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Purus: Unleashed

Ryker's untold story

By Lenita LeiPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 19 min read
Purus: Unleashed
Photo by Anastasia Zhenina on Unsplash

Chapter 1

His eyes darted wildly. The smokiness filled the car cavity. While the rampant driver now a fading dot. An encounter that certainly wouldn’t have helped. The darkened clouds began to camouflage with the asphalt. A deep heaviness all around. Again, glancing at the boy for answers.


“Will Mum be OK, Aunt Kaylee?”

Thinking back to the ferocious sheets of yellow and orange overlapping and consuming the house. The surreal heat intensity and pressure of it all gave me goosebumps. Lauren was nowhere to be seen. Each room was checked, not a single cough, shout, or cry for help. Nothing. Not even a body asleep from the amount of smoke. Where was Lauren in that mess?

“Aunt Kaylee?” Ryker questioned again.

Meeting his eyes through the rear-view mirror spotting a tear well and drop over his ash-covered cheek.

What more could be done? Lauren knew the protocol. Even if there was a possibility to go back, the area would be swarming with emergency services. Forward is the only option, and this boy is the key.

This whole situation was already dire enough without the oncoming storm. A new layer of black was added to the asphalt. Whatever it was, it was moving faster than the storm. A ping sounded, rattling Ryker.

It was the fuel tank,” I reassured.

Will we make it to the destination?” He questioned.

“I’m sure –”

The sound of a motor revved and closed in gliding past pulling the metal from the car with it. The blackness meeting the horizon wasn’t part of the storm cell, rather a black Audi. I hope they haven’t caught up already. Swerving away only slowed down the progression. Plus removed any chance of escape to the bunker. Losing the Audi is the only option. Though with maybe enough fuel to last 100km this will be slim.

A heavy bang slammed into the back left side; the car assumed direction spinning out of control. Another hit to the side and the automated steering lead into the grassy domains. The Audi closing in behind. Foot to the accelerator followed by a sharp handbrake turn to veer back on course. Again, being slammed from the rear. Travelling at ten, twenty, then forty-five kilometres, then sixty, eighty. Ramming the accelerator to max launching to a hundred and forty kilometres.

The sky rumbled deeply. Rain pelted against the windshield. Briefly remembering the fuel gauge my foot lifted and the car met with the blackness ahead. The windshield shattered into my lap while spinning. Ryker screaming for it to end. The smell of fuel leaking. We might be walking to the bunker. The car stopped. Ahead barely seeing the outline of the Audi. A game of chicken may be the only way to break free. Unsure of the condition of the fuel tank, what other option was there?

Once more slamming foot to the accelerator meeting the black car head-on, it swerved at the last second. Losing sight into the distance of the thick rain and fog. Vaguely aware of the roads and how severely off track we were, this was the only opportunity for full escape.

Chapter 2

Battered and running on fumes, thankfully in the underground tunnel leading to the safety of the bunker. Stepping out and seeing the car a pile of trash would be more attractive. Ryker calmed down in the final drive to safety now in shutdown mode I didn’t dare ask how he was feeling. Time would reveal. He walked over to the computer station.

“Woah! Why so decked out?”

“Interested in technology?”

“I know a thing or two.”

“C’mon this society thrives on technology; every kid is taught about gadgets at minimum three years.”

“Hah. Too true.”

The essentials within the bunker were on standby mode. Rooms illuminated by sensors picking up movement. The computers were off. Briefly glancing over to see Ryker’s hand hover over the keyboard managing to sign into the main hub. How did he do that?

“I think that black Audi was Mr Graves.” Ryker revealed.

“Who is Mr Graves?”

“A man at my school. He got close with Mum. I think they went on a date one time.”

“So, he is a teacher?”

“Yeah, nah, I’m not sure. He would hang around the school and talk with me often. Said he noticed I am gifted, and he wanted to help me learn more – gadgets as you say.”

“How did he meet Lauren?”

“He monitored stuff at her work.”

