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Preparing for Winter

by Lora-Lee Reed

By Lora-Lee ReedPublished 2 years ago 21 min read

Preparing for Winter ~ By Lora-Lee Reed

Day One:

Winter was only a week away and this abandoned barn had much to be done in order to be ready. Being the eldest and feeling responsible, Bernette felt she had to make sure it was livable for everyone herself. She set out by making a list of what needed to be done.

The roof and walls needed to have holes repaired, the barn needed to be cleaned, the loft needed more hay for beds, the storage shed needed fixing up, fire wood collected, and food needed to be stocked up. Bernette set out to collect sticks, moss, grass, and leaves to fill the holes in the roof.Barry, the cat, was out strolling through the woods when he noticed Bernette hurriedly filling her cart with things. “Oh Bernette, what are you doing?” asked Barry. Bernette in a rush didn’t bother to look up from her gathering as she breathily replied, “I’m gathering things to prepare the barn for us to live in this winter.” Barry slowly picked up a twig with his mouth and put it in her cart. “Well let me help you then.” he said. But in her rush Bernette ran into Barry before he’d drop the twig causing him to bump into the cart and knocking it over. Everything spilled out. “I’m so sorry Barry! Are you ok?” Bernette exclaimed. Barry dropped the twig, got up and shook his head. “Yes. Yes, I believe so.” he replied. Bernette patted him on the shoulder then rushed to flip the cart back over and fill it back up. “Thank you for the offer Barry, but I think it’d be best if I do this myself.” she said as she continued to pick everything up. “Ah….. Very well then. Let me know if I can help in any way then.” he replied watching her struggle to gather everything back up before he strolled away. Bernette thought to herself how to make up the time she’d had to add to this gathering. This would mean tomorrow she’d have to do twice as much on the barn to have it ready in time.”It’s fine. I can just wake up earlier tomorrow. I’ll have plenty of time to rest once the barn is done.” she thought trying to calm herself and push the worry away. “Yes, tomorrow I’ll fill the roof and walls and then I can sweep the barn out and tidy it up for the hay. Yes, yes. I can do this.” she told herself as she rushed to finish her gathering and head home.

Day Two:

