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Soul Holiday

A story for the holidays

By Joe PattersonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 12 min read
Soul Holiday
Photo by Dmitry Spravko on Unsplash

It’s Friday night and Carol Simmons is drunk driving in her Chevy Malibu. As she speeds down the road her radio is blasting the song “Sleigh Ride” from TLC as she sings along. “Have a merry merry Christmas and a happy new year (happy new year).” She sings while speeding down the road at nearly 60 miles an hour. In the middle of singing “Sleigh Ride” the radio suddenly switches songs and starts playing “Soul Holiday” by Sounds Of Blackness.” “It's time to celebrate. Let's all come together to share our hearts of love, that we feel for one another.” the lyrics continue as Carol’s mood changes. “Aw man, why’d they have to change up on me? Knowin’ this is my favorite part. This is why I only like Apple Music now.” she said while taking her eyes off the road to speak to the radio in an animated manner.

As she put her eyes back on the road she quickly noticed that she was coming into the tail end of a jeep that was in front of her on the road. “OH SNAP!!!” she screamed while slamming on the breaks, but it was too late and she came crashing into the bumper of the jeep just barely hard and fast. As Carol’s car was stopped by the impact of the crash she collected herself. “Lord have mercy.” she exclaimed in shock. “I am in so much trouble.” As she stepped out of the car the family in the jeep she hit stepped out as well. A man stepped out of the driver’s seat, a woman on the passenger side stepped out and a little boy climbed his way down from the back seat door behind the driver’s seat.

“Nice job, lady.” the man said sarcastically. “You almost killed me, my wife and my son.” “Well maybe if you weren’t drivin’ like a turtle I wouldn’t have hit ya.” She replied with a slurred attitude. “We were doin’ the speed limit. You’re the one who was drivin’ like Dominic Toretto, Ms. Fast and the Furious.” the man’s wife responded. “Oh don’t be so dramatic!” Carol snarked. “I barely dented your little Cherokee jeep.” “Either way you’re still gonna pay.” the man said angrily. After 15 minutes of going back and forth the police finally showed up and addressed both parties.

“Hi.” the first officer said while stepping out of the squad car with his partner following suit. “I’m Officer Bryant this is my partner Officer Willis, what seems to be the problem folks?” “Hi officer, I’m Daniel Scott, this is my wife Ruby and my son Kyle. This drunken nightmare standing across from us came plowing into me and my family at almost a hundred miles an hour and scared the crap out of us.” Daniel said angrily. “OH PUHHHLLLEEEZE” Carol shouted in a drunken stupor. Y’all were clearly driving…” before Carol could finish she vomited all over the ground in front of officer Bryant’s shoes, much to the discuss of everyone watching. “I guess that answers the guilty question.” Officer Willis said sarcastically. “Oh crap.” Carol exclaimed as she passed out in front of the cops and the Scott family.

When Carol woke up she had a massive headache and was handcuffed to a chair. Sitting in front of her at his desk was Officer Bryant looking at Carol with a menacing smile. “Rise and shine, sleepy beauty.” Bryant said in a sing song voice. “Ain’t nothin’ shiny over here, but the freshly polished headache I have.” Carol said with tiredness. “Where am I anyway, copper?” she asked. “At a police station where I should book you and charge you with drunk driving and reckless endangerment, but I have other plans in mind for you, Janis Joplin.” “What kind of plans?” Carol asked suspiciously. “Remember that family you hit, the Scotts?” Bryant started. “Turns out they’re hosting a Christmas charity event for the Draper K. Group Home and you’re gonna help them.” “Heck no, the devil is a lie?” Carol said rebelliously. “Well it’s either that or jail, so which is it Shawshank?”

After a brief moment of irritated thought Carol smacked her lips and nodded in agreement. “But why this? Why are you makin me do this instead of goin’ to jail,” she asked. “Because I know who you are.” Bryant replied. “I know your family. Carol Simmons, the spoiled rich girl known as Souless Susie, who has dedicated her life to bein a rebellious wild child and thinks she can just do whatever she wants, while thinking about no one but herself.” “Oh whatever.” Carol said with contempt. “You don’t know anything about me.” “Actually I do.” Bryant rebuttaled. “I’m actually an old friend of your father. Me and him were good friends back in high school, like brothers even. He’s done a lot for me over the years and I’ve never really had a chance to properly pay him back, so this is my attempt to make up for that.”

“Well aren’t you just swell.” Carol said sarcastically. “So when do I start my penance good sir?” she asked Bryant. “Tomorrow morning.” Bryant answered. “They’ll meet you at your house at eight in the morning to go over the details, are we clear?” “Yes, we’re clear.” Carol replied in an annoyed tone. “Good girl.” Bryant said as he got up and uncuffed Carol from her chair. “Now get outta here and go get some rest, you have a big weekend ahead of you my dear.” Carol stood up and sluggishly walked out of the station and found her family driver, Corbin out front waiting to driver her home. “Let’s go princess.” Corbin said. “Let’s get the baby bird home so she can rest in her nest.” As Carol got in the back seat Corbin closed the door behind her and got in the car to drive off. Carol looked out the window with misery on her face dreading the weekend that was coming her way.