No regular auditor would need to investigate the children of the workers. The high-tech lab Lauren worked in would have regular Government audits and walk-throughs. No reason to follow up at a local school.

“Mum told me that if ever comes a time you see Aunt Kaylee, you’ll see how she understands much of the department. Is that true?”

“Yes, it is. I too was once employed by the government, in a unit known as SPECTRE. The lab is very high-tech.”

“What's special about SPECTRE compared to say Social Security Services?” Ryker inquisitively questioned.

“SPECTRE stands for Specialised Purus Extraction, Counter-Terrorism Research and Engineering. Quite the mouthful.”

“Yeah, I wasn't too sure what you said. So, what was the group for?”

“A collection of biologists, ecologists, geologists and biomedical scientists plus engineers were assigned to locate certain crystal formations for government projects. Specifically, a mineral called Purus.

“And use it toward technological advancement?” Puzzled, Ryker asked.

“Yes, where possible.”

“Hmm. Well, I’m not sure if it would help. But you can have this device. I’ve had it for a bit but not quite sure what it is for, or what it does.” Ryker passed the device.

It was small, black, cylindrical and flat. Not many buttons. Along the side a thin gap allowed the lid to expose internally.

“Oh, hey that’s cool!”

“How long have you had this for, Ryker?”

“Uhm three days, maybe?”

“We need to leave, immediately!” Gently placing the device on the table.

“In our trash?” Ryker teased.

With a head lean gesture to follow, getting to the hanger was the only possibility to escape this bunker. Ryker’s surprise was quite amusing though waffled by the echoes in the room. I doubt he had ever been in a helicopter before. Passing him a headset and waiting for him to get secured.

Thank goodness for modern technology. A couple of buttons here and a few switches there automatically prepared the helicopter. The stands dislodge, while the mechanics to the door overhead begins to open. Water gathered upon the roof poured into the lower levels of the hanger. It was lift-off time.

Not even five minutes into the trip the back propellor clunks with something caught inside.

“There’s a black, electrical wire thing looped over the blade. Electricity is coming out of it!” Ryker shouted through the headpiece.

Trying to catch a glimpse while easing the weight of the helicopter to steady.

“It’s pulling us down. I’m going to try a soft crash! Brace yourself!”

Briefly hovering before a solid crash. Darkness closed in. Snapping from it, I see Ryker being pulled by a man in a suit. Feeling lack of ability, I cry out.

“Ryker! Fight him off!!”

Seeing him try yet stumble and be dragged. The thought of letting Lauren down fuelled internally. The entire plan would be ruined. A promise is a promise. A deep energy pulsated, eager to bust through. With hand reaching forward focusing.


The energy shot out. Flipping the helicopter away. Like a silent nuke, the energy pushed at everything stretching in diameter. Meeting Ryker and the stranger, knocking both over. Granting a moment to catch up and pull Ryker to his feet.

“Hold on tightly!”

“Aunt Kaylee! What is happening?!”

“Hold on to me, OK?!”

Unsure if it would work, yet faithfully trusting the energy, pushing downward. Like a pebble in a slingshot being aimed at the ground then ricocheting into the distance. The energy shot from my hands propelling us to newfound freedom. Continuing the bursts from each hand to stay airborne.

A loud boom rattled from the field with the helicopter.

“Kaylee! There’s an electrical snake is headed toward us! It’s using the energy force to close in. Do something!” Ryker feared.

Little by little it managed to close in, wrapping itself around Ryker’s leg. An electrical surge pulsated, cutting the connection to the energy force as gravity began to pull. Ryker moaned in agony then fell unconscious. Quickly pushing his limp body away to release the gadget from his leg. About five meters from impact, squinting I forced energy to release from my hand. Once more propelling us away. The force overbearing barely gave time to grab Ryker by the leg. Securing him close to me.

Hovering this way and that, avoiding towns, structures and people finding a new safe house became fundamental.

