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Star Struck

An elderly widow hesitantly uses a new technology for a chance towards a new beginning.

By Mustafa AzeemPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 10 min read
Star Struck
Photo by Alwi Alaydrus on Unsplash

My grandkids are the ones that implored me to join, really. I would never join a dating service otherwise. I’m perfectly happy alone.

Star stuck is a virtual reality dating app that allows the elderly to fall in love with someone as if they’re young again. It’s hard to meet someone when you’re in an old brittle body prone to a wheelchair like me. Love is about getting up and dancing till the sun comes down. Everyone knows that, but the creators of star struck were the first ones to do anything about it. It’s too bad that I have no interest in falling in love again as a virtual young man.

My grandson knocked on the door. It feels like I haven’t seen anyone in a month, even though he came last weekend too. I used an app on my phone to unlock the door and let him in.

“Ready pop?” He asked.

“You know you really don’t have to take me if it’s a hassle Micheal,” I said. “We can stay in and watch a movie together too. I just want to spend time with you.”

“You promised me you’d try it,” Micheal replied. “If you don’t like it, I’ll give up like I promised.”

He helped me get dressed and then get into my wheelchair.

He got me in the car and drove straight towards the offices of Star Struck. In the car he continued trying to encourage me.

“There’s never a reason to be alone in today’s world pop. One click of a button and people from all around the world are available to connect with.”

“I’m not alone. I have you,” I reminded him. “Besides, How many of those people are really worth connecting with though? It took me till the age of 35 to find your grandma, you know. I’m not exactly easy to fall in love with.”

He laughed. “Then this was made just for you. I’d reckon that the issue before wasn’t you but rather the lack of options. Now, the entire world is a prospect. That’s why I’m bringing you here.”

They parked and Micheal wheeled me into the offices.

It has a sleek, postmodern look. Yet, instead of a trendy dating service it seemed more like a clinic.

I tried to relax in the waiting room while Micheal signed me in.

We then sat there for what felt like an eternity.

“If you actually find someone you like, I’m going to buy you the at-home package. You’ll be able to see your lucky lady through the app right from home whenever you want,” Micheal said.

“That’s a big if,” I replied.

Finally, somebody came out of the door and called for my name. Micheal immediately got up and started wheeling me over.

“Pleasure to meet you, my name is Erica!”She was wearing colorful, eccentric glasses. “I’m the nurse that will be monitoring your vitals throughout the process. Come in to room 12,” she said.

Erica led us into the room and helped Micheal move me from the wheelchair to a large chair attached to a bunch of machinery. It was admittedly very comfortable. She then took my vitals.

“The engineer will be right with you,” she said as she left.

About thirty minutes later, a man in a silver lab coat and a warm smile finally walked in.

“Pleasure to meet y’all. My name is Richard,” he said as he hurriedly sat down.

“Pardon my lack of punctuality, it’s been a busy day.” He pulled out a stack of papers and started looking over them.

“So, we’ve already compiled your file. Let me see here... so you were widowed 11 years ago I see? I’m so sorry.” He said.

“Thank you,” Micheal replied for me.

“But, you’re still young amirite? You’re never too old for a new adventure,” He said while smiling.

“To be completely honest with you, I’m only here because of him,” I said.

“Yeah I can tell,” he replied. “Your grandson here has been calling us a lot to get everything ready. Sending us everything we need immediately upon request. Medical records, personality write-ups, the whole nine yards.”

He looked up from the file and right at Micheal. “You’re a really caring grandson, you know. I hope mine are half as caring one day. ”

Micheal smiled. “I just want what’s best for him.”

He then turned to me.

“Have you tried seeing anyone since your wife’s passing?”

“No,” I sternly said. “Frankly, I don’t see why I need to. I’m never been desperate enough to use an app.”

“This isn’t just an app sir,” he replied. “You’ll soon learn that this is an adventure unlike anything you’ve ever seen. How about we get started?”

“Okay. Sure,” I said. I feel like talking in as few words as possible. I don’t like feeling like a patient the way this man seems to look at me.

