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Real love I am searching for real love.

Saeed lay on his back, feeling the pressure of Antur's soft, fluffy feet on his back. Said it felt very comfortable, and his eyes were very clear.

By Roy shawPublished 2 years ago 9 min read
Real love I am searching for real love.

Saeed lay on his back, feeling the pressure of Antur's soft, fluffy feet on his back. Said it felt very comfortable, and his eyes were very clear. On a holiday morning, Syed's routine was to work all week to keep his back. Working in a small office shop and standing all day. Syed spent as much laziness as possible on Friday.

An Tu made a strange sound on his face and was kicking him in the back. This time, Said turned one hand over, hugged Antur's leg, and said, "Dad, come down quickly, I don't need it."

An Tu jumped down and said, "Dad, give me my money now."

Said smiled and took out a shiny ten-taka note from under the bed and handed it to Antur. As soon as An Tu saw the money in her hand, he ran to his mother and murmured, "Mom, my father gave me the money.

Nargis took the money with a smile, and put it in a large earth bank. Every Friday is a father-son game. Nargis bought this big earth bank on her last birthday. Since that day, An Tu has been saving money with enthusiasm. She will be eight years old on her next birthday. By then, the local money bank will be broken.

After the noon Juma prayer, the father sat down to eat. Nargis sat with them too. Today, the farm chicken is already cooked. Start eating with interest. During the meal, Nargis asked, "I'm going to the market this afternoon. Antur's trousers are too short, so I have to buy them. And your shirt is old too. Buy a new one this time."

Saeed smiled and said, "And your sarees look new. You need yours too."

Nargis whispered, "I don't care now, I don't go out like you anymore."

Syed understood that Nargis did not want to increase the cost. In fact, in this stressful world, there is not much to do.

They went out with An Tu in the afternoon. In a children's clothing store, Nargis once selectively looked at her pants, and she also liked two pairs of pants. Antu looked at a pair of red pants, which were very beautiful. Antu said to Abdal's mother, "Mom, take off those pants."

Syed told the shopkeeper to take off his pants. The owner said enthusiastically: "Take it, this is an export commodity."

Syed looked upside down at the pants, which were really nice. But when I saw the price, I felt depressed. At this price, I could buy four pairs of Antu pants. Said returned the trousers to the shopkeeper, put his hand on An Tu's head, and said, "Dad, the trousers are rotten, it's not good, what your mother took is good."

Nargis squinted at Said, then said to the shopkeeper, "These two are for you."

Before leaving, An Tu was still looking back at the red pants. Said's heart became very bad. No, overtime starts tomorrow. Can't even buy a good pair of trousers for the boy, his head rumbling.

The following week, Syed worked overtime and went home every night. Nargis understood that the man suffered in that incident that day. He also tried to explain a few times and left. Stay, let's go this week, the man has to explain his emotions.

It's the weekend again, it's Friday again. Said was lying on the bed waiting for Antu's arrival. At this moment, Nargis shouted in horror: "Sayed, come here and see why Antu can't move her legs. She can't get up. What's wrong with my polar bear."

Syed jumped up and told Antu to stand up again and again, but couldn't. How do I know my legs are numb. Her head went numb, she lost her temper, and said, "Nargis, is it windy for her?"

Nargis said in tears: "You go to the hospital now, I'm not feeling well."

Said did not delay, took An Tu in his arms and left.

Shabnam is in a bad mood today, it's Friday, but he's on duty in the emergency room at the Children's Hospital. Doing duties he doesn't like at all on vacation. There is no crowd gathered today, here is a little relieved. Shabnam was reading today's paper while drinking tea when a couple, with a 7-8 year old on their lap, came to the emergency room and crashed. The woman cried and said, "Doctor Appa, save my polar bear."

Shabnam isn't very upset, it's something that happens every day in an emergency. Shabnam motioned for him to lie on the bed. After listening, he looked at the boy a little. The symptoms are not good, and the brows are wrinkled. He quickly scribbled something on the pad with a pen and said, "Listen, take him to neurology, I know why he seems to have symptoms of GBS (Gulenbury syndrome), and if so, he needs a lot of treatment. Quick. I know a doctor." I wrote it down. "

Said's chest began to tremble with fear, Allah, save my son, what is this sickness. Then they go to neurology, do some tests and report. Doctors say that if treatment is not started soon, the whole body will become numb and even die.

Nargis couldn't help crying, "You save my son, Dr. Sabo, save my collar."

Doctors assured it was well treated and would get better soon. But it will cost around Rs 3 lakh. Hearing the amount, the two sat down with their heads in their hands. If it's too much, it's 25,000 rupees in total. Syed couldn't understand where he would get so much money. Think about the office once, but never pay so much.

Shabnam packed his bags and left, his roster duties over. As they walked down the hallway, they suddenly saw the couple in the morning with their baby in their arms. Shabnam continued to think. Seeing him approaching, Syed stood up and saluted. Nargis didn't notice anything, she was crying.

Shabnan frowned and asked, "Why are you leaving?"

Said said easily: "Apa, what are you doing, Dr. Sabo said it will cost a lot of money, let's go home and see if I can arrange the money."

As he imagined, Shabnan shook his head. But this treatment is very expensive and they cannot afford it. Shabnam loves Maya so much, he can't even accept these things. He bit his lip and said, "Give me your phone number and see if I can do something." Then what do you think Antur took, how peacefully he was lying on his father's lap.