Chapter 3

The grey tones within the bunker kept most of the light at bay. Small window shutters allowed fresh air, yet blocked contact with the world outside. Warm lights glowing in each door panelling. A small space, yet free from claustrophobic notions. Like a modern house with a sunken lounge, was the replicating area. Two sofas facing each other. A deep maroon plush with black metal supports. Rolled blankets by the ends. Ryker laying across one sofa, completely still, yet peacefully breathing. I gently ran my fingers through his hair to bring him back to the present.

He woke suddenly, “Aunt Kaylee! Where are we now? What is going on?... Were we flying?”

“Please drink this special serum. It will nourish and hydrate you. Think of it as an all in one, like the astronauts. Then catch your breath for a moment and I’ll explain.”

He examined the pouch and cautiously began to consume it. Sitting up and resting in the corner of the sofa. Panic and fear slowly fell from his expression.

“Remember I told you about SPECTRE. There was a man I once knew. A work colleague and a great friend. His name was Andrew Combs. He was a geological researcher who found the mineral Purus. The Government ordered for the mineral to be mined and collected. The properties in the mineral suggested health improvement for humanity and animal species alike. When they extracted Purus, they didn’t yet realise the potency of the mineral and its need to always bond to something. One of the founding researchers extracted the mineral from the clay surroundings, immediately Purus connected with the researcher, unable to separate the two. The energy from the mineral pulsated with such might the researcher collapsed, unconscious. Others stepped in to support the researcher and contain Purus. A micro-shard escaped, and Andrew Combs found it. Doing his job, he began testing the mineral. Three days later he died.”

“What’s all of that have to do with me? A twelve-year-old boy minding my own business until my house burns brighter than the streetlights. My Mum is gone!! You’re here. Sort your own stuff out! I don’t even know anything about this Andrew Combs!” Ryker retorted his frustrations, quite fairly.

“Andrew Combs is your father, Lauren’s brother.”

Ryker stood, with clear expressions of mistrust and confusion on his face. Anger swarmed around him. It wasn’t going to be easy, but he needed to know.

“Lauren. Is my Mum! What are you suggesting!?” Ryker stormed away.

Within a bunker there isn’t many places to run to. Though at least many corners to vent frustrations into.


The sound of steps could be heard in the hallway. He’d been reclusive for the past three hours.

“Sorry, Kaylee. It was too much. I’m okay to continue now, but only if you answer some of my questions.” Ryker revealed.

“Of course.”

“Am I some test-tube experiment?”

“No. Do you want me to tell you more?”

“Not right now. I just needed to know I wasn’t an experiment designed for that Purus thing.”

“Fair question. Is there anything else you would like to know?”

“Mr Graves. If that Audi was him. What does he want from me? Was it also him with the helicopter battle?”

“I’ve wondered the same. Further, if he is an auditor of SPECTRE, that’s some seriously bad news.”

“Yeah, but you also worked in SPECTRE and you can fly. Do they all get taught to fly?”

“No. I am the experiment Ryker. I’ve been off the grid for just over ten years. They used Purus on me, claiming it healed me, but instead it gave me superpowers. Which led to further testing.”

“Oh. Why did you come out from hiding?”

“Lauren made contact. In the three specific ways I left things with her should anything ever go wrong.”

“Oh. This is making some sense and then again not a whole lot of sense at all. So, Mum contacted you, in three ways so that you knew it was her. You get to us in time to find our house is burning down. She’s nowhere to be found yet you rescue me. Mr Graves is chasing us for reasons unknown. And there is a fancy superpower creating crystal called Purus. Then Mum isn’t Mum, more like an aunt and Andrew is my father. Yet you, are here. Are you Dad’s sister also?” Ryker walked around the room trying to make sense of it all.

“As I worked with Andrew and overtime got to know Lauren aswell. And so, it seemed fitting when you came into the piece that I would be known as Aunt Kaylee.”

“Man, this is hurting my head. So, what is the next step now?” Ryker questioned.

“Your headache is possibly also the lack of food and water. Did you drink that entire pouch I gave you?”

Ryker went to check the pouch.

