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Run the Lame rabbit

Chapter 32

By Ann Published 2 years ago 12 min read

In know the steamed stuffed bun before so many years, I am also "come over" people, also when the "cover crotch pie", this want to find a few porn to see, those bridge I have been familiar with detailed back as flow, people say Japanese is difficult to learn, anyway, my Japanese level is enough and Japanese sister phone sex.

I put on Liu Bang's dragon robe with Xiang Yu's armor on it. I turned around and looked at myself in front of the mirror. Then I went to the same room and hung Qin Shi Huang's sword coin on my waist. I was giggling when I heard someone downstairs.

I ran to the stairs and saw a beautiful woman with a threatening temperament standing leisurely admiring the art paintings on the wall. She was wearing a beige Versace and casually carrying a matching handbag. Her whole body was full of a cool and capable atmosphere, which made people dare not face it. If Jin Shaoyan No. 1 has similar momentum with her, then Jin Shaoyan is completely because she grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth, and she comes from herself. This kind of woman can tell at a glance that she has gone through the battle and struggle in the workplace, and her soft ankles have kicked away many men who dare to despise her virtually.

Although I was still struggling in the sea, I completely calmed down when I saw her. Saying that strong women easily provoke men's desire to conquer, it must be able to equal her men, like me or forget it, even if people with you one night stand, play fun even a pair of underwear can not afford, she wants to see me poor to leave hundreds of dollars on the nightstand, I can only head to death.

Of course, now she wants to play queen with me, and she can't afford to tear me up in this suit. How well Mr. Lu Xun said, this is the spirit of Ah Q.

I lifted the imperial robe and walked downstairs. My legs were hairy, and the drag board was kicking on the stairs. I greeted her warmly: "What can I do for you?"

She did not speak, just quietly waiting for me to come down, looking at me this dress she should be a little dizzy, I am also very embarrassed, time is too urgent did not have time to change a suit, if not wearing a robe, remaining big pants and feather armor, that armor modern people have a few knowledge? Those who do not know also think it is made of chocolate, I want to come down like that, the police do not ask and kill me indiscriminately I have no face to cry injustice.

I waited for a long time, only to her light a "look."

Psycho! It's a pawnshop, not a mall. What's there to see?

But the customer is God, and this girl is like a rich man, I can't offend, so I sit down on the sofa and say, "Then you just look around."

I don't see anything more attractive in this room than me.

Ice Beauty looked around and headed for the door. As she had her hand on the doorknob, she suddenly turned to me and asked, "Are you Manager Xiao?"

When I nodded, she gave me a cold nod back and went out.

One morning met such a puzzling thing, at noon I ate a pack of instant noodles, just want to lie down, received the flower girl's phone, this time she is Jin Shaoyan secretary to call me, invited me to Jin Shaoyan's office to watch the horse racing live.

Jin Shaoyan this boy is really a little not to be a man before, push the nose on the face of unreasonable people, of course, he thought that the "peerless world" is sure to win, want to wait for the end of the game at the first time sarcasm me. Of course, I didn't have any psychological burden, so it was easy to say yes.

Given Kim 2's repeated emphasis on formal dress, I can't be bothered to change. Liu Bang's imperial robe is smooth and cool. Besides, it's definitely formal enough, right? Thinking about it, I suddenly laughed maliciously. I took off my robe and armor, put on a vest with two ribs, shorts and slippers, and carried the new phone in a bag. I took a taxi out of the door and went straight to the science Park.

Then I went up to the 16th floor. I put on the Bluetooth and dialed the phone number of Jin 2. It was still very chaotic there. Before I could speak, he told me for a long time about the interesting things they had encountered in the forest park, and that Xiang Yu almost made a bow out of sticks and tried to hunt.

When I told him about my situation, he said, "You already know the result, but you have to pretend to be nervous and feel sorry for him when you win. By giving him a way out, you will not only get a car, but he will also thank you, which will make it easier for you to extlate him."

The only thing about King 2 is he's harder than King, and I've never seen him work so hard to trap himself.

I left the phone open, very smoothly into the office of Jin Shaoyan, the boy's face is eager and excited, it seems to be waiting to humiliate me, he under the 500,000 May have forgotten.

Jin Shaoyan did not care about me wandering in like this. It is estimated that he would not be angry if I took a shit on his desk. In his eyes, I am a dying man.

In Mr. Jin's gilded office, a giant plasma television occupies an entire wall.

