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Zero Initiative

By Tony NelsonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
"Downtown guardians [Explored]" by _Franck Michel_ is licensed under CC BY 2.0

The moon shines through the window as I search my backpack for my flashlight. My eyes shift from left to right as I scan my surroundings. Finally grabbing it, I flick it on and peer around. Shattered glass lines the floor of this abandoned office. As I rummage through a desk drawer, nothing comes up. Paper after paper, just useless documents that don't matter anymore. I pray my entail was right for once. I gazed upon what seemed like endless cubicles. What is important about this lockett?

After trifling through half the floor, I pulled out my notepad. The note reads “Go to the 12th floor. Enter the fourth door to the left. It will be in the top left drawer.” Fourth door to the left? AHHH! I went into the fourth door to the right. I double backed into the hallway and looked for the corresponding, As I entered the room, there lay a single desk. I rushed to the other side. Sliding back the door, there she was a heart shaped locket. It glistened in the light. I shrieked in joy as I knew my payday was coming. Since the great collapse, jobs and rations have been scarce. But what is so important about this tricket?

I slid it under my shirt for safekeeping and proceeded to the door. I stopped dead in my tracks. The sounds of the elevator dinged in the corridor. An uniform march of heavy boots can be heard coming down the corridor. I was supposed to be alone. My hands tremble as I try to shut it off. It fumbles through my hands before landing at my feet. The footsteps stopped. My heart started racing. I clasped my hands over my mouth to mask my breathing. A voice broke through the silence.

“I want you to go from room to room, desk to desk. The artifact must be here.”

The footsteps continued once more This time disbursing in many directions, the soldiers ransacked everything in sight. I have to make a move now or I will be trapped. I crawled over to the door. I slowly peered out the door looking both ways. The elevator was in my line of sight. I can make it. I take a quick look around and in front of me was a pair of black shiny boots,

“We have a civilian sir. What should I -”

Before he could finish his sentence, I broke in a sprint towards the stairs. The men behind me scrambled to follow me. Looking behind me, our gap was getting larger by the stride. I turn around just in time to fling open the metal. Radio chatter and the sound of their boots slowly is drowned out by my own heavy breathing.

I descend rapidly to the bottom, jumping from landing to landing in an almost fluid motion. Looking down through the middle of the staircase, the exit is in view. Just two more flights and I am home free. The bottom door busts open. Panicked, I froze in place.There is no way down and going back up is out of the question. My head scanned from left to right. I dart towards my only option, the level two doorway.

The corridor was dimly lit. A sign on the wall read, “Office 201- 206 right. Labs straight ahead.”

Without hesitation I booked it forward. I tried a series of locks praying that one would be unlocked. No dice. The creak of the floor door being gently opened echoed throughout. My heart rate began to climb exponentially. One has to work. I pushed down on the handle and nearly fell face first into the room. I caught myself and slowly closed the door.

The room was pitch black. I patted my pockets looking for my flashlight. I clenched it closed as I heard footsteps close in. No windows were in the vicinity and no escape in sight. Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Then silence. The air was heavy with tension as the handle jiggled. A familiar voice boomed from the other side.

“There is no sign of him. Let’s go and sweep the remaining floors. He was probably scavenging for valuables and possible food. We have to find the override code.”

“Well we know it's probably not on the seventh floor. Pretty stupid to put the codes on the same floor of the access terminal.”

A series of footsteps began trailing away from the door. I remained still for what felt like hours. Multiple scenarios ran through my mind while I was trapped. Were they a private militia seeking world domination? Peacekeepers? Special Forces? A realization crossed my mind, I don’t even know exactly where I am at. Brooke and Brathwaite, Inc?

My jaw instantly dropped when I made the connection. Rumors of them faking a cyber attack to shut down the American economy spread like wildfire. From shutting down power grids and factories to freezing their assets, it caused so much chaos. Millions were left homeless and jobless. Please do not tell this specific lockett is the code. I clicked on my flashlight. I pried open the locket to see what was inside. Please let it be pictures, please! Nope. It’s a usb and what seems like a password. This job was too good to be true. I shine the light around the room. The only way out is the trash chute. I am only up two levels so I should be able to survive.

I walked over to the chute and prepared myself to escape. I swing one leg over and adjust myself. Escaping is the best option. Just hand this over and I’ll be able to leave town. Curiosity of what is on this drive is telling me otherwise. Why do I do it to myself?

Creeping to the door, I slowly turn the handle. I peeked out in the hallway to see if anyone was coming. I have to come up with a plan. Think. Think. Think! There is the main staircase straight ahead and a rear staircase to my right. If I take the rear staircase I might be able to go unspotted. Turning right, I proceeded cautiously. Eerily too quiet. I rushed to the stairs and proceeded up. I looked up to make sure no one was overhead. As I ascended, I became more anxious. Why is it so quiet? Did they leave? They must or at least on a higher floor.

AsI reached the door for the seventh floor, I took a deep breath and pulled it open. I looked around in awe at the sheer depth of the floor. The layout was different. The whole floor was an open concept. All there lies was a terminal. I can now hear the soldiers footsteps overhead. It is now or never. I sprung into a full stride to get to the terminal before they dropped down a level. I powered up the terminal and stuck the usb drive in.


The computer’s voice echoed through the empty void around. It’s bound to attract attention. I have to hurry up.

“Enter in the passcode.”

I placed the locket close to my eyes to read the print. A..E...M...2...5...9...0...Q...N...Z. MY fingers rapidly tapped the desk as I waited for the computer to respond.

“Would you like to initiate protocol Zero Alpha?”

Protocol Zero Alpha? I came this far. Why not? I pressed yes. It began a countdown sequence.

“30 seconds remaining.”

I sat and stared at the terminal. I kicked my feet up. There is nowhere to run or hide. It's only a matter of time before the storm in weapons drawn asking me to get on the floor. I grabbed my bottle of water and finally enjoyed the silence. Both doors swung open. Here they come.

“Get on the ground! I said-”

Before they could finish their command. I was already in position. A smile from ear to ear graced my face. Sets of boots stood in my peripheral. Their hands grabbed me under the armpit and lifted me to my feet. The man with the gruff voice was staring me in the face. I can see his breath on my face.

“Well done. You did our job for us. Hopefully this fixes a lot.”

The soldiers turned and walked towards the elevator. No more words or anything was exchanged. All there was left was me and the silence.

Short Story

About the Creator

Tony Nelson

A small time writer from a Jersey shore town.

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    Tony NelsonWritten by Tony Nelson

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