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Fictional story written by Ankitaa Arun(Who else?of course its me)

By Ankitaa ArunPublished 5 months ago 6 min read
Mamba is awoken!

“Ugh!” Jake exclaimed with a feeling of boredom mixed with

sluggishness. He slammed onto the fluffy bed in his cluttered room

and slowly started to slide down with his face like a monkey. Tracey,

on the other hand, felt tedious too, but at least she was searching for

a quest that would pull them to the evergreen, but boring, secret

HQ! You can say that Jake turned cranky with the sound of his

horrible singing,“SHINE LIL’ GLOW WORM GLIMMER

GLIMMER…” Tracey’s face began to turn red, as Jake tickled her on

her last nerve. However, at the same time, Jake had given Tracey an

idea. A fabulous idea!

The idea lightning that Tracey was struck with needed a lot of

intrepidness. Between you and me, it needed a lot!! That idea included traveling to a glow worm pyramid

of a hundred tombs in far Egypt! Not just any tombs, but the

legendary Cleopatra and her servants’ tombs. Jake immediately

realized that the outcome of her idea was either ‘life’ or ‘no life’.

“PLEASE don’t tell me that we are going to experience another life-

threatening quest! Oh lord, save me from this unmerciful girl.” Jake

moaned, and when Tracey said “ PACK YOUR BAGS, CUZ’ WE’RE

GOING TO EGYPT!” Jack’s heart slumped into his boots like clock

weight. He couldn’t do anything, that’s for sure! Because Tracey was

the boss.

So, Jake lumbered off and returned with a jumbo suitcase which was

enough to fit an elephant! The two, fast as a flash, stuffed their bags

with food, food, food, and clothes.

Tracey marked her checklist and abruptly stopped upon the word

TRANSPORT! The duo rummaged through the vast internet but no

not a single vehicle was available, and since they were quite young,

the duo didn’t have much money to afford a flight to Egypt. Five

minutes later, the rather ‘exhausted two’ found themselves on the

….ROAD! Tracey discovered herself listening to Jake’s useless

moans, again. “Oh Jesus, what sin did I commit to deserve this

painful torture? After a couple more lines of his moaning and

groaning, a glossy, red Chevrolet approached the two as their

dropping jaws echoed in the quiet, burning weather. But here’s the

but, the vehicle had no driver! Yes, they were shocked but they also

were tired so without a word the two barged in. Whilst Jake buckled

into the driver’s seat Tracey shot a gazillion questions to him. “Do

you know how to drive? Do you have a license?

Do you? How? What? When?”

With a short wink, Jake punched the accelerator as the car squealed

forward. “OFF TO EGYPT, WE GO!”

2 hours later, they finally set their eyes on the tall pyramid. Jake

barfed when he stumbled out and Tracey kissed the ground. The

dilapidated pyramid which contained the mummy of Cleopatra

stood in front of them, millimetres away. It was coated in dust from

the peak to the bottom. Tracey and Jake grabbed their torches and

made their way toward the humongous door. “Why would the brains

of people ever decide to build a door in one of the most horrifying

destinations?” Tracey asked Jake and Jake replied, “ Why would the

brains of two children ever decide to go to one of the most horrifying

destinations?” Tracey shot him a look and ignored his little useless

comment. With every single muscle they had, they pushed and

pushed and slammed the door open.

POOF! As soon as they entered, a massive stink plunged into their

noses. They ‘oofed’ and ‘ughed’ but continued to walk into the eerie

pyramid with terrified expressions.

A few seconds later, THUD THUD THUD! The two trembling heads

swung sideward as the tall door slammed shut. Tears flooded poor

Tracey’s face, but all her worries were replaced with bigger ones with

another THUD. “What in the world is going on? We can’t turn back

can we?” muttered Jake with terror. Thankfully but weirdly, lantern

fires switched on and the two timidly set forward.

They followed a mysterious pathway and ended up in front of

Mamba’s (Cleopatra’s servant) tomb. They told each other that it

was perfectly fine and that there were only two tombs but

immediately realized that they had spoken too soon. They squinted

their eyes to get the most out of the light they had and saw another

and another and a million more tombs! They concluded, after

counting, that this pyramid preserved the entire Egyptian era! Jake

turned pale without realizing the fact that his eyes started to water,

more like CRY! Without notice, those tears seeped into Mamba’s

coffin! All the lights started to flicker and smoke began to circle the

coffin. BLACK SMOKE! The long coffin which has been remained

closed for over a million year, bit by bit, opened as the two hearts

started to beat faster than ever. “YESS, FFREEEDOMMM….I



Mamba’s voice echoed through the darkness. Tracey immediately

fainted and Jake, well had plan A … to RUN but no plan B!

Jake nervously backed away, but he was helpless in the decision to

leave his friend behind. To his surprise, he spotted a long thin

thread. He scurried towards it and as soon as he got it, he tied it

around his and Tracey’s leg. To make things worse, flesh-eating lava

rushed for Jake and Tracey. Jake gulped and dashed towards the

door with Tracey tugging along. He banged with his fists turning red

from the pain. He kept turning back and forth to look out for the

monstrous lava. Second by second, the crackling lava neared the

entrance with Mamba floating on it! Except now it had a bigger


Jake took a leap of faith pulled Tracey onto a nearby rock-which was

imprisoned just like them! BOOM! Without a warning, the door,

which stood for a decade, crashed due to the lava which melted its

base. ‘For once the lava was helpful’ thought Jake. With the chance

to escape, Jake rushed outside and shook Tracey off his leg.

Mamba, on the other hand, slithered out and stretched his limbs.

“UGH.YUCKY!” blurted Jake. He could never imagine a slimy

serpent stretching! When Mamba was done with his weird

stretching, he yelled “REVENGE….FOR THE PERSON WHO


“AAAAAAHHHHHH!” Tracey screamed. “What happened? Did we

get eaten? Are we in the snake’s belly?” Jake was clueless about

where to begin. But by the look on his face, Tracey could infer that

Mamba was quite ticked off! The two kids muttered “OH NO!”

The duo were helpless, literally! All they had in hands reach was an

old, rusted pan.

With no time to lose, Jake grabbed the pan at lightning speed, and

with great cautiousness, he crushed every serpent-that came to life

with the lava- that met his eye. While this was on, Tracey distracted

Mamba by lumbering towards him as if she were a zombie. Fear

could be detected in Mamba’s eyes as she neared. But why?

Once every serpent was killed, Mamba was the only one left to get

his butt whacked. Jake and Tracey cornered him and recalled his

weakness. “ Jake, when I went closer to him a few moments ago,

Mamba got scared and backed away. I think if we get near him he

will turn to ash!” Tracey explained. The two nodded in agreement

and sprinted toward Mamba to end this huge dilemma. Once they

got too close, their breath gently touched Mamba’s fiery face. Slowly,

his body froze and withered like a flower.

“YES!” they screamed. Mamba was destroyed!

They had finished another adventure and they both had an

outstanding story to narrate!

Do you think you can be brave like Jake and Tracey? Tell me in the comments!


About the Creator

Ankitaa Arun

Helloo!! I love writing fiction and love sharing them with others. I found Vocal and was like cha-ching! Make sure you read all my posts and like and leave a tip on them! Love yall!! stay safe

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  • Shambhavee Bhosaleabout a month ago


AAWritten by Ankitaa Arun

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