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Roomies Part 1

A short romance By Bre Meli

By Bre MeliPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

This is a raw idea of a story I'd like to share with the world. It is not edited or proofread. Read, enjoy, follow me, give your opinions. Thanks, Bre


Walking into work, I pass my bestie, Parker. She immediately stops me as usual. "So? How was the newest candidate?" She has that grin knowing what I am going to say.

"Is there anyone n this city that doesn't have a shit ton of baggage?" Plopping down in my chair, blowing my bangs out of my eyes.

"What was it this time? You are way too picky!" She exclaims a bit too loud.

Squinting my eyes at her, I blurt out, "She is just not right. In the head!" Covering my mouth, I shrank in my chair a bit from trying to hide that it was me that just squeaked loudly. "This woman told me she comes and goes a lot at night because she has to keep an eye on her man. She is stalking him! Am I ever going to find a decent roommate? I love this apartment, losing it would seriously suck."

Parker laughs at my antics, Someone will come along that sparks your interest. Meaning someone you can handle for more than two minutes." She spins around in her chair to face her computer.

Looking up, I notice the boss lady coming out of her office. She is headed straight for me, "Delilah? How is the roommate hunting going?" Her smile reaches her eyes. She is in a good mood today.

"Mrs. Brantley," Letting out a sigh before answering, " It has been horrible. Why is it so hard to find one person with a job and only a bit of baggage? Since Julie moved out three months ago I've been exhausting myself with applicants that cannot hold up. My apartment is amazing. If I don't find someone soon." Placing my face in my hands, exhaled heavily.

"Well, I may have a solution." She laughs at me. "My nephew is moving to town. He has been looking for someone he can stay with. His parents are in New York and he refuses to stay with my husband and me. He wants to do this on his own. He has a good job, no girlfriend and he's around your age I believe. You are what 26?" She leans down putting her hands on my desk getting eye to eye with me.

"Wow, uh, yeah this year. I don't know about this. I mean, he's your family. No offense or anything. Not sure I want someone so close to my boss learning about my private life." Cringing a bit at my words.

"Oh honey, I could care less what you do on your own time." She stands placing her index finger on her chin, "Tell you what. I stay out of business that involves your personal life and you do not get wrapt up in talks about our family? I think that is a good exchange." She smiles to herself.

"Is it alright if I think about it overnight?" Still a bit wary about letting my two worlds collide.

"Deal. I will let him know that there is possible place for him at dinner tonight. He has been paying a small fortune for hotels since he came to town. This is a good thing for you both." She pats my desk and walks back to her office.

"Damn! I think we need drinks after work tonight." Parker nods slowly.

"Definitely." Agreeing with Parker then spin around to get this day on its way to over.

That Evening

Staring at myself in the full-length mirror deciding if this outfit is too much for drinks with a friend. The fitting dress holds tight to every curve of my body. Letting my dark hair out of its bun to cascade down my back, I smile, ruffle it a bit, grab my bag, and head for the door. It will have to do.

Parker took over a table near the back. Waving to her, I stop at the bar and order a drink. The bartender hands me a tall glass and I make my way to the table. Plopping down in the seat across from her. "Well?" She takes a sip of her cocktail and waits for an answer.

"I don't know. Living with a man?" Scrunching my face at the thought.

"You will be doing it someday. Might as well get the practice." Parker laughs, downs her drink, then waves to the waitress to get another.

"True. What if we don't get along? He will be telling our boss all about me. I'm not liking that idea." Swirling the straw of my almost empty glass, deep in thought.

"Hell, if you don't you are going to lose that apartment you claim to love so much." The waitress hands her a new drink, she takes a long drink and smiles.

"Why do I talk to you?" Damn her. She is always right.

She laughs loudly, "Because I give the best advice." Shrugging she takes another drink almost emptying her glass.

We sit there drinking until almost midnight. My head starts spinning. Time to call it a night. Working with a hangover is not my idea of fun. Parker and I walk out together hailing a cab. She doesn't live far from me so we split the fare for the trip home.

The Next Day

Mrs. Brantley is out all morning giving me more time to argue the pros and cons of this adventure I am about to embark on. After lunch, she strolls through stopping at my desk.

"Well, Miss. Donovan, what is the verdict?" She tilts her head to me and smiles.

"I'm in. What harm can it do and I will get to keep my place. It is big enough for the two of us." My face stays straight. Still not sure of this arrangement. "What is his name? Suppose that is something I should know." Looking up to her smiling innocently.

"Travis Wells. He was skeptical at first. He is looking forward to meeting you tonight. He has the address. Should be arriving with his things around seven." She grins at me. She already told him he is moving in. Mrs. Brantley was not going to take no for an answer.

"Oh! Um, alright. I will see him then." She pats my desk like usual and walks away.

Parker spins around to me laughing. "Damn she is good." Still laughing she spins back around to continue working.

Rushing home after work to clean the place. Changing into some shorts and a ragged old shirt. I've let go a bit since Julie left me. There are still a few things in her old room that have to go. My nerves are on edge. Is this really something I want? Feels like I was pushed into letting this Travis guy move in.

The buzzer rings at exactly seven. Here we go ....


About the Creator

Bre Meli

I am a woman that loves life, Independence, music, writing, love and family. Searching for and talking about all the things that bring a person pleasure in life is something that gives me great satisfaction.

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    Bre MeliWritten by Bre Meli

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