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Sometimes Sad Comes Out Mad

A Journey from Lashing Out to Living in Truth

By Grammy SamiPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
Sometimes Sad Comes Out Mad
Photo by Dušan veverkolog on Unsplash

Everything seemed so quiet and lonely in the woods on that chilly day. Being a porcupine was challenging on any given day, but it was especially difficult with the doldrums of winter approaching. Everyone was so standoffish, rude even. Made him so mad!!! This day, however, things took an unexpected, welcomed turn.

“Hello down there. How are you today?” the calm barn owl greeted him.

The porcupine looked up, a bit startled, but tried to play it cool.

“Oh, hi. Fine.”

“You don’t look fine. Looking pretty sad to me. What's goin' on?"

Is this guy for real? Ugh. None of his business, really. The porcupine mustered the energy to answer. “Well, to be honest, I’m just confused. No one seems to want anything to do with me. They’re afraid of me or something. I don't know."

The owl gently glided down to get closer to the porcupine, but not too close because… well, you know... porcupines.

“You may not believe me, but I can relate. Can I tell you about a time when I felt the same way?” The owl was cautious in his approach.

“I guess so.” The porcupine shrugged. He really wished he hadn't answered the barn owl in the first place.

The owl began:

Some days were fun,

I got to run and play.

Not a care in the world,

I just laughed and laughed all day.

Other days I felt peaceful

And sometimes read a book.

I’d curl up with a blanket

In my favorite little nook.

Then there were days

When I’d sing and I’d dance.

No one could bring me down,

No way, not a chance!

Many of my days were filled

With joy and gladness.

But then there were days

When I’d feel lots of sadness.

Funny thing is, though,

Most others couldn’t tell.

Because instead of crying,

I’d scream and I’d yell!

I didn’t mean to,

Didn’t want to be cross.

But when I’d try to find words,

I just felt at a loss.

Why did I do this?

Well, now I know.

Feeling angry seemed easier

Than feeling sad and low.

Sharing my sadness

Felt scary and rough

But acting all angry

Made me feel pretty tough.

When I acted tough,

People seemed to stay away

They’d leave me alone,

Which I thought was okay.

That way I could cry

And no one would see.

But then I learned something;

They wanted to help me!

You see, it’s hard to help

When someone is mad.

So I have learned to share

When I’m feeling sad.

It wasn’t easy at first

It felt a little weird,

Sharing my sad feelings

And the things that I feared.

I thought it made me weak

To cry or be scared.

But then when I did,

So many people cared!

Now I can share my true feelings,

Out loud or in a letter.

Almost every single time,

It helps me feel better.

Feeling sad isn’t really

All that easy or fun.

But everyone feels it;

You’re not the only one.

Of course, mad is a feeling too

It’s as real as the rain.

But I don’t want to use it

To hide my true pain.

I’ll always be loved,

Whether I cry or I yell.

But others can better help me

If it’s the truth that I tell.

This all goes for you too,

My prickly but kind friend

I’ve seen you sad and scared

Again and again.

When you’re sad and you’re scared

You tense up without fail.

When someone comes to help you,

You swing and swat your tail.

I’ve wanted to help you,

But I, too, have been scared.

Have wanted to comfort you

But would never have dared.

And then I see what happens

When the others walk away.

They leave you alone,

And you’re not okay.

You sit there in silence,

I think I see regret.

I wonder what you’re thinking,

If you’re softening yet.

So today I felt brave,

I wanted to talk.

And I could see your sadness

On your lonely little walk.

I hope you can learn

From what I’ve told you just now.

It’s not so scary to share

Once a friend shows you how.

It’s kind of hard at first

To release all those tears,

To share what you’re feeling

To admit all your fears.

But when you share your truth

It’s pretty cool, you’ll see.

It not only helps you

But also sets others free!

So no matter what happens,

You be you, and I’ll be me.

Because now we know

This is the best way to be!

Porcupine felt better, though he wasn’t sure why. He hadn’t even done anything differently yet. But he now had a friend who was brave enough to share his story, which helped him talk about his own sadness and fears. He’d never had someone show love in that way. And just like that, it was a brand-new day.


About the Creator

Grammy Sami

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    Grammy SamiWritten by Grammy Sami

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