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Soul Tribes

The Beginning

By Shauna HopkinsPublished 2 years ago 21 min read

“There weren’t always dragons in the valley” my sister Tisha mumbled under her breath. “Huh? Girl what are you talking about? And what does that have to do with me seeing actual fairies or whatever those little flying creatures were?!” “Maggie you remember growing up… mom would tell us stories about how the world is full if magic and that our family is a very important apart of that world. She told us that one day when we least expected it it would be shown us.” Tisha always believed in the fairytale world and I did too when were little kids but I’m 15 now and she is 11; we are getting a little old for those stories….so I thought. “Tisha I still don’t understand the dragon valley thing…. What does dragons flying in the valley have to do with magic or the things that I saw?” “Well Maggie if you remember correctly, mom told us that there’s always magic all around us. But we can’t see it, remember she said there could be dragons flying around us right now, but mankind has made us forget over the years where we came from. And all I’m saying now Maggie is that maybe it’s time for us to fulfill our destiny and really figure out where we came from and what part was supposed to play and discovering this magical world.” I just shook my head and laughed until Tisha that reminded me so much of mom. But what I could tell Tisha was that when mom died all the magic that I had in me died with her. My World went dark the day I found out our mother was gone. I love Tisha and I don’t wanna take the magic and light away from her so I continue indulge her fantasies.

“So are you gonna go explore some more Maggie? Are you gonna go back to the stream to see if you can spot them again? Because if you go I wanna go… I promise I won’t get on your nerves….pleeeaaasssse??!!” “Fine Tisha we can go back down there and see if you see anything, but don’t get your hopes up I’m sure it was just my imagination is probably some little lizard or something and I just let my mind run away with me. But promise me when we get there don’t go into the words any deeper don’t go exploring anything you’ll have any business exploring cause I’m not coming to look for you if you get lost.” Ever since we were little girls my sister had a strange thing of wandering off and scaring all of us while we had to search for her. She was always in some random weird place like in between the horses on the carousel playing hide and seek except no one was playing with her. She always claimed that there was a friend who was guiding her and telling her where to go and what to look for. It was always kind of weird to me but my mom always told her to treat her friend well and trust that her friend had a best interest at heart.

“Hello.? Oh hey Alex I’m not doing much… I promise Tisha I will take care down to the stream later do you wanna go OK will just meet me at the house around 5 o’clock. It’s too hot to go right now so let’s let it cool off some and go right before it gets dark. OK I’ll see you then byyyyee!” . Alex was one of my best friends ever since I can remember. Alex and I became friends when we were in kindergarten and he was really shy and he had been crying ever since his mom had dropped them off at school that morning. So on the playground when he was by himself I asked him to push me on the swings. And from that moment on we were thick as thieves, if you saw one you saw the other. My mom would call us Pete and repeat. I didn’t understand what that meant until I got a little bit older. I really miss my mom saying weird old things like that. She always said that she thought me and Alex end up getting married one day, but he’s my best friend so I rather keep it like that for now. “ Come on Tisha it’s time to go it’s finally cooling off so let’s go before it gets too late.” Tisha came running down the stairs with her best friend Ginger following right behind her. Ginger and her have been friends since they were in daycare. Ginger was always the loud one the troublemaker the feisty one, or Tisha was the calm one and the one that tried to think before making decisions. “Tisha that was not a part of the deal I did not tell you Ginger could come. Emphasize if something happens I don’t wanna hear her mom‘s mouth.” “ Maggie my mom said I can spend the night tonight so she doesn’t know how to know what happened. And besides we are just going to the stream, it’s not like we’re trying to save the world or anything.” But what is that old saying…. Oh yeah famous last words. Ginger had no idea that those words were gonna come back to haunt us. “Fine whatever come on get your coats just in case it gets cool later and make sure you wear your walking shoes. Tisha grab your backpack water bottles and some cheese and peanut butter crackers in there just in case we get a little hungry before we get back.” Maggie why do I have to get it why can’t you get it?” “Because T-shirt it was your idea to do this not either you get the stuff over not going. And make sure you get enough for Alex to cause he’s coming along with us. So Alex can come with no problem but Ginger I get the third degree! How is that even fair?!” Girl just go get the stuff so we can go before I change my mind!” Ugh little sisters are so annoying sometimes, why is everything a struggle with her?!