“So, after you decide which reality setting you prefer we will commence the matchmaking calculation and get you going.”

“What does that mean?” Micheal asked. He sounded almost unnaturally enthusiastic.

“Well, picking the reality setting before making the calculation is the most effective way to make the best match. We’ve found that two people that already want to explore the same location are most likely to bond.”

“What do you mean location?” I asked.

He smiled again at me. Something about his smile was off.

“Any kind of reality. Any kind of location, any kind of avatar. Pick the perfect first date, no matter how crazy it sounds.”

Micheal then budged in. “You said designing your own is more expensive though right? Don’t you guys have baseline priced reality settings, because that was my understanding,” he said. Suddenly sounding like he was negotiating over a used car.

“Yes, there are baseline options of course. I was just wondering if your father would make to make one of his o-”

“-no the baseline is fine. Thanks,” Micheal replied.

“Okay, sure,” he replied.

He took out a piece of paper and handed it to me.

“Can you just read it out to me,” I asked.

“Sure,” he replied again.

“So our baseline options include things like a night out in Paris, a hot air balloon ride, a hike in Los Angeles, etc . And for movie settings we’re looking at things like Casablanca, When Harry Met Sally, Brokeback Mountain-”

“-wait why are you naming classic movies?” I asked.

“Well, you can pick them as your reality setting,” he said.

“I don’t understand,” I replied.

“You can pick one of the movie options if you want your first date to be in the world of the movie with the avatar of the characrers.”

I couldn’t believe my ears.

“You want a movie then?” He asked.

I looked over at Micheal before asking “Is that more expensive?”

“No, it’s one of the baseline options if it’s one of the old classics,” he replied and smiled.

I wasn’t expecting this.

“What are all the movie options then?”

“So other than the ones I just mentioned we’ve got The Princess Bride, Dirty Dancing, Titanic, Beauty and the Beast-”

“You guys have Titanic?”

“Yes sir, we do.”

“Um. I’ll do that one then.”

“Alright perfect. We’ll get that prepped right away.”

“Who’s the girl going to be?” I asked. I almost forgot that was part of the equation.

“Well, She’s going to be another elderly widow like yourself, who not only has a compatible personality profile but also chose Titanic as her reality setting.”

“Isn’t that kind of a coincidence?” I asked.

“No, it’s all part of the algorithm that brings you both together. We have thousands of clinics around the world with people in the same position as you. Within an hour we should be able to find someone somewhere.”

He left the room then. I sat there with Micheal not sure what I was awaiting.

“You don’t have to be afraid pop,” Micheal said. “Virtual reality has been around for like 10 years. They’ve just made a new use of it.”

After exactly 30 minutes, Richard walked back into the room.

“A Match was found!” He exclaimed.

Micheal beamed, while I stayed hesitant.

“Who is she?” I asked.

“It’s up to her discretion to tell you what she wants about herself. Same with you to her. Just like real life,” he excitedly replied.

“Let’s get this going,” Micheal happily said.

A team of 5 people including Richard and Erica started strapping me to the chair. I was eventually covered in multiple wired velcro coverings, from my feet all the way up to my neck. Last, they prepared a big black helmet in front of me.

Erica came to my side with a needle. “Now, I’m going to put some anesthesia in you. You’ll fall asleep, and when you wake up you’ll be in there.”

“This is all happening a little too fa-” I didn’t have time to ask any more questions before I felt myself falling asleep.

By Artyom Kabajev on Unsplash

I woke up in a tiny bed.

After rubbing my eyes awake, I caught a glimpse of my hands. They were completely different.

I shot up from the bed and stood up. I was in a tiny cabin of a boat, with a porthole behind me that had a view of the water.

I scanned my new body up and down. My new fresh legs were amazing me. I curled my toes.

“This can’t be real,” I said out loud before immediately shutting up in shock. My voice was different too.

I ran to the first mirror in the room I could find. I looked exactly like Leonardo DiCaprio from the movie. I was Jack.

I started hyperventilating.

I walked outside the door and explored the setting. I was in utter awe of everything.

