s just purely annoying. You can’t oversleep, overeat, bite, growl, ETC. Wait a second. I do oversleep! But why did Ankitaa wake me up?

After that, she grabbed me and cuddled me tight…I could sense sorrow in her face, a salty water fountain (delicious!), and pink cheeks. Suddenly, things got weird! Super weird! Mr. Bossy dad came over to me and hugged me tight. Is he trying to attack or worse, sweetly kill me? Mr. Bossy dad never does this to me, plus I could sense the same sorrow on his face. Another salty water fountain!

All the family meme-bers (Hehe), including my neighbors (mom and bro), came around and hugged me. Come on, this is fun, but seriously, WHAT IS GOING ON?!!


ZZZ! ZZZ! Huh, oh yeah…you can’t expect me to stay awake all the time! Or do you ?.. Anyways where was I? Aha! Everybody kept passing me like a parcel and hugged me tight. For once, I thought they were zombies! Correction, sweet, caring, and friendly zombies! Even the thought of it makes me feel rainbow puke-Ish!

This wasn’t usual. It was …unusual. Yesterday, I was left alone for some ‘me’ time. Just me and the handsome rabbit plush living the dream with ice cream and a black TV. I can’t lie, TVs are extremely interesting only when they are black! I seriously don’t understand how people can stand watching the pale, un-meaningful dramas! But today…WHAT!

Dingity ding dong! Rufffff! What? I can’t help singing my melodious tunes to passers-by or better, Dad! However, instead of dad, a man with 3 children stormed inside my house. Mom gave them a death stare and they stopped right in the middle of their tracks and quietly strolled to the sofa! (Girl power!) I couldn’t understand what was happening especially after the contrast of emotions present in our family and his. I patiently stayed behind Ankitaa who was standing near a corner and was quietly mumbling about…Me! She rushed to her cupboard, grabbed her dog journal (which of course was about me), and kept it close to her heart. Next, she brushed my fur with my comb and used tears as a conditioner. I snuggled with her and thought that maybe this was the last time.


Could this be the last time? The last time I sleep on Ankitaa? The last time I sleep and eat in an air-conditioned room?

Sniffle, Sniffle! It’s #melancholy but more of sad here. The tears and sadness swirling like a tornado around my heart, ready to pull me in. Sometimes life goes on so well and then suddenly, it all vanishes…into thin air. It’s easy and hard being a dog! It’s ‘eard’ because you can be transferred to many hearts and hands. But I really got attached to Ankitaa and Mr. Bossy Dad, even though he can be bossy! Every night she would pull my bed inside the air-conditioned room and give me treats for being a good girl that day. If I were to leave, I would lose a lot of weight! That’s for sure. No one can ever replace them, not even ones that got tamed by Mom!

When I finally finished my pity party, the guy with 3 children introduced himself to Dad. I think his name was John. Followed by Johnny, Joshy, and Jeremy! Really? Couldn’t you all find better names? That guy was okayishly kind and sweet. But he was kind of pumped (Hehe)…with food! Maybe it won’t be that bad. Apart from the names. Even I could name them better! Anyways, I could relate to this guy, I mean, these guys.

But still, jeez, the names! Jesus would punish them for such lazy names!


I slowly approached them, but not exactly the way I approached my earlier masters. Oh, I remember that time! It was huffy and puffy. Anyway, I tried to make my way towards them but kept swinging my head backward, signaling Ankitaa. She was 100 percent upset. I stopped right in my tracks and sprinted towards her. Toppling her over and licking her face was the last thing I could do. Memories of us kept flashing before my eyes as I reluctantly tried to avoid and cherish them at the same time. The tornado churned in me again. Except this time it was massive.


About the Creator

Ankitaa Arun

Helloo!! I love writing fiction and love sharing them with others. I found Vocal and was like cha-ching! Make sure you read all my posts and like and leave a tip on them! Love yall!! stay safe

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 4 months ago

    Fantastic! Well written!

AAWritten by Ankitaa Arun

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