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Rising From the Ashes

Phoenix, Lightning, Seashells

By Cindy CalderPublished about a year ago 9 min read

Death knows no obstacle, no boundary, as love rises from the ashes like a phoenix and soars to distant horizons.

Each afternoon, Tessa walked the cliffs of Cornwall, looking out upon the vast ocean as she anxiously awaited the return of her sea captain, Seton. The nearby Trevose Head Lighthouse stood at the ready, able to provide guidance for any incoming ship out on the seas. It had been more than a year since she had seen Seton's ship, The Sappho, draw near, but she held onto hope as she waited, hoping to see a blinking ship's lantern from the flower-encrusted cliffs overlooking the ocean's waves.

Seton had been gone for over a year now, presumably sailing upon the endless seas, and sometimes Tessa wondered if she could still recall the face of the man that she so loved. She longed to wrap her hands around his broad shoulders and feel the rasp of whiskers against his handsome jaw as she kissed him. Would he not ever return? She knew that many in the villagers secretly whispered that he and his ship had been lost at sea, perhaps caught in a storm, but Tessa refused to relinquish her hope. Seton would return to her, no matter how long it took him to do so.

This August day, Tessa sat amidst the oxeye daisies and English stonecrops, sipping a flask of wine while nibbling on a heel of bread and a bit of cheese as she looked out on the far horizon. The cliffs were lovely during the summer months, and if Seton was ever to return, it would be now as the seas were usually like glass; calm and steady for any ship’s sailing. Today, however, Tessa could see dark clouds approaching and streaks of lightning lit the sky in the distance. The seagulls mewed and circled above, seemingly agitated by the fast approaching storm.

In anticipation of Seton's return from sea, Tessa had finished her wedding dress many months ago. It was a simple, blue muslin gown with an intricate embroidery of spring flowers all about its hem and bodice. It was beautiful, especially so because of the care her loving hands had taken while making it. The blue dress created a stunning backdrop for her red curls and blue eyes, and she could not wait to wear it with her love standing close beside her. The dress had hung undisturbed in her room for many months now as each day, she waited anxiously for Seton’s return.

Today was no different, and not spying a ship sailing upon the distant horizon today and in anticipation of the storm, Tessa packed her things and made her way home along the winding path. It was growing more difficult each day to cling to hope, and her chest ached with a longing for her love. She would try, however, to stay steadfast and keep a brave face and would return each day to the cliffs where hope would grow anew as she looked out upon the waters in search of The Sappho.

After picking a few daisies to place in the antique ivory vase beside her bed, Tessa arrived home just prior to twilight, her hair windswept and a rosy blush upon her creamy complexion. Her mother welcomed her with a kiss upon her sun-kissed cheek.

“Tessa, dear. Is there no news today?” her mother asked hesitantly even though she knew that there had been no sight of Seton’s ship.

“No. There was no sight of The Sappho today, but mayhap tomorrow,” Tessa said with hope.

“Dearest Tessa, have you not wondered….” Her mother’s voice trailed off in fear of laying substance to a deeply rooted fear and having it manifest into a reality.

Tessa turned abruptly to eye her mother, surprise evident in her blue eyes. “Seton will return for me. He may not return today, but he will return. I feel it and know it within the depths of my being,” Tessa stated emphatically, thereby silencing her mother from further comment.

The following weeks passed and quickly turned into months and then a new yea. Tessa’s family became increasingly concerned for her wellbeing, as she was insistent still that Seton would return. She focused solely on the return of The Sappho with Seton at the helm, and nothing could dissuade her from anything to the contrary. She began to hum and sing in a somewhat delusional world of her own making, disregarding much of reality and the heartfelt concern from those around her. Try as anyone might to steer her in another direction, her thoughts remained steadfast on Seton, his return from the Indies, and their impending nuptials.

Many months traipsed by and turned into long years, and still, Seton did not return despite Tessa's insistence that he would. Tessa’s mind repeatedly wrestled between truths and untruths. Her sister, Isabelle, continued to care for her due to the frail state of being that had become Tessa’s reality as both parents and many other loved ones passed on. Still, Tessa waited every day that she could upon the haunting and beautiful cliffs of Cornwall looking out at the horizon. She waited not just for any ship, but she waited for Seton’s ship, The Sappho.

Loved ones and friends alike watched in silence as many times she donned her beautiful, blue wedding gown and walked the cliffs. In warmer weather, she would wander down to stroll by the lapping waves, the blue of her gown trailing in the sandy water’s edge as she peered steadfastly out across the waters and into the sun’s fading glimmer. She seemed nearly ethereal as she did so, moving with the surge of the water and lingering just enough within its depth to give the appearance that she was gliding across its glassy smoothness. All would whisper amongst themselves that it was such a pitiful thing that Tessa had lost her grasp on reality when Seton had not returned. There had been so much unfulfilled promise of youth and life, but alas, it had seemed to drown metaphorically just as poor Seton and his crew had done so long ago with The Sappho.

