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Savage Wars

E1: Zylom, The Last Libramonian

By J. Cornelius JepingtonPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 months ago 2 min read
Libramonia - Concept Landscape

Chapter 1: Zylom's Awakening

In the year 5500, in the Vortex System, on the planet known as Libramonia, there lived a loving, honorable, and wise one named Zylom.

Zylom, unlike most Zarians in Zaria, was tall, rugged, and possessed a violet-sage hue. His love for nature and the balance between Zaria and the planet set him apart from his peers.

One summer day, while lounging by the sea, Zylom's thoughts were interrupted by a booming noise and screams from the hologram in his family's Doemay. The scene displayed Azerian battleships attacking Synthian colonies, plunging Libramonia into chaos.

Amidst the chaos, a Synthian princess named Saiah sought refuge in Zaria. Over time, she observed Zylom's compassion for nature and his innate abilities.

Saiah whispered to herself, "He's not just a Blessed One. He's truly a Libramonian, and he doesn't even know it."

Chapter 2: Revelation

Saiah followed Zylom's daily routines, witnessing his acts of kindness and connection with the planet. She realized his potential as the last Libramonian and a key to saving Libramonia.

One evening, at the sea, Saiah approached Zylom, her eyes filled with determination. "Zylom, you possess powers beyond imagination. The fate of Libramonia rests in our hands. We must unlock the secrets of the Grand Hall of the Vortex."

Zylom, taken aback by Saiah's revelation, nodded solemnly. "I've always felt a deeper connection to this planet. Let's find the answers together."

Chapter 3: The Grand Hall Convergence

As tensions escalated with the Azerian threat looming, Zylom and Saiah rallied the Zarians in the Grand Hall of The Vortex. Saiah addressed the crowd, her voice filled with urgency and determination.

"Libramonia is under attack. We must unite and find the last Libramonian, Doge Moali. Our only hope lies in restoring the Vortex Council's power."

The Zarians initially doubted Saiah's claims, but Zylom stepped forward, his voice resonating with conviction. "I've seen the truth in Saiah's words. We must act swiftly to protect our home."

Chapter 4: The Test of Courage

Doge Moali appeared, her ancient wisdom guiding their next steps. She entrusted Zylom with an astral charm, the key to unlocking his true potential.

"This charm carries the essence of Doge Savage. It will test your heart's purity and determination. Are you willing to embark on the Savage Wars and become a guardian of the Vortex System?"

Zylom, gazing at the charm with newfound resolve, nodded. "I will face the test. Libramonia's survival depends on it."

Chapter 5: Embracing Destiny

Saiah stood by Zylom's side, her own astral charm glowing with cosmic energy. Together, they entered the astral realm, facing trials that tested their courage and unity.

As they emerged victorious, Doge Moali's spirit soared with pride. "The vortex has chosen you, Saiah and Zylom, as its new protectors. Embrace your destiny and save our world."

Zylom and Saiah shared a glance, their bond stronger than ever. "We will not fail," Zylom declared, his heart filled with determination.

And so, the journey of Zylom and Saiah, the last Libramonian and the gifted Synthian, began as they embraced their roles as guardians of the Vortex System, ready to face the challenges ahead.

To Be Continued...

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Short Story

About the Creator

J. Cornelius Jepington

J. Cornelius Jepington: fascinated by human history draws inspiration from Asimov, King, Butler, Baldwin, and Delany. Explores themes of identity, technology, and fantasy to create thought-provoking stories that bridge cultural differences.

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