After a 20 minute walk down to the stream in a nearby park, we finally got to where I saw “the fairies.” “So Maggie where exactly did you see him right here?” Yeah around there I told you though I think it was just some lizards or something or maybe a dragonfly I don’t know. But I do know that whatever it was it kept staring at me for a very long time and it didn’t seem to be afraid of me. Then Mrs. Jackson came by with her dog and Buster started barking at it and then it end it seemed like it disappeared into thin air”. “Well let’s cross the stream and go see if we see anything on the other side of the stream. “See Ginger that’s what I was talking about I was trying to do too much, did not tell you that we weren’t doing anything extra just seeing the stream?” “I don’t know Maggie why don’t we go ahead and let Ginger and Tisha explore a little bit will be right here with them and besides if you get scared you can always hold my hand” . Alex had a small smirk on his face when he said that, but little did he know I was really OK with him holding my hand. I know he’s my best friend but as we’ve gotten older and have to meant he has gotten a little cuter. “Fine you guys go ahead and go we’re right behind you but don’t go too far we need to be able to see you or at least at the very least hear you. Be careful crossing that stream there’s nothing worse than walking back long ways with wet shoes and wet socks”. “Oh Maggie we got it we know how to cross the stream. Come on Chandra let’s go. Alex and I watched Tisha and Maggie cross the stream successfully and then we cross behind them. I almost slipped on the last stone but just like Alex promised he grabbed my hand and help me finish crossing. Once we got across the river and look back, the stream seemed wider than it was before. As I was looking across the stream I noticed that Miss Jackson was down there walking Buster again and when I yell hey Miss Jackson she didn’t respond but Buster barked and he clearly saw and heard me. Miss Jackson on the other hand seem to either be ignoring me or is completely oblivious to me being there. Come on y’all hurry up you guys don’t want us going too far here but you guys are taking forever let’s go! OK I’m coming, Alex is trying to catch up with them you know how those two are. Alex just kind of shook his head and start laughing and he and I spit our walk up to catch up with the girls. However the further we seem to go into the wood area the darker it became. Alex is it me or is it getting dark pretty quickly? According to the time on my phone we have at least another hour and a half before the sun sets. Yeah I was thinking the same thing I just didn’t wanna seem like I was scared but Maggie have to meet it’s kind of weird and when you look behind us we can’t even see the river anymore. Let’s just go get the girls and head back before this gets any worse. I agree Alex let’s go catch up with them. Tisha ginger where are you guys I know you can hear me don’t play with me this girl was time to go. But I didn’t hear them so I can see the other name and Alex and I walk deeper and deeper into the woods. Alex I’m getting nervous tissue wouldn’t play like this I think there’s something wrong do you think we should go back to get help? Well let’s give it another 15 minutes or so and if not we need to go get some help because this is no place for anyone to get lost. Tisha ginger where are you guys at? Shush stop yelling before you guys get yourself in trouble. Huh who said that I looked at Alex to see if it was him Alex’s shrugged his shoulders and look just as confused as I did. Trust me you don’t wanna keep yelling because you’re gonna get the wrong attention. The voice was coming from behind the big oak tree in front of me excuse me who are you do I know you. Yes you know me but you don’t remember me but I’ve been with you your entire life. Then Alex got a little nervous is it OK don’t be a creep if you’re gonna talk to us come out so we can see you. Then the boy said I’m not sure if you’re gonna be OK with the way I look are you sure you wanna see me. Alex said unless you’re some type of deformed monster with razor-sharp teeth we’re good but this this with you whispering behind a tree is really weird and it’s kind of freaking us both out. Then as if it was in perfect timing the moon shining through the trees as this Teenage boy that has a golden brown complection eyes the color of fire and light brown locs, steps out and says I’m Xander and I’m part of the Gemini clan. The Gemini clan is real? Are you telling me the Gemini clan is a real thing? Then Alex interrupted and said what’s the Gemini clan what are you talking about? When we were kids my mom would tell all of these elaborate stories about other civilizations outside of her own and I’m not just talking about outside of our neighborhood Ultima outside of the world that we know some living amongst us and some living outside the outer walls. She would always tell us that we were a special part of a very powerful group of beings known as the Gemini clan. Alex still looking confused so your mom made the stories up or what? I don’t know that’s the thing I thought she always made the stories up to make my sister and I feel special but now you’re your name is Xander right Xander here saying he’s a part of the Gemini clan? Xander how did you know about the Gemini clan that was a special story between my mom my sister and I. Is teacher playing a joke she tell you about this? Xander stepped forward and said I know about the Gemini clan because I’m your Gemini twin. I’m always with you when you’re part of the gym and I clan you stay connected to your twin no matter the distance or the time. OK Maggie I know you’re not fall over this this is got to be a joke! OK Tisha ginger come on out jokes jokes over your freaking us out you win we’re gonna we’re gonna leave you here. This is not funny anymore is dark I’m tired you guys have all the snacks with you and now we have some funny guyTalking about clams and stuff emoji I can’t believe you believe this guy. Alex I don’t know my mom used to say these things to us and tell us the story and she seems so convinced and when I was a kid I was convinced to in Tisha is still convinced. I mean maybe might give us some answers to what happened to my mom at night I don’t know we still define T-shirt and jeans are out here. Xander can you help us find them? Yes I can help you but we have to get out of here we’ve been here too long and were drawn attention. And as I looked around I hadn’t noticed before they were glowing eyes and noises all through the words I was felt like I was watched before but now I could see I was definitely being watched. I leaned into Alex is Alex just look don’t look with your head look with your heart and listen listen to us around you. Close your eyes take a deep breath and then look. Alex closed his eyes took a breath and when he opened his eyes he stumbled back at the shock of all those eyes on us and all the noises he heard he leaned into me and Xander and said let’s get the hell out of here. Xander took my hand and said you have to trust me if you want to help your sister and her friend he looked at Alex and said you have to trust me too I promise I’ll keep you guys safe. Xander grabbed my hand and he walked me and Alex behind the big old tree once we got behind a tree we saw that there were other trees standing side-by-side almost like in doorway. Xander said let’s go this way you guys. As we walk through the two trees a warm sensation came over my body as if I was walking into a warm bath. I was nervous walking through the trees so I close my eyes the next thing I know her Alex voice going wow this is amazing it’s beautiful where are we? I quickly open my eyes and I was astonished to see the beauty that late before me is a world within our own the trees were tall is the sky they were spiraling staircase cases going around east tree with beautiful homes at the top. I looked at Xander he had changed his ears became pointy his eyes were fiery than before his skin was doing and soft and then in true Alex fashion at the top of his lungs he looks at me and says oh my God what happened to you? I said what are you talking about what’s wrong he said look at yourself he pulls his phone out put it on the camera it when I looked in the camera I saw that I looked exactly like Xander my eyes were fiery my ears were pointed in my skin was golden. Xander looked at me and said I told you you’re my Gemini twin. And as my Gemini twin I have to say your friend Alex is really loud can you tell him to quiet it down we’re peaceful place. Alex look at Xander and said what did you expect this place is crazy of course I’m loud I’m shocked but I hear you man I’ll come down so are you gonna give us a tour or what? I didn’t know what to do I knew I felt different most of my life and I knew that there was more that I want it for myself but I didn’t dare think that it would leave me here.