Shabnam returned home that night and posted on his Facebook a status of help, along with Syed's name, mobile number and hospital address. This post was shared multiple times around midnight. In the comments option, many people wrote about helping, knocking Shabnam in the inbox. Shabnam seems to be fine, it seems that the money will be arranged. Many people came forward, especially seeing Antur's enchanted face. This time Shabnam called Saeed and said: "Mr. Saeed, listen, give me a bank account and a bKash number on your phone. Some people will send money for your son's treatment. I wrote your words on Facebook, a lot Everyone came forward."

Syed doesn't see why the doctor is doing so much. Emotionally went to his throat and said somehow, "Apa, I'm giving."

Shabnam now provides the bank account number and bKash number in the post. I know why he feels so good now, as if the fatigue of the whole day is gone. Shabnam sleeps best with deep contentment.

The next morning, Syed was surprised to find tens of thousands of rupees sent to his mobile development number. Excited, Syed called Nargis and told her everything. Thanks to Nargis. Then the two kept looking at the phone. A message arrived, and they quickly opened it to see how much it was. Ten thousand, five thousand, three thousand, one thousand, the money keeps coming. That day, Syed called the office, detailed his son's condition and asked for a loan of Rs 2 lakh.

In the afternoon, when Syed sat down to calculate, he found that fifty thousand rupees had been accumulated. Seeing a silver lining, Syed borrowed at least one million rupees from the office and spent half the money. Let's look another day.

As soon as he got to the office the next day, the account manager called him and explained that he had passed a loan of Rs 1 lakh. The company will not give more. Satisfied with this, Syed deposited the money in the bank. When asked about his thoughts and balance, the bank clerk said: "Rs 100,000 today, including this 100,000."

Syed did not understand where the money came from. He had five thousand rupees in his account. This morning, after picking up and seeing the bank statement, Rs 520,000 was deposited in his name. Saeed's chest was full of joy, which meant that the money in the bKash account became Rs 2 lakh 25,000. After a while, Syed ran home and said excitedly, "Nargis, he deposited seventy thousand rupees in my account today."

Hearing all this, Nargis' eyes sparkled. Both of them were looking at their phones that day. Some of the money goes to development, the big money goes into bank accounts. In the evening, the two of them did the math and had accumulated three hundred and two thousand rupees. "I called the doctor and raised so much money for him," Syed said, crying.

Nargis snatched the phone from Saeed and said, "Not now. Call me in a few days. If you call now, the money won't come. The money comes like a flood, and you trying to stop it."

Syed looked at his wife in surprise, and Nargis went mad. Occasionally, maybe this kid is thinking, get out of the way, if he goes to the hospital once tomorrow, then I'll call him and tell him.

The next morning, when Syed got Nargis ready, Nargis said, "No, come on, Kyle."

Said was puzzled and said, "What are you talking about, I didn't hear the doctor say to get treatment as soon as possible."

Nargis said grimly: "In a day, nothing will happen, instead I will deposit more than 1 lakh rupees in your bank. No one will miss such an opportunity."

Said now realizes that greed has entered Nargis' mind. The two quarreled a lot that day, and Nargis went completely crazy. Holding An Tu in both hands and preventing her from going to the hospital.

At the end of the day, another 1 lakh was deposited by telling the truth about Nargis. But at the same time, Antu's condition began to deteriorate. As the night grew dark, Syed grabbed Nargis tightly and said, "Nargis, our Paula is about to be eaten by your greed. You don't say that, you see, he's not serious today. When Paula is dead, what are you doing with the money?"? "

Nargis also held Antu slyly. At this time, An Tu whispered: "Dad, take my turret to my mother, I have a lot of money in it."

Hearing Antu's words, Nargis felt as if a knife was stuck in his chest, and suddenly, Nargis cried. He said like crazy: "Antur's father, take him to the hospital. I'm so greedy, God, what crime am I going to commit."

Said didn't delay any longer, hugged An Tu on his lap and rushed to the hospital.

Several Fridays have passed, and Antu is much better now. Sabanan to see today. Seeing Shabnam, Syed lowered his head and said, "Apa, I don't know what to say to you. God must have sent you to save my son. I will never forget your help."

Shabnan smiled with satisfaction, and then said, "Why doesn't the boy's mother speak? The boy's illness is cured."

Nargis wiped his eyes and said, "Sister, my son is better, but I'm sick."

Shabnan didn't understand anything and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Nargis said in a low voice, "My greed has become a disease of desire. In my greed for money, I intend to throw myra into my poles. Punish me."

Shabnam was surprised at first, then grabbed Nargis's hand and said, "You misunderstand a lot. A lot of people can't get rid of this greed for a lifetime."

Nargis said blankly: "Apa, I will give you all the money she saved after treating the polar poor here, and you will spend it."

Shabnam was delighted, saying, "It's like a real person. Nice to hear from you."

It's Friday and Syed is lying on his back as usual. Antu woke up early today and was riding on his father's back. Saeed felt the touch of Antur's feet on his back, and many Fridays passed in between and he didn't get that touch. Ah how sweet this foot feels to the touch, Saeed's eyes are starting to get wet with the salt water.

The sweet touch of these feet

- Thin


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