On the screen is the live broadcast of a Hong Kong Satellite TV, which is a professional horse racing channel. Now the horse racing has not started, and the host is narrating the information of 16 horses in the race in Cantonese. Horse No.1 is the "peerless horse in the world", and it can be seen from the information printed under the screen that this horse has a winning rate of 89%. The host of the introduction to it for more than 1 minutes, to 14, it was the turn of "repeated defeats and repeated battles", this is an ordinary black horse, the screen rate that column is gray, the best ranking: "4", the camera in its body shook two times in the past, the host also do not know what words, but the irony is very obvious.

I moved a leather sofa directly in front of the screen, used a potted plant as an ashtray, pulled out a piece of wrinkled soft white sand in my mouth, and took out another piece of it to throw at Jin Shaoyan, giving people the habit of smoking.

Jin Shaoyan shook his head with a smile, leaned back in the boss's chair, pulled out a ham like cigar from the cigar box, cut off the seal with eggplant scissors, and gracefully roasted the smoke with a flame.

Ah, momentum on the first lost a head, I still stay in a few brothers gambling, a man to carry a bottle of beer pile level.

During this period, my phone was always on, and Jin 2 was so relaxed that he was just playing by himself and ignoring me. I could hear the excited cries of the tourists on his side, mixed with the sounds of the group of five and steamed buns. It seemed that they were watching the wild animals hunting in the sightseeing car.

At this time the race began, with a gunshot, 16 horses "like wild dogs out of control" rushed out of the stable, "peerless" very unkindly ran in front of the leading group of horses, followed by No. 8 and No. 3, followed by No. 15, 7, and then behind... By the time I saw No.14, "Repeated defeats and repeated battles," I was choking on the smoke and coughing violently: The animal jumped up and down to run, like a lame rabbit, just ran half a circle was dropped 200 meters, the jockey was just a colo, simply became a matador, was "repeatedly defeated and repeatedly fought" shaken dizzy, the whole horse field laughed constantly, even has been far ahead of the "peerless world" of the limelight was robbed by this pair of jockeys.

This scene has made me to the critical point of collapse, the earphone actually also spread the steamed stuffed bun happy shout: "caught hey, bite on hey -" I whispered angrily: "bastard boy, you said the horse quickly let 'the world is peerless' set a circle, you are not playing me?

"Hey, hey, don't worry, Johnny, 12,000 kilometers, that horse is so strong -- oh, it's disgusting, its intestines are biting out... Let me know when it's over."

I'll be surprised if the jockey's prostate doesn't pop out after 12 kilometres.

But things did change. The Lame Rabbit sprang up like a one-legged fairy, and slowly caught up with the horses in front of him, and took a step at the end of the last lap.

Jin Shaoyan sneer: "The horse you bought is a little like you, are a little stubborn, in fact, it is not horse racing to the circus must have more development."

The boy is as good at hurting people as I am, and if I can't beat him, I'll beat him!

When I was talking, No. 14 crossed one and became the penultimate third. I looked back proudly at the time of Jin Shaoyan, and was caught up by the horse behind and became the penultimate second... Jin Shaoyan could not help laughing out loud, picked up the phone and ordered: "Ask the logistics to send a set of cleaning clothes up." I was on the verge of tears.

In the first 6 laps, "lame rabbit" run is OK, nothing super over other horses, also by other horses super, finally advanced several places, there are 5 horses behind it.

From the seventh lap, "Lame Rabbit" began to power, it is extremely strange body, irregular thinking, jumping back and forth, change the line of drift, at the speed of two laps quickly ran in the fifth place, although, the people in the racecourse still as a joke, they pointed at the number 14 horse and laughed. It was like watching a pig dribble and volley a goal in a World Cup final.

But the Lame Rabbit's momentum didn't stop. By the penultimate lap, he had passed 14 horses and was in second place. People stopped laughing.

Although it is the second, but it is far from "peerless in the world", according to the current situation, no one can shake its first position, Jin Shaoyan at this time also stopped the mockery, and said with respect: "This horse has a good training, and then another jockey, it is still very potential." By that tone, he still thought the match was a shoo-in.

But if you have professional betting experience, you will find that the distance between the Peerless and the Lame Rabbit seems to be constant, but in fact it is approaching at a distance of one line per second. Before you know it, the two horses are only one body away from each other. Then you realize that today's silence is different from the excitement of the last lap. Look at this one whose name is Lame... Well, the failed horse, although until now they didn't think he was going to win the race -- there was less than 10 metres to go, which in horse racing is basically irrelevant and there's a lot of difference between the two horses.