“As for the next step, I think it’s best to follow up on the clues Lauren supplied. In the first contact, she called a phone line three times. Second, she sent an email regarding some strange activity at the lab. I now know she would have been referring to Mr Graves. Finally, she sent two photographs. One revealing a newspaper article which titled: ‘Researcher died while testing newfound mineral: Purus.’ With a red pen over the article was written ‘We know you’ve found the Answer.’ With another photograph of Andrew dead at the lab. I believe Andrew Combs’ death was forced by the hand of SPECTRE. Reason? I’m not sure. Possibly a cover-up to do with Purus, but then why would the news article reveal the name of the mineral. Odd. I was advised on the day of Andrew’s death there was a fire drill planned. A group of men came into the facility to test each of the alarms. Speculation on my part, I believe the devices used to check each alarm was installing nano-bytes into the framework. The entire lab is highly technological, with something such as nanotechnology included it would turn the research lab into a testing facility, with the researchers as the lab rats. I say this because there was talk once at SPECTRE about using nano-bytes with electrical systems to create counter-terrorism protocols. I suspect this was their first testing of the device.”

“And with no reason they used it on my Dad?”

“I’m sorry to tell you about all this, Ryker.”

“No! Thank you, Aunt Kaylee. It is good to finally know something about my Dad. Mum – er, Lauren, often wouldn’t know what to say. Instead, she would get upset and excuse herself into another room. Eventually, I realised it best to not ask. It’s also good to hear Dad was some pro Research nerd! Hopefully, now the kids at school will lay off me!”

Bullying certainly starts young. Maybe that is what develops these monsters such as Mr Graves. Or worse yet the ones within SPECTRE.

“So, the plan is to…?” Ryker reminded, breaking my thought trance.

“The plan is to secretly gain access into the Research labs of SPECTRE to find if the nano-bytes were placed into the system. Any extra information found may also prove useful.”

“Then what are we going to do with that information?”

“I know some safe people, who can right wrongs. Appeal for social justice to be made. Plus, the world needs to know Purus isn’t safe!”

“I think I know why Lauren alerted you to me. I can help. You’re right, by the way, I am very switched on with technology.”

He finally admits it. I wonder what he is planning to do. Turning on the main hub without it even being connected is one thing. Could his presence shut down the entire lab?

“Thank you for wanting to help, Ryker. Though I’m sure those who are trying to catch us, may have alerted society. I think it’s best we dig through that trunk over there for a change of look.”

Chapter 4

Forest Greens Hospital is a five-tier system, only three tiers evident to the human eye. Thus, the remaining two were underground. SPECTRE research labs. Easy access to the morgue after all. It is one thing to access a hospital, another to get into an underground lab. Clearances which I do not have. Surely enough, signposts around with our names and pictures included. A knot in my stomach forcing to stop, as goosebumps ran over me. Again, volunteered to enter the SPECTRE labs.

Everywhere was white and too much of it. My eyes burn from its intensity. The lights felt hot, radiating into my skin. Where’s all the staff? Eyes watering, I see blood drops heading toward the elevator. Before I could touch the keypad, the doors open. Mirrors in every direction. Was this elevator shaft going up or down? Down! With speed inducing a nauseating and dizzy spell. I heard a slight ping, knowing the doors opened from behind. Where was Ryker?

Laughter from a man in some direction. I couldn’t locate him. Each step became harder, feeling like glue beneath my shoes. The hallway started to fade, as the laughter came closer. Barely able to comprehend his words before everything fell into darkness.

“Cuff her and bring her…”


Blinking the fuzziness away, immediately machines before me and a vast open space of white, in a cylindrical formation. My arms pulled at either side, and I realise my legs were secured also. Thick tape held over my mouth. Was I still in the hospital? I had hoped it was all a bad dream. A man in a black suit with a helmet approached.

