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Raging Bull, Oaklee's Pet

Animals know your heart and will show you theirs.

By Jason FriendPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Raging Bull, Oaklee’s Pet

He earned his name as a young bull calf. Rage is his name. He had escaped so many times that Trent was so tired of having to go catch him. He just wished that he would get run over. Trent and Michelle were so busy with raising their 4 kids that they really didn’t have time for Rage. Not to mention the school and everything for their kids, their youngest was born with HLHS. Having a daughter who has hypoplastic left heart syndrome can be a struggle for a family with no children let alone being one of four.

Rage didn’t care about electrical fences or being penned in. He wanted to roam. Even though he had 15 acres and plenty of Heifers in the pasture, he just wanted to see the countryside. One night Trent was feeding Oaklee while Michelle slept when he heard horns honk as they drove by. It could only be one thing. Rage was out again. Trent called Hannah to come to watch Oaklee while he went and rounded up Rage and figured out how he got out this time.

As usual, Rage had just kept hitting the gate until he pried it open. Trent was so ready to castrate this bull or send him to the meat market. This was getting so ridiculous in how many times Rage would get out and Trent would have to go get him. The worst time was when Trent was at work and came home one day and rage had opened the gate. The heifers stayed in the pasture. Rage however had traveled 10 miles away and the police had finally called Trent to come to get Rage. After loading up the trailer and driving out to get him, Trent was ready to put him down right then. Something kept him from doing it though.

When Trent went back inside, Oaklee was asleep in Hannah’s arms. Hannah is such a trusting soul and loved being held just as any baby does. But having had 5 open-heart surgeries to include a transplant, Oaklee just loved the warmth the arms a loved one provided. One day, Michelle was pushing Oaklee in her stroller and didn’t realize that Rage had gotten out. All of a sudden Rage caught a glimpse of Michelle and Oaklee and started charging towards them. Going at full speed Michelle started moving Oaklee towards the car but before she could get there Rage was on top of them. But Rage stopped. He didn’t hurt anyone. He looked inside the stroller like a loving uncle who had his first glimpse at his niece. Rage took a deep breath in and smelled of Oaklee. Michelle was so scared she tried to move Rage out of the way but he was so intent on just staring and being next to Oaklee. Like a protector, He would stand over her. Michelle pulled out her phone and started recording the encounter. Oaklee lifted her hand up and put it on Rage's nose and left it there. Rage seemed to enjoy it and just stood there.

Michelle sent the video to Trent and both of them watched it in amazement as Rage was just as gentle with Oaklee as any of them had and will be. They could not believe what they were seeing. This rough and tumble bull who earned the nickname Rage was being gentle with a 1 year old. How is this possible. The problem became a different one after this encounter. Rage wanted to see Oaklee every time she came outside. But instead of ramming the gate or trying to escape, he would just stand as close to the fence as he could then snort and blow until he got attention. The first few times they ignored him and then realized he wasn’t leaving anymore. He would stay in order to protect the little child.

Trent eventually built an area where Rage could come right up to the patio and see Oaklee. As Oaklee began to walk, she would walk right up to Rage and would put her hand on his nose just like she did when she was in the stroller the first time they met. Rage no longer was a problem animal and instead of being a Rage Monster had now become a lovable pet. Oaklee’s Pet. Oaklee and Rage became the best of friends. As Oaklee became 10, she would put on her boots and walk the pasture with Rage by her side. Completely inseparable while they were out there. Rage and Oaklee both loved spending time together. He would follow her anywhere.

One time Oaklee spent the night over at a friend’s house and when Rage didn’t see Oaklee for more than a day, he didn’t leave the area near the porch just waiting on her. When she arrived home, she spent an hour just petting on Rage. A true love between the two. As the years grew on, Oaklee even showed Rage during her time in 4H. Rage was the reason Oaklee spent time in 4H and she loved it. Oaklee wanted to use what she had learned and her love for Rage to study as a veterinarian. She was taking all the classes in school in hopes to get into Vet school. Maybe go to Auburn but she wasn’t sure where she wanted to go yet.

When Oaklee was a senior in High School, Rage was now 22 years old. He was getting very old and could barely walk around the pasture. Oaklee was sad but knew that Rage needed to be put to sleep as he was suffering. Oaklee knew pain and hated what Rage was feeling. Where Oaklee fought for her life as a young baby, there was no cure for what Rage was going through. When the Veterinarian arrived, she asked if she could administer the shot. He showed her where to put it.

Oaklee and Rage looked at each other as she held on to him and they both knew that this was a time to say goodbye. Rage and Oaklee both had a tear come out of their eyes and the tears met on Rage’s snout. Rage shook his head knowing it was time, and Oaklee put the needle in and squeezed. Rage slowly moved to the ground, laid down, and closed his eyes.

For the next several days, Oaklee felt alone and was sad that her friend was gone. She finally came out of her room to breakfast. Trent told her that he had something for her. As they walked out to the barn, Oaklee met the new bull. It wasn’t a replacement for Rage, but a new bull to become friends with and enjoy the company of. She hugged on the new bull as they contemplated a name. And just as Rage once put his face up to Oaklee when she was little, Oaklee put her face up to the new bull’s face and touched his nose with hers. They instantly had a connection. One in which would remind her of the time she had with Rage and would spend time loving this new bull just the same. Too bad she couldn’t him to college with her. But she would go in hopes that she could help other animals as Rage had helped her to live.

Short Story

About the Creator

Jason Friend

I am a Believer in Jesus Christ who struggles with every day life but have found a way to live through it in Him. My writing is not always about life as a Christian and is typically fiction. Fiction sometimes mirrors truth.

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    Jason FriendWritten by Jason Friend

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