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Lost souls

By Somer KellyPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Photo by Nurlan Imash on Unsplash

In the small town on the outskirts of Blackwood, nestled deep within the misty forests of New England, there was a legend among the townsfolk. Many would speak of the witches who dwelled deep in the shadows where no one would go, their hearts blackened by bitterness and their souls twisted by hate. These witches hated children. They had a high sense of smell. Any time a child was near by the witches would smell the foulest smell you could ever imagine.

Among these witches was a coven of three: Endora, the cunning and ruthless leader; Isadora, the enigmatic master of all the dark arts; and Selene, the most sinister seductress who would lured unsuspecting souls into their webs. Together, they would roamed the town under the darkness of night, seeking out as many innocent children that they could find to enslave into their wicked schemes.

Their method were sneaky yet wise. With ancient spells and arcane rituals, they captured the essence of children, trapping their spirits within old photographs. Each snapshot became a prison, freezing the captured child in a timeless void of despair. No one suspected the true nature of these photographs, dismissing them as mere curiosities of a bygone era.

One dark and stormy night, as the lightning would danced across the sky and thunder roared like a beast, a young boy named William would stumbled upon an old trunk in his attic. Curious by its contents, he rummaged through dusty relics until his hand brushed against a peculiar photograph hidden beneath a tattered cloak.

The image depicted three women shrouded in darkness, their eyes gleaming with malevolence. William's blood ran cold as he recognized the faces of Agatha, Isadora, and Selene—the legendary witches of Blackwood. But what horrified him the most was the figure trapped within the confines of the frame—a young girl with fear etched upon her face, her eyes pleading for salvation.

Unknowing to William, the girl in the photograph was his own sister, Mary, who seemed to had disappeared just a few short years ago. William was instantly over come by a anger to uncover the truth of what happened to his sister. William was over come with deep desire to uncover the mysteries surrounding the witches' curse, unaware of the dangers lurking in the shadows ahead for him.

As William embarked on his dangerous quest, the witches sensed a disturbance in the balance of their dark realm. The witches were instantly filled with anger and intent on revenge, they unleashed a barrage of supernatural forces to hinder his path. However, William stood firm, his determination matching the resilience of the ancient oaks that watched over the forest.

Guided by the flickering light of a lantern and the whispers of forgotten spirits, William ventured into the heart of the witches' lair—a dilapidated mansion shrouded in secrets. Within its crumbling walls, he confronted the coven in a final showdown of good versus evil.

With a courage born of desperation, William shattered the enchanted photographs, releasing the trapped souls from their spectral prisons. As the witches screamed in anguish, their powers waned, and they vanished into the darkness from whence they came.

In the aftermath of the battle, the town of Blackwood breathed a sigh of relief, the curse of the witches finally lifted. And though scars remained, both seen and unseen, William found solace in the knowledge that his sister was free at last, her spirit soaring among the stars.

As dawn broke over the horizon, casting its golden light upon the world, William vowed to never forget the horrors he had witnessed or the price that had been paid. For in the depths of darkness, he had discovered the true power of love and the resilience of the human spirit—a force that could conquer even the most malevolent of evils.

Sci FiMysteryHorrorFantasy

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