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Rebels Uprising

The Rebellion

By John J HarveyPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Rebels Uprising
Photo by Mukund Nair on Unsplash

In the year 2290 a tall man with a thick brown beard and tangled brown hair, wearing a pair of torn denim jeans and worn-out leather jacket can be seen walking towards a large stone to rest on.

Upon reaching the stone the man sits down and pulls out some dry meat from his left jacket pocket and proceeds to eat it. The man appears emotionally despondent as he looks upon the desolated wasteland surrounding him.

This wasteland consists of broken-down buildings, garbage, and human corpses in the streets.

Two hundred years earlier in the year 2090, a man and woman both in their mid-thirties, are standing in the center of a living room, in a Highrise apartment.

Both parties are dressed in expensive clothing. The man is in a black business suit and the woman in a blue gown with diamond sparkles laced throughout. The woman tells the man “We did it Doctor Onesto!” Doctor Onesto replies: “Yes we did, my love” Doctor Onesto reaches into his left suit-jacket pocket and pulls out a heart shaped locket.

The woman takes the locket, opens it up and sees a picture of Doctor Onesto and herself. The doctor say’s “Just a token of my gratitude”

24 hours earlier

A television is broadcasting a news report.

News Reporter: “The new “Chronos” drug that promises to both prevent and reverse aging. Well, that’s what Doctor Onesto the creator of the drug is saying.”

Doctor Onesto is in a one-to-one interview.

Doctor Onesto: “Imagine the possibility of forever living in your prime, by stopping or potentially reversing your age. Gone, are age related deaths and diseases. Gone is the notion we must be mortal. That’s what my drug promises.”

One Week Later

News reporter: “Controversy over the new Chronos drug today, which promises eternal youth and perhaps eternal life. But what about the downside? What about not having enough jobs to support this many people in the future? What about the potential risk for an increase in homelessness and limited resources? The government is working on a plan to help the USA and everyone around the globe to obtain the benefits of this drug without the following concerns being an issue. What that plan is, has yet to be disclosed.”

In the year 2090 the sun is shining down on a destitute city. A group comprised of eight homeless men and seven homeless women are sleeping in an alleyway. Police sirens can be heard outside the alleyway as three police cars pull up. As the police exist their vehicles, they begin shining floodlights down the alley.

Some of the men and women begin to moan in discomfort as twenty police officers start walking into the alley. Five officers have their guns drawn and directed towards the homeless people. The rest of the officers are walking over to each person and arresting them in traditional handcuffs.

One Homeless man asks: “What are we being arrested for?”

The arresting officer ignores him as the sound of a bus can be heard pulling up outside the alley.

One of the officers’ orders them all to “get in line” and they are led into the bus.

Exterior of “Doctor Onesto Medical Headquarters”

A large thousand-foot-tall building that displays “Onesto Medical” in bright yellow letters can be seen being projected from the top of the building.

Automatic doors begin opening outwards in the entry way of the building. The homeless people are taken into the facility and through the second door to the left.

The room they are taken into is known as the “Prisoner Room”. The “Prisoner Room” has no windows, black steel walls and metal chairs around the room.

The prisoners are forced by the police to sit down in the metal chairs and have their arms placed onto the armrests. The armrests have electronic, circular, metallic locks come up from the center of each of them and around the prisoner’s arms.

A deep, stern, authoritative voice comes in over the loudspeaker: “Due to our population control laws, you have been selected for extermination. None of you have anything to contribute to society and must be put down for the survival of our species. Rest-assured this wasn’t an easy decision for us to make, but it’s necessary.”

You can see the despair in the eyes of the prisoners.

In the future year of 2290, a group of two hundred rebel men and women are dressed in black tactical gear.

The tactical gear consists of armored suits, utility belts, and six-button electronic arm phasers, located on their right arms.

In front of the rebels stands a 6’2, muscular man with a shaven head and black goatee, standing behind a podium.

The man behind the podium is referred to as “the Leader.”

Leader: “These population control laws are nothing new. Ever since man had the chance to live longer, the elite have used this to their advantage to keep those who can work, working longer without the ability to truly retire. All while cutting the wages and raising the taxes.”

Rebels collectively shout: “What are we going to do about it?”