Then Kim 2 asked me nervously, "Is it time to sprint?" "I said.

"Watch carefully, it's wonderful!" 'he cried excitedly.

It was really wonderful! In the "peerless" is about to touch the line at that moment, behind half the body of the "lame rabbit" suddenly high leap, like a light elk like four feet stretch, then come down than "peerless" in advance of a horse nose touch line.

I shouted, "Long live the lame rabbit!"

Forgetting for a moment whether he won or lost, Jin stared at the screen in a daze and muttered, "What is that?"

There was so much joy on the screen, including the people who had lost their money, and they were so convinced that the host didn't know what to say but kept screaming along with the audience.

"Johnny, I ask you something..." Kim 2 said in his earphone.

I sighed and whispered, "Stop it. I know what to do."

I walked up to Jin Shaoyan in a daze and said, "Give me your car keys and let it go."

He numbly took out his car keys and put them on the table. I picked them up, and just as I was about to turn around and walk out, his face broke into his trademark smirking sneer. "I knew you'd change your mind.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Kim 2 knew things were going to be bad. He begged, "Johnny, don't be like him..."

I yanked off my Bluetooth headset, put my car keys back, and quietly said, "Kim, I've changed my fucking mind -- you're going to call me Johnny in front of your entire company!"

Jin Shaoyan smiled stiffly and softened down: "You are joking, right? My car will cost more than 3 million before tax!"

I picked up his landline phone and held it in his hand. "Call your entire staff and call me Johnny, or you can ask security to kick me out. I'll give you credit if you can."

Jin Shaoyan took one last look at me. His eyes turned cold. He took the phone and told me, "All employees should come to the 16th floor for a meeting!"

In less than 5 minutes, the empty space on the 16th floor was filled by more than 500 professional men and women, many of whom had seen me before, looking at me chuckling. I was wearing a double rib vest, big shorts, and a "sports" drag board, holding half a soft white sand in my hand. The building probably hadn't seen me wear such a casual outfit since construction.

Jin Shaoyan sullen face out of the office, asked the flower: "people to all?" Such as flower carefully nodded, Jin Shaoyan pointed to me and said: "I and the gentleman gambling, I lost, according to the good, I call him a strong brother, you all listen." "Said Jin Shaoyan resolutely turned his head, like a Japanese to me like a waist, shouted:" strong brother!

"Don't call me friends." I stamped out my cigarette and walked out in front of 500 people.

So far, I and Jin Shaoyan this enemy is dead.

When I got out, I immediately showed the true nature of a small citizen. I picked up the phone and asked Kim 2 in horror: "He won't seek revenge on me with the underworld, right?"

When Jin 2 heard what had happened, he sighed and said, "To be honest, I don't know. He has never fallen down so badly before. Johnny, it's not your fault.

Ah, the same is Jin Shaoyan, the difference of how to be so big pinch?

Evening meal is from the "Fu Sheng garden" called dinner, gold 1 gold 2 are more depressed today, gold 2 afraid to go to a hotel and meet gold 1, my group of 5 these two days ha fart bad, win fat man finally thoroughly have the concept of spending money to enjoy, the concept of money at the same time but the amount of money did not concept, fat man now buy ice cream to 100 yuan do not bring change, Two silly pocket full of Nanfu battery, used up do not charge directly throw; Li Teachers Association to support the legitimate book; Xiang Yu is still only interested in the car, Jin Shaoyan is going to put the spare tire of Mercedes-Benz business on the front of the car to let him drive when the bumper car practice, was my death remonkeying back, this is going to be easy to drive, after the street is not covered with corpses; Liu Bang ambiguous attitude, belongs to the kind of "have a bite, did not want to", in addition to the steamed stuffed bun showed a special love, has not found a fixed hobby.

Steamed stuffed bun followed them poor lively half a day (4 PM and rushed back to work), feel Jin Shaoyan to spend money obviously wrong, she secretly asked me: "Jin Shaoyan is not something to beg you?" I nodded. It's a matter of life and death.

The bun thought for a while, and suddenly grabbed me: "He doesn't want you to kill his twin brother, does he?" This woman is like this, see what is what, these days is watching a Hong Kong cable rich family drama, some days ago when watching Korean drama also play grudge.

But it also reminds me, now that Kim and me


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