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By eseimo peterPublished 7 months ago 4 min read


now let's look at what Russia is up to

it's no secret that when it comes to

geopolitics you have camps East versus

West North versus South and often this

boils down to one thing the US versus

Russia Washington may look at Beijing as

the biggest threat in the world right

now and with good reason but it has

always reserved its worst fire and ey


Moscow and this plays out even when the

two Nations miraculously happen to be on

the same page like they are today when

it comes to innocent ordinary

Palestinians earlier we told you about

Biden and his quote unquote blunt talks

how he's been trying to get humanitarian

Aid to Gaza turns out Russia is doing

the same listen

in according to the order of the

president and the government of the

Russian Federation humanitarian Aid is

being provided to the residents of the

Gaza Strip Aviation of the Russian

emergency ministry will deliver 27 tons

of food products humanitarian Aid will

be handed over to representatives of the

red chren Society for delivery to the

residents of the Gaza

Strip there is one party to blame for

the current mess and that is Hamas as we

keep saying Hamas is not Palestine both

the US and Russia agree on this both

Powers want to protect the innocent

Palestinians but even here in a rare

moment of consensus they cannot agree on

how to do it so instead of coming

together Washington and Moscow are now

fighting it out

their latest Battleground is a graveyard

of the Diplomatic process the United

Nations security

Council Russia wanted to pass a

resolution on Monday to bring about a

humanitarian ceasefire a pause in the

constant bombardment so that ordinary

Palestinians could flee North Gaza so

that they could go south and receive Aid

in peace after all what good is an aid

truck that's been

obliterated but what happened to this

Russian resolution I'm sure you've

guessed it it got shot down the Russians

had a few Choice words to share about

that we believe that today's vote in the

Security Council is very demonstrative

it clearly shows who are in favor of a

truce to stop indis committed bombing

and the provision of humanitarian

assistance and who is still in favor of

blocking a single common message from

the security Council for purely selfish

interests and political


passing anything through the Security

Council is a task the UNC has 15 Members

United Nations security Council they 15

members it includes five permanent

members the US the UK France China and

Russia for any resolution to pass there

are several Hoops that one must jump

first of all it needs nine votes in

favor what happens if no one votes

against a

resolution there is no guarantee that it

will pass if you have eight yes votes

and seven extensions your resolution

will fail so you can block something

without actually saying no just

abstain and if you want to get something

passed first get nine yes votes that's

the first hurdle nine yes votes a hurdle

that Russia could not overcome on

Monday here's what it got five votes in

favor four votes against and six

abstentions but not getting enough votes

is not the biggest hurdle really it's

the veto power the permanent members

have it only the five of them reminds

you of George 's book Animal Farm this

is one of its famous lines everyone is

equal but some more equal than others

nothing quite captures this dire

sentiment like the United Nations

security Council technically it has 15

members but only five votes really

matter if 14 members vote Yes but one

permanent member vetos it the resolution


crapped this happened yesterday Brazil

proposed a resolution to help the pal


people the result of the Voting is as

follows seven votes in favor one vote

against seven

abstentions the proposed amendment has

not been adopted having failed to obtain

the required number of

votes that one vote against was all that

mattered it was a veto by the United

States it killed the resolution the

United States is disappointed this

resolution made no mention of Israel's

rights of

self-defense Russia again had some

Choice words about this listen

in we have just been Witnesses once

again of hypocrisy and the double

standards of our American colleagues not

standing in principle in the security

Council they really did not want to have

any solution found here it was very

obvious as to what their intentions were

before us today

Moscow believes that Washington only

wants to solve the crisis on its own

terms there can be no other party that

brings about peace not Russia not even a

neutral party like Brazil only the

us yesterday's theatrics have one

takeaway the UN Security Council is

broken it's a playground for the big

powers to settle their scores everything

else takes a backseat until the Security

Council is overhauled the UN will remain

paralyzed and people in desperate need

of help like ordinary Palestinians will continue


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