Maggie Alex you found us we didn’t think you would. I turned around and I saw a Tisha and ginger running towards us and Tisha had changed too. She looked just like me and Xander and there was another person with her. The teacher ran up to me and hug me I noticed the other little girl standing next to Ginger that looked eerily like my sister. Tisha who is that? Who Penelope? Do you know Penelope Maggie we’ve been talking about it for years but she didn’t believe me that she was real did you? Mommy always told you she was and you didn’t believe her either. Penelope is my Gemini twin, remember when mommy would tell us a story she said we all had a Gemini twin that’s all recall the Gemini clan. And that’s what makes our clan so powerful because when we’re together with our twin one stoppable. Don’t you remember one of the reasons why we had to live in the mortal world was because the other clans were killing the newborns of the Gemini clan to gain power. Or do you think mommy was just making those up? Yes yes I thought mommy was making those up this is crazy, I see this is my own eyes and I’m still having a hard time believing what I’m saying so yes I thought she was making this up. But whether she’s making it up or not we have to go we can’t stay here what are you gonna tell dad? Xander stepped up and told us that time was different in our room that much time hadn’t went by since we left the river. He then pulls out a compact with a mirror in it to show us that Miss Jackson and Buster were still down Stream having their daily walk. Xander then proceeded to tell us he needed to show us something because both the area room in our room was in danger. Once we got to Xander’s home he sat us down to tell us the story of how the Gemini clan came to be.

