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Seasons of washed sin

Floating alone again in the endless ocean of love

By Emily Blue RichardsPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read

Forever waves cascade on my high tide of sins. My mind awash with where it all begins. Hopeless unknowning horizons stretch searching into the expanse of my existence filled with the treasure chests pirated by lovers who left. Souls use maps to an "ex" that marks the spot where the loot of love is hidden. Where answers to all my hopes and dreams lay deep on a faraway sea bed. Inviting seas span across my future, present and past driven by strong currents worth discovering. Waters flow to the romantic riptide inside and sink deep to the deepest eternal love. One soul steps up and surrenders to the pressure of these depths forever for a lustfull aduction. All consuming, pulling and pushing our souls from all sides to drown in feelings once forgotten now reignited.

The lust for love keeps hopes pulsating with glimpses of glowing lubrication that glides lovers satisfied. Maps promise of those answers keeps souls saling beyond a thunderous abyss of surrender forever. Tremulous waves throw punches and hard knocks at souls swimming seasons these seasons of sin. Hoping for love that cradle souls to a unified end. Hungry by the arousal of seabrease acoustics that tune concepts of all that is love unbridled, natural and wild. Sunbeams dance across waters distant and vast. Paths of lessons learned by souls wised and syncronied. Now staged in the musical of truth that is commiment is artiscally crafted in tandem. Songs prove that love is tenderly entwined by each others melody unified.

Symmetry in nature makes an eden visible landlocked by love. The map of a wilderness leads souls away to naturally interlace in a pristine pool of divinity, forever nested in the smooth certainy of governed by laws of nature. Reality and limitations invisible, souls learn to be licensed with love in duality. Confidence begins to see souls driven to be qualified and lust intersects, edueducat love, turning together intuitively and wisely souls float freely inspired by a sure-footed dance their new cathedrals of a private religion that conquer all landscapes. Head winds blow south cooling souls in an orchesta of intimacy heard only surrendered, Ships tishly bound mastered, decorated by rope patterns tied in absolute surrender and pride. Love drowns bound.

A knot loosened and now cut carefully to free love that binds with grace. A,soul repairing with old founded sovereignty. Now selighted and divine profoundly open, lose ends are mending. Kings ships ready for recrowning the beginning of this ending just like your soul and mine, each season ebbs and flows, ever-changing to inspire an ever evolving canvas coloured and adaptable and alive, not to be ignored but embraced, navigated with a true dedication to the union of love souls once craved in companionship. A foundation of love, nurtured to become well seasoned by a silent sin. Love is a well placed, mast now brace travelled by souls brave enough to traverse the roughest of love landscapes, slightly grazed by the pace, but never arrested and enslaved. Now, take heed really digging deep and pull out the last splinters, claw, shovel and toss that unrequited love and loss to the past. March on.

This battle was won by love. Love never to raise white flags in abandon, or surrender. From my toes to the tears that pooled in my eyes, i drool, salivating for my ocean dreams to be realized. Hairy moments, shattered bits of my soul now shed, smooth sailing ahead, long legs gorgeous lips kept shut, nothing needed to be said, a place respect is mine to hold. I'm an old unbound book, full of knowledge and truth. You a bible endowed with stringent pillars and rules, your lawful career worth more to you than you see singularity, fixated on the present tense howling to a drunken moon rising up, jobs inflate and start ballooning.

Forever looming your shallow armed and miltant soul will float away picking at scabs, look up to the heavens, up there are deep scars, many scars that are mine, forever graffitied by men and torn from my heart murdered and hung in the sky what love i had given I thought it was safe

Love now left, no one will take, I will keep for myself, deeply hidden and safely not to brake, protected and untainted. Venerablly past theft remembers ends with silence and stillness in a dangerous flooded blue, what a mess, a trial, big tests where I failed and bumbled i stumbled and still fall, tumble and turn pleasure stress.

A little note written on a temperate piece of paper posted to assignment. A message that love is rare and only survives in its habit of purity and virtue. Loves, only touches souls the never give up,  gardens flowering hope and blooming clairy not disparity our souls witness sickening seasons of sins, yours and mine, layers stripped apart worlds away in a far off constellation. Sins severed and starved of care in seasons sewed. Ship we sail separately, we batten down the hatches, white knuckles, echos of our chuckles roost apon lost maps. A soul now stand in a hidden mess, a kink in the river. I play hide and seek and peek into a fractured mirror of the past precious pieces shattered and sprinkled in dark places that inspres us think of desires and cute kinky stages limits reached, mping and sore, now we lick our wounds of the souls once more.

Move back and retire to a forecast unlikely to transpire, swim or sink we no longer in fight across in each other's life's. Winds now blow our s in other directions, curosity of what is yours and mine, we don't battle, its an amensity, we pulled short straws, lightning strikes and energizes the thunder explods a billion fractured diamonds sprayed across the stars. Weakened by the war, our souls move apart, me to venus and you to Mars, flatuneny permeates shit storms now passed 

A relentless front of challengling life winds continue, a travesty of chances and failings, harsh stances mandated unnecessary to enhance us past and future plans frozen, my soul snowed under blessed gifts of life grow unassisted. A compass points ear and fog in every direction. Earthly shifts are happening, mass separation. harvesting emotions sun-kissed by warm summer, the souls hotest season. Change then wintering of our souls broken past, lusted and yerned, now  just a bump in the road in our fading path something rakes clean the sin without and within, it unknots ur souls and frees us from restraint it's not our fault the faultlines are cavernous, our aging bodies ache trembling in an earthquake of unknowningness

Flowing seasons make our sins bleed and eroded like sap from a tree winter, spring and summer, eternal no end no other will gaurd my soul from the stark winds of time, im protecting myself with bravery and might White squals of trust, love and passion settle as dust in a jaded fashion, we take sips, spit chips, say its over. The seasons of sin creep in and hits ripe to be binned.

Souls no longer knotted race towardsour hearts again we brace for wild weather and look for the feathers at the end a fresh tether a torrent of lies hides tides that rise high always expect storms of failure. when you look at life with insecure eyes eyes that judge with hate and fear brave the caves at the rock bottom of the souls heart, these places hold love in deepest of deep parts time burns into space, lighting arouses us to shine brightneess on what is yours and mine.

What was us don't pretend to defend a love that moves mountains, souls wash free all my hidden gems. Seasons ends cleansing and churning up hope, ideas and tips we slip away, split ends, never to wed or elope. a labyrinth of magic mazes magnetic and strong, enduring the fazes we take. Dirty soil of our own souls we washed our mouths out with soap. Lessons plastered on inner walls splitting souls. A single shadow, echo locatuon shows an extinction imposd.

Slow seasons our sins bleed and flow into separating seas devinely designed. A map of fallen angels rest in eden, untied souls are freed to fight sins in seas alone. Ships now birth my soul harvesting seasons full of fri. Wisdom earned, faith divinely burned. End of rhythm, off beat quiky disposition, the music of my life waves of a masterpiece in progress. Sail forever refining and chasing impeccable timing, through seasons of sin fatefully and gracefully in God's waters diving.

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About the Creator

Emily Blue Richards

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