Saturday morning. Carol awakens to sunlight shining in her large bedroom. She shakes her head in exhaust and pain from being hungover. "Guess I really bottomed out last night and now I'm paying for it today," said Carol out loud to herself. After getting a shower and putting her clothes on she left out of her room and into the second story space of a large house. As Carol walked down the long stairwell at the end of the hall she was greeted by her father at the end of the steps. "Daniel's outside and waitin' to take you to his house so ya'll can go over the work you're doin for the group home." said Charles Simmons in a cheery tone.

"Dad, why do I have to ride with him? Can't I just take one of your cars?" Carol whined. "Heck no.” said Charles grumpily. "For one, you're grounded and two, you're hungover. You're ridin' with Daniel or you're goin to shawshank redemption land, which is it?". "Whatever." Carol said while rolling her eyes. She walked outside and was greeted by a warmly dressed Daniel Scott who was sitting on the hood of a 1999 Honda Civic DX. "Alright princess, hop in the passenger side and lets ride." said Daniel sarcastically. Carol sluggishly got in on the passenger side as Daniel got in on the driver side and they departed together.

"So, where are we going?" Carol asked Daniel. "Edwin Village." He responded. "I know its not the fancy Ritz joint you're used to stayin' at over there at Rossmore Heights.'' Carol rolled her eyes as Daniel goaded her. "I can tell this is gonna be a wonderful day at the chocolate factory." Carol said sarcastically. "It certainly is, Charlie." Daniel responded. "So tighten up and tuck in that gut, because it's time to go to work. Daniel and Carol pulled into the entrance of Edwin Village Apartments. Carol made a mental note of how this neighborhood was a lot less glossy than the sights of Carol's surroundings in Rossmore Heights. She could not take her eyes off of how rugged the scenery was in Edwin Village.

"Welcome to the Plaza Hotel." Daniel said sarcastically as he parked the car. "What do we do now?" Carol asked curiously." "We get out." Daniel responded. As Daniel and Carol got out of Daniel's car Carol followed Daniel to the bricked building in front of them. Carol could not take her eyes off of the complex in front of her. She surveyed the area around her in confusion, she was not used to living outside the luxury of her neighborhood 15 minutes away on the other side of town. Daniel directed Carol up the stairwell of the complex in front of them, leading her to the first door on the left. After Daniel put his key in the door to unlock it he pushed it open and revealed his wife Ruby and his son Kyle sitting on the living room couch while watching television and eating breakfast toast with eggs.

“Hi Carol, welcome to our home.” Ruby said in a cheerful tone. “How ya doin’, ms Ruby.” Carol responded. “Hi Ms. Fast and the furious.” said a gleeful Kyle. “Kyle!!!” Ruby said while quickly putting her hand over Kyle’s mouth. “That’s just a funny name me and your daddy called her yesterday. That’s not her real name.” “Hardy har har.” Carol said in a sarcastic tone with a smirk on her face. “Are y’all ready to go?” Daniel asked. “Yes.” Ruby responded. “We’ll go get our coats out the room and meet you in the car.” As Ruby and Kyle went to get their coats, Carol started to examine their apartment. She noticed there was only one bedroom, with no bathroom in immediate site, but also a kitchen and living room right next to each other. It was a site she could not comprehend. “How is this family of three staying in such a tiny place?” Their son doesn’t have a room of his own and more than likely his mom and dad are sleeping on this couch. It all just seems wrong.”

“Hey.” Daniel said while breaking Carol’s train of thought. “Are you comin or what, Shawshank?”. “Yeah I’m right behind you.” Carol responded. As Carol began to depart, a gleeful Ruby and Kyle came out right behind her in a cheerful mood. Carol was confused by their joy. She could not understand how a family living in impoverished conditions could smile such as they were.

The group returned to Daniel’s car and departed from the complex. As they made their way to the Draper K. Group home Carol could not help but think about the Scott family’s apartment. “My bedroom alone is bigger than their entire house. It can’t be easy for them to live like that.” The group finally arrived at Draper K. Group Home and made their way inside. Upon entry Carol noticed dozens of young children running around and playing in excitement. “So what’s the play here?” she asked Daniel. “Well, Shawshank, we’re gonna help the “Meals for the Feels” soup kitchen serve these kids a nice dinner tomorrow and pass out toys to the kids as well, that is if we have enough." Carol stared at Daniel with a confused look. "What do you mean "have enough" " she asked him. "Well Carol, sometimes we don't always get enough gifts for the kids and it's hard tryna struggle and muster up the right amount at the last moment."