“Well, well, well. Soldier Kaylee Smith. How nice for you to invite yourself back to our facility after what ten years? The calling to come back and taste the effects of Purus must have been too strong. Afterall I can’t imagine what other reason you are here. Though I do recall a pesky woman sending out a photograph to a location we couldn’t track. Of course, we all know when things don’t make sense, it is the lead to a big reveal. Am I right Kaylee? Well of course I am, don’t look at me so smugly! You literally waltzed in. After the nanotechnology picked up on your identity and released fragments of Purus mist through the ventilators you practically came charging back in here like a raging bull!”

His voice sounded high pitched nothing like the previous experimenter. Who was this man? Searching the room for clues, resulted in nothing.

“Are you looking for your friend Brad Johnson? He became the next experiment after letting you escape! I’ve been in charge ever since. Or are you perhaps looking for Ryker? So nice of you to bring fresh meat, and so young! Funny though, I had already come to know this boy. There’s something about him, but I think you knew about that didn’t you Kaylee?”

A dry clicking noise came from his mouth as he tutted with disapproval. Anxiety rose as I thought about Ryker. Mr Graves must be working with this experimenter.

“Have you heard of the Milgram experiment Kaylee? I’m sure you have. Ryker makes the perfect candidate to be the next experimenter. Goodness, did you think I was serious to test on him! No, no, no. I’ve noticed he is clever with the gadgets. He can improve our strongholds! Anyway, I’ve had the guards apprehend him to the holding cell where he can watch and hear what happens when Purus connects with human tissue. Are you excited!”

Yeah, I’m excited. Get that boy as close to touching anything technological in here and this facility will shut down. Though, thankful for the tape over my lips to conceal my excited thoughts.

An alarm sounded, followed by machines activating and generating a current causing the cylindrical walls to rotate. What’s happening? If Ryker did activate something in the other room, he should have been able to shut down this testing pod. Surely one of the white panels will reveal a glass-effect to spot him inside the research lab holding cell. As the panels continued to rotate, there was no sign of him.

Suddenly a surge of power pushed into my body, the agony it caused felt like my ribs were crushed. A glimmering mist surrounded. It was the Purus, making it hard to breathe. The powder began to react, my body quivering as the energy poured through my hands. Pulsating shocks being delivered at each of the white rotating panels. The shocks bouncing off the panels two and three times before exploding and revealing the mechanical underlay. Pushing as much of the energy out from me to destroy the facility.

“Stop!” The experimenter with the helmet yelled, as he held Ryker in front of him on a hovering metal board. “Stop, or I’ll drop him!” Then he dropped Ryker and zoomed off.

“Ryker!” I wanted to scream, but only a muffle was released.

Knowing the energy would only push him faster and harder toward the ground below, I had to try. Releasing the energy directly at Ryker, then clenching my fist and pulling back. I watched Ryker launch almost in contact with the ground then miraculously pull upward towards me. Clenching his arms around my neck, then touching the mechanical arms holding me. Each fell off. Ripping the tape from my mouth, I grabbed Ryker, propelling us through the facility in the direction of the experimenter.

Knocking him from his hovering raft, Ryker leapt over, landing on top of the man.

“Thank you for believing in my special gifts. I wanted to show them to you firsthand.” Ryker placed his hand over the man’s helmet. His body began to twitch and squirm around then came to a sudden halt. A couple of occasional spasms continued.

Ryker removed the man’s helmet.

“It’s Mr Graves!” He announced.

“What did you do to him?”

“Short-circuit the natural electrical current. Should never wear a virtual reality headset as a permanent look. By the way, I’m sure if we pinch one of the laptops in here, I could activate the recording between Mr Graves and yourself, so you could give it to your safe people.”

“That’s a sound plan, Ryker. Thank you.”

“No. Thank you, Mum.”

A smile escaped, “How do you know?”

“Started piecing it together, plus I got access to the computer when I was in the holding cell. There was so much to read, but only a few files that really interested me.”

The end.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Lenita Lei

Life is intense, as is suspense!

Tune in as words come to life through your imagination.

Fiction and Non-Fiction: Just let me write!

Australian-Finnish <3

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