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Sky's the Limit

A Flight of Fear and Survival

By Jananan SandajeshanPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read

As I boarded the plane, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settle in my stomach. I've flown many times before, but for some reason, this flight felt different. Maybe it was the strange man in the seat next to me, or maybe it was the fact that I was traveling alone for the first time in years.

Whatever it was, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that seemed to follow me onto the plane. I settled into my seat, trying to get comfortable for the long flight ahead. As I buckled my seatbelt, the man next to me turned to me and smiled. "Hello," he said. "My name is Jack. Are you heading home or going on vacation?" I forced a smile and replied, "Heading home. How about you?" "I'm going on vacation," he said. "I'm heading to Hawaii to meet my family for a reunion." I nodded politely, not wanting to engage in small talk.

Instead, I plugged in my headphones and closed my eyes, hoping to sleep through most of the flight. But sleep wouldn't come. Every time I closed my eyes, I could feel Jack's gaze on me, as if he was studying me. I opened my eyes again and looked over at him, trying to gauge if he was a threat. He seemed harmless enough, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. As the flight took off, I gripped the armrests tightly, trying to calm my nerves.

I always hated takeoff, and this time was no exception. The plane shook and rattled, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. But as we climbed higher into the sky, I began to relax. The view out the window was breathtaking, and I found myself transfixed by the clouds below us. It was like floating above the world, free from all its worries and troubles. I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, the flight attendant was announcing that we would be landing soon. I looked over at Jack, who was fast asleep with his head lolling to the side.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy – he seemed so calm and peaceful, while I was a bundle of nerves. But that calm was short-lived. As we began our descent, I could feel the plane shaking again, this time much more violently than before. The flight attendants rushed up and down the aisles, telling us to brace for impact. I gripped the armrests so tightly my knuckles turned white, praying that we would make it through. The sound of the engines grew louder and louder, and I could feel my ears popping with the pressure. Just when I thought it was all over, the plane hit the ground with a deafening thud.

My head slammed into the seat in front of me, and for a moment, everything went black. When I came to, I realized that I was still alive, but the same couldn't be said for everyone else on the plane. The cabin was filled with smoke and the screams of the injured, and I could hear the sound of metal tearing as the plane began to break apart. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stumbled to my feet, coughing and gasping for air. The emergency exits had been blown open, and people were streaming out of the plane as fast as they could. I looked around for Jack, but he was nowhere to be found. I stumbled down the aisle, tripping over debris and trying to avoid the flames that were starting to spread. As I neared the exit, I saw a figure lying on the ground, unmoving. It was Jack. I rushed over to him, but it was too late – he was already gone

, his body twisted and broken from the impact.

I felt a wave of grief wash over me, even though I barely knew the man. It was the suddenness of it all, the way life could be snatched away in an instant. As I stumbled out of the wreckage, I saw the other survivors gathered on the ground, some crying and others comforting each other.

Emergency crews arrived soon after, and we were rushed to the hospital to be treated for our injuries. As I sat in the waiting room, waiting to be seen by a doctor, I couldn't help but replay the events of the flight in my mind.

What had gone wrong? Why had the plane crashed? I needed answers, closure, but I knew it would take time for the investigation to unfold.

Days turned into weeks, and the survivors of the crash started to go their separate ways. But I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. I started to do my own research, reading up on the airline's safety record and the maintenance history of the plane we had flown on.

And then, one day, I stumbled upon a news article that sent chills down my spine. The airline had been cutting corners, skipping routine maintenance checks and overworking their pilots. The plane we had flown on had been overdue for a check-up, and the pilots had been flying for hours without adequate rest.

I felt sick to my stomach, realizing that our lives had been put in danger because of the airline's negligence. I wanted to scream, to demand justice for the lives that had been lost and the survivors who were left to pick up the pieces.

But instead, I channeled my anger into action. I joined a group of other survivors who were pushing for stricter regulations on airlines, for more accountability and transparency in the industry. It wasn't easy – there were days when I wanted to give up, to retreat back into my shell and forget about the crash altogether.

But I knew I couldn't. I owed it to Jack, and to all the other victims, to fight for change. And so I did, one step at a time, until finally, years later, we saw real progress.

Airlines were held to higher standards, and passengers were given more rights and protections. It wasn't a perfect system, but it was a start. And every time I boarded a plane after that, I knew that I was a part of something bigger – a movement towards safer skies, towards a future where no one would have to experience the fear and trauma of a plane crash.


About the Creator

Jananan Sandajeshan

As a book reviewer and writer, I am dedicated to sharing my love of literature with others. I believe that books have the power to educate, inspire, and transform us, and I'm committed to helping readers find the stories that resonate most.

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