Carol once again looked back at all the children. This time she saw Ruby and young Kyle playing among the group. "So all of these kids are orphans?" she asked Daniel. "Well yeah." he began. "Some of their parents are dead, some of them have parents that are so far along in drugs and the legal system that they're just not fit to take care of them, so we help to make a home for them here." "No disrespect, Daniel, but it seems like you have enough to worry about taking care of your own family. How are you makin' time to care for everyone here?" Carol asked. Daniel chuckled as he took a brief pause. "Glad you noticed. The reason why we make time for these kids is because me and Ruby used to be them.” “What do you mean?" Carol asked. "Me and Ruby met at this group home when we were kids. We grew up here. We were also the two biggest troublemakers here, but as bad as we were, our mentors here never gave up on us."

"Why does it sound like that had something to do with why I'm here helping y'all today?" Carol asked Daniel. "Because it does." Daniel responded. "You might not realize it now, but you have a lot of good inside, Carol and if we can help you get in touch with even just a little bit of it, then maybe we can save you from having to go through what we've been through. That's why we asked your father and Bryant to give you a break after the accident and let you help us here." Carol gave a lot of thought to Daniel's words and for once in her life she realized how selfish she had always been and how fortunate of a life she lived.

"So this is it." Daniel started. "I just wanted to bring you here and show you what you'll be doing tomorrow, Carol. Come on, I'll shoot you home while Ruby and Kyle stay with the rest of the staff here." Carol followed Daniel outside and they hopped back in his car and pulled off. During their drive back to Carol's neighborhood Carol thought a lot about what she witnessed on this day. "All my life I've been a reckless hellraiser. I've been spoiled, entitled and self centered because I've never had to struggle, work for anything and face true judgement for my poor choices. Those children don't have it easy and neither do the Scotts. Maybe I could lend them all a helping hand." Daniel and Carol finally returned to Carol's doorstep and parted ways in peace. "See you tomorrow Carol." Daniel exclaimed with a smile. "I'll...see you Daniel." Carol responded with a slanted smile. As Daniel drove off, Carol quickly made her way inside and pulled out her phone to make call. When she hit the number she wanted to call the person on the other end picked up on the first ring. "Hey Sal, it's Carol. I need a big favor for tomorrow.”

7:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Daniel, Ruby and Kyle arrive at Carol's house in Rossmore Height, but find she is not there. As Carol's father Charles starts walking out of their house to get the mail, Daniel catches his attention. "Hey Chuck, is Carol ready?" "Ready?" Charles asked. "She's already gone. She told me to tell you to meet her at the group home when you came by and that she had a surprise for you when you got there." After giving Charles a look of confusion, Daniel pulled his head back in his car window and headed to the group home. When Daniel, Ruby and Kyle pulled up in front of the group home they were amazed at what met their eyes. A giant 16 wheeler truck with the logo "Simmons R Us" on the side of the truck was parked in front of the group home. All the children were outside getting gifts from several men handing them gift wrapped boxes and bags off the the truck while they cheered in excitement. Next to the "Simmons R Us" truck was a another 16 wheeler truck with the words "Simmons Catering" along its side was staffed with chefs and waitresses readying countless plates of food for the children and staff of the group home.

"Mommy what is this?" Kyle asked in excitement. "I think it's Christmas." Ruby replied with tears of joy. Daniel watched along with a smile on his face as Carol came appearing through the crowd and walked in his direction. "Carol, what have you done?" Daniel asked as Carol approached him. "I got my dad's catering service and Christmas charity organization to sponsor the group home at the last minute. These kids deserve to have an amazing Christmas and I wanted to help give it to them anyway I could." "We really appreciate this, Carol. We knew you had a beautiful heart all along." Ruby said with tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Ruby. You might be right, but I'm not done." "What do you mean?" Daniel asked. "Well, I'm gonna come help out at the group home more often, if thats ok with yall." "Of course it's okay with us." Ruby said. "Wow, Shawshank." Daniel said jokingly. "I guess you ain't so bad after all." "Perhaps, but if it's all the same to you, I'd also like to help the Scott family get to where they need to be as well."

Daniel and Ruby looked at each other in amazement and then turned their attention back towards Carol. "Well I guess you could hang out with us for a while.” Ruby said. "Wow Carol." Daniel started. "I knew there was so much that your beautiful heart had to offer, but I did not expect this." Carol locked eyes with the Scotts, giving them a look of assurance. "I was always referred to as Carol Simmons: The Soulless Susie, but no more. This holiday I have a soul. So like the song from the group Sounds Of Blackness said, I had to make today into a soul holiday.”

~~Merry Christmas to all. The best gift you could give to anyone is your time and effort.

Short Story

About the Creator

Joe Patterson

Hi I'm Joe Patterson. I am a writer at heart who is a big geek for film, music, and literature, which have all inspired me to be a writer. I rap, write stories both short and long, and I'm also aspiring to be an author and a filmmaker.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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Comments (2)

  • Novel Allenabout a year ago

    So many persons in need of a little love and a bit of our time, Wonderful story of kindness and ability to see others and not just ourselves.

  • Heather Hubler2 years ago

    Such beautiful sentiments. A wonderful heartfelt tale, great work :)

Joe PattersonWritten by Joe Patterson

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