Leader: “What we have always done. Infiltrate, steal, assassinate. It’s taken a long time. And many lives lost. But we are equipped to fight back now. We took their weapons.”

Rebels: “Yes!”

Leader: “We have their technology!”

Rebels: “Yes”

Leader: “We have lost many lives in past attempts to obtain what we needed to fight back. But it won’t be in vain. Even though we haven’t been able to eliminate our target yet… We did take out his spouse. Tonight, we take down the bastard who got rich and destroyed so many lives, along with society in the process…. The fact we have extermination camps, for individuals who are unable to work for population control is an insult to the idea of democracy. Countries fighting and trying to destroy each other over resources for more than fifty years, with increased government control, for the so-called benefit of society.”

Rebels: “We will Strike!”

The Leader: “Yes, we know it’s coming soon. Possibly even…”

The Leaders phone which is placed on top of the podium buzzes. The Leader glances down at a message and back up again.

Leader: “It’s happening tonight!”

The rebels raise their arms in unison.

Leader: “Remember our objective! Take down the doctor and alert the others. We will take down this foundation. Then another, until we destroy all the creators and legal and illegal distributors of this drug. We will retain dignity, democracy, and humanity once again! And remember. Do not use your cloaking tech when we attack, we want to reserve the battery for when it’s needed.”

The Leader grabs a black backpack.

Leader: “Let’s go”

It’s night-time and the outside of the “Onesto Medical” lights go out.

In the prisoner room, five rebels are standing adjacent to each other, wearing electronic handcuffs. Thirty soldiers are surrounding them.

The authoritative voice from earlier comes in over the loudspeaker, echoing throughout the room.

Loudspeaker Voice: “So you thought you could really take us down? And with just five men. You rebel’s never learn.”

The rebel in the center of the group tilts his head up to signal “It’s time” for his fellow members.

The electronic handcuffs come loose, and the rebels vanish.

The soldiers stare erratically around the room and move about with caution.

One soldier is standing towards the center of the room and their neck is snapped.

The soldier that was beside him gets hit in the back of the head with one of the electronic handcuffs and is knocked unconscious.

One soldier has his neck snapped from behind him.

Two soldiers’ heads are slammed into each other.

A “Red Alert” is sounded off and the soldiers begin to shoot wildly.

The front doors open, and a small army of soldiers go running in to building.

At the exterior of the building once all the soldiers run in, the rebels and the Leader reveal themselves and they are holding down the bottom right button on their phasers. The rebels proceed to rush the building.

An all-out war is happening with soldiers firing pulse canons and the rebels firing lasers.

Blood is splattering on the walls and a soldier’s head is blown clear off, while a rebel lies on the floor, clutching to their bleeding stomach wound.

The Leader and three other rebels push the bottom right buttons on their phasers to re-activate the invisibility cloaks.

As the Leader and rebels run up the stairs, they toss any guards in their way down the stairway. The rebel’s and the Leader all run up to the final floor.

In the interior of Doctor Onesto office, a twenty-year-old looking Doctor Onesto is sitting nervously.

Doctor Onesto stares down at the locket placed on his desk, that he gave his wife so many years ago.

The Leader reveals himself by disabling his cloaking device. The other three rebels’ de-cloak as well beside the Leader.

Leader: “Hello!”

Doctor Onesto: “You found me. This won’t stop anything.”

Leader: “Destroy the root and the rest of the tree dies with it.”

The leader points his phaser at Doctor Onestos head, pushes the upper left button, and blasts the doctors head off with a laser canon.

The Leader pushes the upper center button on his phaser and whispers into it “It’s time.”

The Leader takes off his backpack, opens it and hands out timed mines to the three rebels.

The rebels and the Leader proceed to place the mines on onto the walls.

In the prison room fight, the rebels press the bottom left button on their phaser guns. Gas masks come across their faces. The rebels then hit bottom right button on their phasers and vanish.

Gas begins to surround the room, causing all the soldiers to pass out.

The Leader reaches the main floor and say’s “Let’s go.”

Once all the rebels exit the building and are at a safe distance, the Leader pushes the bottom center button on his phaser, setting off the mines.

Multiple explosions go off as the building comes down crumbling down.

The Leader states that “This is only a minor victory. But one, nonetheless. Let’s go”

The End

Short Story

About the Creator

John J Harvey

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    JJHWritten by John J Harvey

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