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Silent Shivers

Conversation Beyond Words

By Lylonie BennettPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

The evening hues painted the sky with husky purples and inky blacks in a cozy apartment on the seventh floor. The room was dimly lit, with only the glow from an old television illuminating the faces of a mother and daughter seated together on a plush couch. The faint hum of the city traffic filtered through the closed windows, blending with the ominous music emanating from the TV.

On-screen, the protagonist of their favorite horror film was tip-toeing down a dark corridor, her breath coming out in ragged gasps. Both the mother and daughter held their breath, eyes fixed intently on the scene unfolding before them. The intensity of the moment was palpable.

The mother's fingers clutched the edge of her blanket. The daughter noticed and, without a word, reached out to intertwine her fingers with her mother's. Their shared thrill for the spine-chilling suspense of horror movies had always been their special bond. Tonight's choice, a classic haunted house story, was one they had seen together countless times, yet the tension it created was always fresh.

Remember the first time we watched this, Mom? the daughter's eyes seemed to say as she cast a sidelong glance towards her mother.

The mother's eyes crinkled at the corners, a silent chuckle evident. She gently squeezed her daughter's hand, her eyes conveying, How could I forget? You hid under the blanket for half the movie.

As the film progressed, the jump scares and eerie shadows caused the pair to startle in unison, their intertwined hands gripping tighter with each sudden jolt. Every so often, the daughter would rest her head on her mother's shoulder, seeking comfort in the familiar, even as they both reveled in the terror of the unknown.

The old wall clock ticked on, its rhythmic beats a stark contrast to the heart-thumping suspense on the TV screen. In one particularly terrifying scene, the daughter covered her eyes with her free hand. The mother leaned in, playfully nudging her.

You've seen this part before, her eyes teased.

I know, the daughter's grin said, eyes still shielded, but it gets me every time.

Their silent laughter resonated louder than any spoken joke. It was a shared moment, built on years of watching such movies together, understanding each other's reactions, and finding joy in those shared fears.

As the climax approached, both were on the edge of their seats. The villain was closing in on the hero, the music reaching a crescendo. Then, just as the tension peaked, the screen went black.

The sudden outage caused the apartment to plunge into near darkness. Mother and daughter turned to each other, wide-eyed. The distant hum of traffic was the only sound that reassured them that the world outside continued to turn,

Not now! the daughter's eyes screamed in frustration.

The mother's face mirrored the sentiment, but then her eyes softened, and she pulled her daughter close, wrapping her arms around her. The warmth of the embrace conveyed more than words ever could.

The daughter snuggled closer, eyes closed, taking in the scent of her mother's hair, the gentle rhythm of her heartbeat, and the soft fabric of her sweater. I know, her silence responded.

The clock continued its ticking, marking the passage of time. Amid the silence, the deep unspoken conversation between the two continued- filled with memories, mutual understanding, and a shared love for those terrifying moments that brought them closer together.

Finally, the TV flickered back to life, the scene resuming as if nothing had interrupted, but for the mother and daughter, that brief interlude of darkness was a testament to the silent strength of their bond - a bond that was so much deeper than shared screams and thrill-filled movie nights.


About the Creator

Lylonie Bennett

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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Great story! Fantastic work!

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