Years passed in the small fishing community of Cornwall where Tessa lived, and grey had begun to streak the russet curls that fell in loose disarray about her shoulders as she continued to walk the cliffs in search of Seton and The Sappho. She remained with her sister, although life as she knew it was unlike the bustling every day existence known to others her age. With no family of her own beyond her sibling, she helped to cook, clean, and care for the nieces and nephews, but the focus of her heart, mind, and intent was to wait upon the cliffs for her true love’s return.

It was a cold night in early April. The snow and ice had only just begun to thaw throughout the area, but there was still a distinct chill in the air, especially after sunset. After dinner, the fire roared in the cottage’s stone fireplace while Tessa sat next to her sister, patiently sewing. After an hour, Isabelle eventually yawned, rubbed her tired eyes, and sat her embroidery down upon the chair beside her.

“Tessa, love, it’s late, and I must be to bed for tomorrow comes far too soon,” she said, laying a reassuring and loving hand upon her sister’s forearm. “Will you not go to bed as well?”

“Nay, Isabelle, I must finish this piece before I retire. I promise I am not far behind you,” Tessa smiled as she shook her head, indicating she was not yet ready to relinquish her embroidery and seek the comfort of her bed.

“Yes, dearest, but promise me that you won’t tarry long.” Isabelle stooped and lovingly kissed her sister’s head before heading to the narrow staircase that led to her bed and husband.

Tessa continued sewing a while longer, her brows scrunched in concentration until she was sure she had made each flower as beautiful as she desired. Pushing at stray, grey-streaked curls falling about her oval face, she rose with the intention of taking the candle and heading to bed. However, as she passed the window, she paused to look out into the penetrating darkness. She could see that in the far distance, a dim light flickered, and Tessa’s heart skipped a beat as she realized that it glimmered off the distant waters. It could mean only one thing: Seton had finally returned! Quickly, without pausing long enough to don a shawl or cape, she flew out of the cottage and toward the coastline, her grey-streaked russet curls swirling all about her face and shoulders as the strong winds swept through them.

As she moved toward the shore with one purpose in mind, Tessa did not feel the cold that enveloped her fragile body or feel the seashells that cut through the delicate slippers that adorned her feet. Neither her gown nor shoes successfully combatted the elements of the night. The only thought that filled her with each step she took was was to move toward the flickering light - to Seton. As she reached the water’s edge, she spied a ship on the distant horizon, the moon's beams glinting off its white sails. With fascination, she watched as the flickering light drew ever nearer. Her heart quickened with anticipation, and she could not quell the excitement that reverberated within her breast. Seton had come home, she thought with pure, unadulterated joy.

For nearly an hour, Tessa stood thus upon the shoreline, the waves hungrily lapping at her dainty feet as they threatened to consume her while she waited, the faint light growing stronger and closer to the water’s edge. Finally, she could make out the silhouette of a small boat with a single passenger approaching. Seton! Happiness infused her being and grew with each movement of the oar, flicker of a light, and surge of a wave.

Before the small boat reached land, the passenger jumped from it and ran as fast as possible through the shallow waters until finally reaching Tessa. With outstretched arms and an open heart, Tessa fell into Seton’s strong embrace, and the two kissed in tearful greeting, the ocean’s waves lapping all about their ankles.

Tessa lovingly looked up into Seton’s green eyes and touched his rugged, bearded face. “My love,” she whispered with the sheen of tears in her blue eyes. “You have come back to me.”

“Aye, I’ve come home, my sweet. I have come to take you with me, Tessa. We shall be together forevermore, never to part again. I promised that I would return for you, and thus, I have fulfilled my promise.” Seton’s hands caressed her face tenderly as he spoke. “You are my only and my truest love, sweet Tessa.”

Tessa’s blue eyes filled with tears, relief and joy encompassing her frail body. She had waited so long for this moment and now Seton was here, and he would never leave again. Happiness and love were hers, and she would hold them firmly within her grasp for all eternity. With arms that drew each other closely to the other, the two lovers walked toward the lighthouse, aware of nothing but the love they felt for one another.


It was a bitter cold morning when they found, her lifeless body strewn across the rugged rocks that lined the shoreline by the lighthouse. An eerie peace seemed to fill her countenance though she lay motionless, and even more strangely, there was the glimmer of a smile curved upon the softness of her lips posed in the ancient dance of death. Many would tell tales for long years about sweet, poor Tessa who waited so patiently and so steadfastly for her only love, Seton, to return. They would whisper that they had seen the two lovers, arms about each other as they strolled along the water’s edge in the early morning light of dawn. It seemed that love had finally chose to smile upon the two lovers, gracing them with the ultimate gift. In defying death, eternal love prevailed, allowing the lovers to be together once again and for an eternity.

Short StoryLoveFantasy

About the Creator

Cindy Calder

From Charleston SC - "I am still learning." Michelangelo

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Comments (2)

  • Kim Loostromabout a year ago

    This is gorgeous, romantic, and haunting! Amazing work! Side note, this reminded me slightly of “Ahab’s Wife or, the Star-Gazer” by Sena Jeter Naslund, which I love!

Cindy CalderWritten by Cindy Calder

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