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Silent Symphonies: A Love Unspoken

In a world of whispers, their hands told the story of an unbreakable bond

By Sergio RijoPublished 9 months ago 5 min read
Silent Symphonies: A Love Unspoken
Photo by Mihail Tregubov on Unsplash

In the heart of a quaint village, nestled among the rolling hills, there stood a house where the passage of time was marked not by the ticking of a clock but by the soft dance of shadows. As twilight painted the room with hues of warm gold, the low, heavy beams cradled the whispering firelight against whitewashed walls. These shadows were not mere obscurities but intimate friends, forever chasing the flickering flames.

Within this timeless dwelling, a woman, radiant in her silent world, moved gracefully. Her soul's melody found voice in the gentle hum that resonated from deep within her throat, an unspoken symphony that resonated in her chest. It was a tuneless cadence, like the elusive hum of a distant stream, yet it resonated with the profound music of life.

Her deft hands, like dancers following a rhythm only they knew, choreographed the preparation of their evening meal. Vegetables, sliced with care and tossed into the simmering pot, bore witness to the loving caress of her fingertips. There was no haste in her movements, for she had mastered the art of orchestrating their meals to perfection, her timing impeccably synchronized with his return.

The woolen skirt, a silent whisper against her bare ankles, was a tactile connection to the late spring evening outside. It was a season of renewal, where blossoms adorned the trees, and the promise of warmth lingered in the air. She reveled in the soothing sensation of rushes beneath her feet, her every step a dance with nature.

As the sun gently descended below the horizon, she positioned a low stool beside the wall, a vantage point where both the fire's mesmerizing dance and the door's threshold could be within her sight. The passage of time was punctuated by the setting sun, and she knew his return was imminent.

The moments stretched out, like taffy pulled to its limits, as she waited with unwavering anticipation. Her hum, the soothing backdrop of the evening, was a continuous reminder of her devotion.

Then, he appeared, the threshold yielding to his entrance. The heavy boots that crossed the threshold sent delicate tremors through the floor, a familiar herald of his return.

She beamed at him, her eyes alight with affection, but the smile that curved his lips bore a weight not seen before. It was a weary smile, as though the burdens of the world pressed upon his shoulders.

His questioning gaze turned towards the fire, a silent inquiry that she vehemently refused. How could she have dined without him? She had always waited, her rituals unchanged. Why would this evening be different?

Moments passed, her attention focused on serving the meal into two shallow bowls, the weight of her disapproval clear. She settled at the table, her gaze never leaving his, a challenge unspoken yet felt.

He stirred his food, his appetite diminished. Her spoon clattered against the bowl, a sound that shattered the tenuous silence, and she seized his attention. Her folded hands rested on the table, and her chin found a perch upon them, her loving concern etched upon her face.

What could trouble this great man who sat before her, she wondered?

His frustration manifested in his gestures, a fumbling expression of emotions too profound to be confined by words. His attempts at communication began with the shape of a triangle, his fingers awkwardly twirling it in a circle.

"The village," he began, his fingers then framing his mouth before splaying outwards. "They are talking about us."

Her dismissal of the villagers' ceaseless chatter was well-known, yet his earnestness hinted at deeper troubles. The movement of his hands, once again forming the shape of conversation, signified their actions.

"Us," he gestured, an acknowledgment of their unwavering bond, a commitment beyond words.

Her eyes rolled in response to his mention of the village's gossip, their voices mere echoes of chattering birds, ever fluttering but never still.

But he was undeterred. His desperate gestures spoke of his concern, the importance of what was spoken.

"The village," he emphasized again, and then, with a gesture towards the glistening band on his finger, he sought to make himself understood.

She failed to grasp his unspoken words. His insistence that she could not speak was bewildering, for had their vows not been consecrated under the church's watchful gaze? Her sister had spoken on her behalf, the priest's blessing no different from any other.

With fire in her eyes, she gestured to her own wedding band, the dull glint reflecting in the firelight, as she conveyed the essence of their commitment.

"I married you," she signaled, her hands moving with urgency. "Not the village."

But he sighed, an expression of pain etched across his face. He pointed to her, his fingers outlining a clear message.

"You can't speak," he indicated, leaving her stunned. Were their sacred vows now deemed unworthy?

She brought her wedding ring into view, its dull sheen gleaming in the firelight as she tried to reassure him.

"I married you, and no one else matters," she proclaimed through her hands.

The solace of their unspoken words vanished as he expressed a wish, the gestures unraveling his deepest desires. He painted a scenario with his hands: the village, then a movement to the side, beyond the frame of their existence.

"We should move, at least to the next village," he signed. His desire to shield her from the village's disdain was evident.

Her response was swift, the stool overturned, as her denial rang clear.

"No," she asserted. The attachment to the village, despite its ever-present whispers, was too strong. Her world began and ended within the town's confines and the meandering river that embraced it.

He was unyielding, his urgency evident as he implored her to embark on a new journey. He had seen the darkness that loomed on the horizon, sensed the impending storm.

The fire's glow waned as their emotions flared, and her heart trembled with fear. The idea of leaving was overwhelming. The village had never truly accepted her, but it was home. The town and the winding river were the boundaries of her known world.

She understood that his intentions stemmed from love, an earnest attempt to protect her from the village's hurtful judgments. With a shuddering breath, she pushed her stool away and rose, thrusting her hand forward in a symbolic motion. The two of them, in unity, with the world outside their grasp.

"I will follow you," she conveyed. The depth of her love transcended mere words, a profound devotion spoken through her silent hands.

Their hearts found harmony in their silent conversation. He held her tightly, their embrace a sanctuary of love and understanding that needed no spoken words. In their unbreakable bond, they ventured into the unknown, guided by the rhythms of their silent symphony.

familyShort StoryLove

About the Creator

Sergio Rijo

Buckle up for a thrilling literary journey with yours truly, Sergio Rijo! Fasten your seatbelts, grab your sense of humor, and let's dive into the boundless realms of storytelling. Don't forget to subscribe! Welcome!

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Comments (1)

  • Ibinabo Brown 9 months ago

    Beautiful love story

Sergio RijoWritten by Sergio Rijo

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