Xander begin the story by letting us know that the world as we knew it was much bigger than we ever thought. Our earth was actually a very flat surface on a larger planet. The other civilizations on the planet were trying to find a way for all of us to coexist together without wars without fighting. So the elders decided to take the different clans and put them in land where they had to learn to work together and coexist. The lands are surrounded by wall of what you guys call ice so no one can get in or get out without being noticed. However the Gemini clan being powerful in magic was able to find a way to hide our room within the world that you knew. In your world no magic was allowed and hence no magical creatures were allowed. It was for the safety of the people of your world end of the clan. Wielding magic takes years sometimes eons to perfect and to use wisely.The Elder stated that the chosen ones would have to live in a season of ignorance and find themselves without knowing who they were where they came from and what they were capable of. The Elders Felt that the ignorance of the magical realm had a certain innocence and maybe that was the key to peace among the clans. However they knew that the shift would come in the veil within and there was no hiding where they came from anymore. OK so I remember kind of my mom telling me those storiesBut why now? Why is it important now that we know who we are where we came from and all that stuff I don’t understand and if the magic is supposed to stay out how do I see fairies and know what I think about it that’s probably not the first time I’ve seen them. So explain that to me please. Wow you sound like a real human now said Xander it’s not just about humans it’s not just about our clan it’s about all magical creatures. What are the things that the clans were doing throughout the realms was using magic from magical creatures to her of the clans. It was important that we save them because without them our magic goes away. But they were greedy clans they want to harness the magic from the creatures for their own personal gain. It has recently came out that the clans in the north had been conspiring with some of the humans on using those souls 10 hits their armies. So now it is more important than ever that each clan gather their kin to regain their full strength. So wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute are you saying that Ginger and I a part of a clan to? Alex said with excitement on his face. Xander looked at Ginger with her brown face bright red freckles and bright red curly hair and said she definitely is a part of the clan Alex you on the other hand look like a regular human. But who knows you may have clan in your blood. Well regardless if Alex is one of us or a clan or magical whatever he’s my best friend so where I go he goes understood?! Of course if he is your best friend then he’s my best friend after all we’re twins. Does that go for Ginger too? And don’t worry Ginger just because Penelope is here you’re still my best friend. Isn’t that right Penelope? Of course you don’t know how many times when I was with you and T-shirt and I wanted to join in but only Tisha could see me and hear me. So now we can all play together. OK enough of this Kumbaya stuff, Xander please keep telling us a story what’s going on? Xander explain that

With the veil thinning the creatures that once roamed this earth freely and without consequences are starting to show themselves to mankind. The veil that was put in place to to protect magic is disappearing as humans usher in a new age enlightenment. Unfortunately all of the tools and rules to keep peace and all creatures safe has been lost in time and mainly live through myths, legends, folklore and fairytales. He explained that that’s why the Gemini clan is so important because we are the gatekeepers and we are the historians. We are the ones that help keep things balanced and focused by reminding everyone of our history and the gruesome things that took place when we didn’t follow the rules. But now as the veil things things are getting out of control and the dark forces are influencing mankind to do very cruel things to one another. The dark clans survive off of harvesting lost souls. The best way for a soul to become lost it’s a pulled away from the light by having them destroy their humanity by committing hateful and cruel acts. As in to tell the story I can see the tears filling up in his eyes and I can feel the pain and his heart. Thats when I remembered the first time encountered him. I looked at him and said I were the first time you showed yourself to me. It was in the darkness and I was scared. You came to me and you saved me. That was you wasn’t it? I always said that the darkness gave me my strength at night but it wasn’t the darkness it was your voice it was you. Xander walked to me and grabbed my hand and said I have never left your side we are one.

Mom Tisha yelled mom is that you?! Tisha ran to Xander‘s mom and hugged her tightly and began to cry and said mom I’ve missed you so much.But I knew by the look in Xander’s eyes that was an hour mom.


About the Creator

Shauna Hopkins

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