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Promise of the Stars

Song of Love in the Galaxy

By 徐金升Published 10 months ago 4 min read

In the distant cosmos, there were two stars named Alina and Bede. They were neighboring yet unable to meet because a mysterious interstellar river flowed between them, its waters roaring and surging as if insurmountable.

Alina was a gentle star, her radiance like a smile that brought a warm tranquility to the sky. On the other hand, Bede was a brave star, his brilliance intense, adding courage and hope to the night. They resided in separate corners of the heavens, silently gazing at each other every night.

One day, Alina and Bede communicated their wishes to each other through twinkling lights. Alina wished to meet Bede, while Bede yearned to stand by Alina's side. However, the interstellar river seemed an impenetrable wall, cruelly separating them. How could they bridge the gap and meet, instead of merely gazing at each other in silence?

One day, inspiration struck gentle Alina. She vaguely recalled hearing about a phoenix in the sky, an exceedingly wise creature capable of traversing the interstellar river. Alina embarked on a journey to find this phoenix. She soared across star rivers and traversed stellar clusters, until she finally found the phoenix within another nebula.

"Noble phoenix, I am Alina. I adore Bede and wish to be with him. Can you help us?" Alina spoke with utmost respect.

The phoenix spread its wings in mid-air, responding, "Young one, your courage and sincerity have moved me. I am willing to assist you, but you must complete a task."

"Please tell me, I will do whatever it takes to complete it," Alina firmly replied.

The phoenix informed Alina about a mystical dream flower on a distant horizon, possessing the power to bridge the heavens. If Alina could locate this flower, gather a petal, the phoenix would aid her in reuniting with Bede.

Determined, Alina embarked on her quest to find the dream flower. She passed through comet tails, journeyed across undulating star clusters, braved countless perils and challenges. Amid a twinkling star cluster, she finally found the dream flower.

This flower radiated a multicolored brilliance, akin to a miniature universe. Alina first respectfully bowed and said, "Forgive me, but I need one petal to be with my beloved." The dream flower swayed in the wind, seemingly nodding in agreement. Alina carefully plucked a petal, placing it within a sparkling box, then embarked on her journey home.

Returning to the phoenix, Alina handed over the petal. With a gentle peck, the phoenix transformed the petal into a radiant beam of light, guiding Alina to traverse the interstellar river.

Meanwhile, Bede was also working tirelessly to reunite with Alina. He had heard of a wise sage dwelling in a lone star palace in the night sky. This sage possessed a secret method to cross the interstellar river.

Bede journeyed to the star palace and encountered the sage. "Respected sage, I am Bede. I yearn to be with Alina. Could you aid me?" Bede respectfully inquired.

The sage smiled at Bede, stating, "Young star, your courage and determination have impressed me. I will teach you a technique to cross the interstellar river, but you must first locate three specific stars in the night sky. Then, based on their positions, inscribe a mysterious rune. Only then can you cross the interstellar river."

Agreeing to the task, Bede diligently observed the night sky, night aAfter Alina and Bede had completed their efforts, they decided to meet in a beautiful expanse of stars within the galaxy. Alina traversed the interstellar river, while Bede successfully crossed the celestial boundaries. The two stars finally converged in the center of the galaxy, radiating a warm glow at each other.

"At last, we are together," Alina exclaimed joyfully.

"Yes, this moment has finally come," Bede replied, brimming with tenderness.

As the radiance of Alina and Bede merged, the stars in the galaxy seemed to sense this beautiful connection, casting their own brilliant lights to celebrate. The galaxy unfurled like a vivid tapestry at this special juncture.

"Our radiance has united," Alina rejoiced, "Though we were once separated by the interstellar river, our determination and effort have guided us to this meeting path."

Bede nodded, saying, "Indeed, Alina. Our radiance has intersected, crafting a beautiful story that belongs to us."

As time passed, Alina and Bede continued to accompany each other within the galaxy. Every nightfall, their lights intertwined, illuminating the entire night sky. When people gazed at the starry expanse, they would also behold two stars in love, moved by this enchanting tale.

The conclusion of this story marked a splendid beginning. The meeting of Alina and Bede was not only the union of two stars, but also a genuine sentiment, a friendship that transcended boundaries. Their persistence and courage taught people that as long as hope and determination were held close, obstacles could be overcome, and dreams could be realized.

And this beautiful legend continued to resonate across the starry expanse, becoming an eternal tale in the hearts of people, inspiring everyone to pursue their dreams, stride forward with courage, surmount obstacles, and create their own radiant paths.fter night, until a month later, he finally identified the three specific stars. He then inscribed the rune in the night sky, and a mysterious energy began to flow slowly.

Sci Fi

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    Written by 徐金升

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