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Roomies Part 2

A romance by Bre Meli

By Bre MeliPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Part 2 of the short romance. This work is not professionally edited or proofread. Just for pleasure. Read, enjoy, follow me, and fall in love with us. Thanks, Bre.


I wake slouched down on the sofa in the living area of my hotel suite. Rubbing my neck, I look around to see the mess from the party the night before. I've gotta stop doing this. This keeps floating around in my mind. Shaking off the blurry feeling, I stand and go into the bathroom. My buddy Grant is sprawled out in the kingsize bed with a naked woman tangled around him. I go over and slap his arm making him jump. The girl moans and rolls over still asleep.

"Seriously? In my bed man?" He laughs at the disgusted look on my face.

"She was worth it." Grants whole face lights up with a devilish smile.

"Get her out of here please," I say as I turn for the bathroom.

Jumping in the shower, I was the night before from my skin. With a towel around my torso, I walk back into the bedroom to dress. It is empty. A sigh of relief leaves my lips. Throwing on some jeans and a shirt, I walk back out into the living area. Grant sits on the couch flipping the stations on the big screen television.

"I know you are enjoying this life but, it is over. I can't do this anymore." Flopping onto the couch, I attempt to rub the ache from my eyes.

"Come on man, this has been awesome!" Grant is way too chipper for this morning.

My phone buzzes with a new voicemail. Calling it, I learn my aunt wants us to have dinner tonight. Grant convinced me to move here from the plush New York life I was living. He had an idea that would make us both rich. I am already rich. He just needs my money to get the ball rolling. It wasn't an easy thing to do, getting me to leave all of that. Grant was very persuasive. Now, I am spending thousands a night on this hotel suite and partying like a teenager. This is not my life. Things have to get back to normal.

"Well, Aunt Jeanine wants me to have dinner with her and Frank. Wonder what this is all about." My neck still hurts from the way I had slept. Rubbing it harder is not helping. Now I have to spend the evening listening to Aunt Jeanine drool on.

"She is hot! Can I come too? Maybe show her what she's missing having that old man every night." Grant rubs his hands together in delight.

"Eww. No. You are not invited." I get up disgusted as Grant pleads to let him tag along. There is no way I'm gonna sit and watch him hit on my Aunt.

That Evening

I get to the restaurant casually late. Uncle Frank looks exhausted while Aunt Jeanine talks his ear off. "Hey. Sorry, I'm late. Got held up."

"Grant is no good for you." Aunt Jeanine turns toward me with a frown. How does she know these things?

"Again, sorry. So, what's up? Why did you want me to come to dinner?" A waitress comes by and I order a drink.

Aunt Jeanine gives me a sideways glance of disapproval. "I've found you an apartment in the city.' She smiles proudly.

"Really? That's amazing. What's the rent? Not that it matters. Figured I would be a little easy on Mom and Dad's money." I chuckle as I take a long swig of my beverage.

"It is half off $1500." A sly smile crosses Aunt Jeanine's lips.

"Half? What do you mean?" I look at her quizzically.

"You will be sharing the place with someone. They need a roommate and you would be perfect. Maybe help with this playboy attitude you've been living. Help to get rid of it, that is." Aunt Jeanine smiles sweetly.

"Uncle Frank? You know about this?" Pleading for his help here.

"Not a bit. She may have said something. You know she never shuts up and I don't listen." Uncle Frank huffs as he sips at his drink.

We order our entrees. "What is his name? Is he an old man? What does he do for a living?" Too many questions, not enough time to get a word in before she starts rambling again.

"It's not a he, it's a she. She works in my office as one of the assistants to the CEO. She is an amazing girl. Let her teach you a thing or two about responsibility." Aunt Jeanine pats my hand as the waitress comes with the food. "Your Mom, my sister asked me to watch out for you and I am doing just that. You are 27 years old. Time to be a man my sweet nephew." She turns to her plate clapping quietly that they got it right this time.

"If you weren't so picky no restaurant would screw up your meal." I shake my head at her delight. "What is her name? Have I met her before?" Give me something here.

"Her name is Delilah Donovan. And no, you have never met her. She has only been with the company for a few years. She is smart, funny, and a hard worker." Aunt Jeanine dives into her meal.

"So a dog." I sigh and start on my own plate.

"Not at all!" Aunt Jeanine smacks my arm. "What does it matter. She will be your roommate. That is all." She points at me while finishing her sentence.

"Alright, Aunt Jeanine. Things need to change anyway. That hotel is making a fortune off of Mom and Dad. This will be better." Finishing my plate, I go to get up and leave.

"Oh, wait now." She grabs my hand making me sit back down. "She will be expecting you at seven tomorrow night. Be on your best behavior!" She turns back to her food. Pointing to the air, "One last thing. Your parents will be giving you an allowance from now on. Here is the bank card. They will deposit $5000 a month into it. You drain it, your problem." Smiling widely Aunt Jeanine starts to pick at Uncle Franks plate.

Uncle Frank looks up at me and shrugs. "You have got to be kidding me!" I snatch the card from her hand, kiss her on the cheek, nod to Uncle Frank and exit the restaurant.

Kicking the side of the building I'm so pissed. If Grant wouldn't of drug me here none of this would be happening! Limping the rest of the way to my car, cursing under my breath at Grant and the pain in my foot, I head back to the hotel.

Grant was nowhere to be found that night or all of the next day. Was he kidnapped? He has never gone this long without texting me or something. With all of my things loaded into the car, I check out of the hotel and put the address Aunt Jeanine gave me into the GPS. It doesn't take long to reach my destination. The old building is amazing. Someone took really good care of this place. It is only four stories high. She happens to live on the top floor. Parking in the garage, I grab my overnight bag for now and head to the front door.

Standing there for a moment, I contemplate how all of this is going to go. Looking up to the top floor, I hit the buzzer. Here goes nothing ...


About the Creator

Bre Meli

I am a woman that loves life, Independence, music, writing, love and family. Searching for and talking about all the things that bring a person pleasure in life is something that gives me great satisfaction.

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    Bre MeliWritten by Bre Meli

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