Eventually I found myself in the one of the main lounges with the giant staircase and massive chandelier right from the movie.

On those stairs, was Rose. Or Kate Winslet? I’m not sure how to refer to her yet.

She caught my eye and immediately stood up with a warm smile.

She walked over to me and hugged me.

“5 minutes in here alone can feel like forever,” she said.

“Right.” I said. I stared at her blankly with difficulty processing what was in front of me.

“You look a little.. wait is this your first time?” She asked.

“Yes it is,” I shyly said.

“Oh my god, no way. This is such an honor!” She exclaimed.

She grabbed my hand and rushed me away. I was still enjoying my new body, and how easily it moved, when eventually we ended up on the open air dock.

“Well, How many times have you done this?” I asked.

“I try to come everyday,” she said.


“Yeah, I bought the at-home system. Every day I like to try out a different place. Today happens to be here.”

“Okay, so what’s your real name? Where are you from? How old are you?”

“Woah woah woah hold it there cowboy. You’re not getting any of that out of me on the first date,” she said laughing.

“Well, I thought this was a match making service.”

“It is, but you can also just choose to meet a new person every time and have fun. We can hang out again if we decide we want that at the end of this date. and that’s a big if, no offense.”

I stood there pondering.

“Don’t think so hard,” she said. “Just enjoy it. We’re not going to be alive forever. But in here, it can feel like we’re getting as close as possible.”

I looked around the dock and started looking at the ocean. The water was absolutely beautiful.

“Just focus on the present moment. That’s the main lesson I’ve learned from using this service. Just let yourself enjoy what’s right in front of you for once.”

“Right,” I replied.

She grabbed my hand again.

“Well, let’s go explore now,” she excitedly said.

“Let’s do it,” I said. This time with the slightest smile. I never expected my life to actually include some variety in this age.

We spent the rest of the afternoon exploring the ship. Eating fancy food, jumping on fancy beds, running in the hallways, and dancing at the ball. I haven’t done anything like this in decades.

She led me the whole way, and I got her to laugh more than a few times. It was much easier having her with me to explore the place.

Eventually, we ended up back on the docks. This time in the front of the ship, where the most iconic scene of the movie takes place.

The sun was setting and the beauty was permeating all around us. I walked up to lean against the fence.

“So, how was your first date in the service?” She said.

“Pretty good,” I smiled. “Just walking around with fresh legs was fun enough to be honest. Exploring one of the most iconic ships of all time? That was not something I ever thought I’d experience.”

“Now you know why I’m in here everyday. Each setting has its own charm.”

“I need someone like you to show me some more of them, then.”

“Hmm. Yeah I had fun today too. I would be okay with doing this again tomorrow.”

“Are you going to tell me your real name?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you tomorrow. Just to make sure you show up,” she smiled.

She held my hand and we watched the sunset together. Admittedly, I felt more alive than I have in the last 10 years.

By Adam Ling on Unsplash

Outside the virtual reality, Micheal waited with Richard. Micheal was tapping his foot on the ground constantly in anxiety.

“Do you think it’s really working?” Micheal said. “He’s not just asleep is he?”

“It’s working,” Richard replied. “His brain waves are active so we know he’s moving in there.”

“This better not have wasted my money doc,” Micheal said.

“I’m an engineer first of all. Second, this is your first time here but I do this this everyday. Just wait, your dad will come out and immediately ask for the at-home service so he can do it again tomorrow.”

Micheal kept wondering. “So he definitely won’t catch on that it’s not a real girl?” He asked.

“No, he won’t.”

“But what if he wants to meet one of them in real life?”

“They’ll break up with him. He’ll end up up finding another one.”

Richard smiled before continuing. “The AI’s are flawless. They’ll keep your dad distracted for the rest of his life as promised. He’ll never bother you again.”

“He better not. That’s what I paid for.” Micheal replied.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Mustafa Azeem

Sci Fi fan from South Florida!

Twitter: mustafaazeem_

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    Mustafa AzeemWritten by Mustafa Azeem

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