The next day Bernette woke up early like she’d planned. She was quite tired and a bit sore from yesterday's gathering but she reminded herself that she had only 6 more days to finish the barn then she could rest. Setting out to the roof she began finding and filling the holes with her twigs, moss, grass, and leaves. By noon she was ready for a break and some lunch. She’d finished the roof so she brought the rest of her supplies down and sat it next to the barn. Barry and Harriet, the mouse, were inside setting lunch up at the table. Bernette began washing up for lunch and asked, “Where is everyone else?” “Well, Darla and Dan are out fishing today. Remy went to the market to get some drinks for us and should be back soon.” Marion informed. The twins did love to fish and it was such a sunny warm day, Bernette wasn’t surprised those ducks would want to be on the lake. “Remy does love his shopping. Wait till you see his new bow tie, Bernette. He was strutting around here early in it, in THE most cocky rooster-like manner!” Barry stated while shaking his head smirking at the memory. Bernette smiled as she sat down at the table. “I can imagine, but what about our lovely Rachael? Where had she gone?” inquired Bernette as she watched Marion filling the plates with sandwiches, carrots, and grapes. Barry sat across from Bernette and answered, “That crazy racoon was just too energetic and restless. I sent her out to get some berries for a pie tonight.” Barry and Rachael were quite opposite, she was always ready to do something and he was always ready to lounge about and nap. “I’m bbbacckkk!!” sang Remy as he strutted inside. “Here I bought some soda and juice. I also stumbled on this magnificent basket!! Isn’t it just stunning? Oh and look how it matches my new bow tie, Bernette!” Remy struck his model pose for Bernette to admire his new tie and basket. Marion rolled her eyes at him and quickly grabbed the drinks from his basket causing him to stumble out of his pose and sneer at her. Bernette smiled as she said, “They are quite lovely, Remy. Very flattering on you too!” Remy smiled, satisfied with this remark and distraction as he sat next to her. “Now that that's done, can we eat?” asked Barry. Marion pouring glasses of juice and soda for everyone said, “No, not til everyone is here. You know that Barry. We do everything as a family including eating meals.” Barry sighed in annoyance. Laughter from outside drew everyone's attention to the door as Rachael, Darla, and Dan came in. The ducks carried buckets with fish and Rachael had her arms full of bags overflowing with berries that were occasionally falling on the floor as she walked. Marion rushed to help her get the bags to the counter. “ Successful day for everyone, I see.” Bernette said as she got up and helped Darla and Dan get the fish into the fridge. Oh yes! Such a lovely day too! Darla and Dan caught so many fish we shall have a feast tonight! Oh, and the berries I found! I got so many we can have four different pies if we want! Strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, and mixed berry!” exclaimed Rachael in her always enthusiastic way. “That's wonderful! Now let's eat. I still have to finish the walls and tidy up here today.” stated Bernette as she remembered the time. “Finally!” Barry said as he sat up ready to eat as though he’d been starving from a hard day's work. They all sat and began to enjoy their lunch. Noticing Bernette almost inhaling her lunch, Marion cleared her throat and casually asked, “Do you need any help today, Bernette?” “No! No! I can manage. The walls shouldnt take me long. I’ll have plenty of time to do them and tidy up.” replied Bernette between her rushed bites of food and gulps of juice. She kept glancing at the clock wanting to get back to work by one o’clock. Bernette finished first and quickly cleaned her spot up and got ready to head back out. “Thank you Marion for lunch. It was delicious! And Remy thank you for getting the drinks. I’ll see you all tonight for dinner.” Bernette said before rushing out the door. By four o’clock she had finished the walls of the barn and was feeling physically exhausted. “Alright Bernette. You did good, but you still have to clean the inside. Just a few more hours.” she told herself and her body that was urging her to quit. She was just about convinced she’d be able to push through two more hours of work today as she walked into the house and saw how very wrong she was. Rachael had been busy making her pies while Dan and Darla were cleaning their fish for dinner while she was outside working. They’d left the kitchen and dining room a total disaster! They must’ve rushed off afterwards to their book club meeting. Her two hours worth of tidying was now going to be at least four! Bernette pushed back her tears as she quickly cleaned herself up. “I’ll start with the upstairs, then the kitchen and dining room. That way Marion and Barry can make dinner, set the table, and everyone will be able to go to bed after dinner. I can stay up and finish tidying the rest of the barn while they sleep. Yes. Yes, that’ll work so I don’t have to add to tomorrow's list of things.” Bernette thought to herself as she gathered her cleaning supplies. Everyone else was out of the house now enjoying the rest of the beautiful day so there wouldn’t be anyone in the way or distracting her, Bernette reminded herself as the stressful thought of someone being home creeped into her mind. She rushed about starting the laundry, sweeping, dusting, cleaning the windows, and making room for the new hay beds that she was to get tomorrow. An hour and a half later the loft was clean and looking brand new and ready for the new beds! Bernette wiped the sweat off her forehead as she looked around to make sure hadn’t missed anything. Satisfied with her work she headed downstairs to the kitchen. Here she looked around at the mess and sighed. She was exhausted and ready to give up. “No. Bernette you can do this. Besides, they're counting on you. Winter will be here in five days and this barn needs to be ready before the snow hits and nothing can be done.” Bernette coaxed herself out of her frozen state and began picking up the kitchen. Another hour later she’d had the kitchen cleaned, organized, and back to working shape. However, she discovered that their fridge and pantry were not stocked like they were supposed to be. Remy hadn’t gone grocery shopping like he was supposed to yesterday! He wouldn’t be able to go again till next week with his work schedule. Someone else would have too and looking at the calendar Bernette was the only one who had free time to do so. “Well, I should be able to squeeze some grocery shopping time in tomorrow. I'll just have to get up earlier to do that before I start gathering up firewood. Besides, Marion should be able to make a grocery list for me.” Bernette told herself as she replanned her day tomorrow and headed to the dining room. By six thirty Bernette was worn out but had got the loft, kitchen, and dining room cleaned, along with getting the living room and bathroom picked up. She still had at least another two hours worth of cleaning to do but she was ready for a break and dinner. Marion and Barry had made their way back home and were in the kitchen busy at making dinner. Racheal came in absolutely filthy from whatever adventure she’d set out on after their book club that afternoon and headed to the bathroom to shower. Darla and Dan were at the table discussing their day and their latest book club book. Bernette washed up and collapsed on the table. Dan looked at her in surprise. “Are you alright Bernette? You look ready to hibernate.” Darla was also examining her now with concern. “Yes, I’m fine. Just had a long day. Some dinner and a break off my feet and I'll be good as new!” Bernette replied, picking herself up trying to hide some of her exhaustion. Barry and Marion came in, passing out the dishes and food. Rachael walked in looking brand new and sat next to Bernette. “Would you like some help finishing cleaning up tonight? I know you’re planning to get firewood gathered tomorrow which will be exhausting and you’ve done so much today.” offered Rachael as she filled her glass with soda. “Oh, no thank you. I’ll be fine. The rest of the cleaning won’t take me long.” Bernette replied. “Alright. But let me know if you change your mind.” said Rachael cheerfully. “But I do have to go get groceries tomorrow morning. Marion, do you mind making a list? Just enough to last to the end of the week. I’ll have the storage shed ready and filled by then.” asked Bernette looking over at Marion. “Of course!” Marion answered with a smile. Remy looked up at Bernette, his face showing he’d just realized what he had forgotten to do. “I’m so sorry. I completely forgot it was my week to get groceries!” he said apologetically. Bernette gave him a reassuring smile and said “That’s ok it happens to everyone every once in a while.” Remy gave her a grateful smile and they proceeded to eat their dinner and joke around discussing their days. Bernette mainly listened, enjoying their happiness and the relaxation of sitting down. After dinner they all washed up and headed to bed except Bernette. She waited for them to go upstairs and wished them all goodnight before she gathered her cleaning supplies again and headed to finish the living room. An hour later the living room was done and she headed to the bathroom feeling relieved she was so close to being done. She opened the bathroom door and froze. There were wet towels everywhere, dirty clothes all over the floor, the mirror was covered in splatters from the sink, the tub covered with residue of mud and dirt, and the toilet was filthy. Everything she had picked up and washed already was gone like she’d never touched it. Plus the extra dirt and dirty clothes. She fell to her knees and let the tears fall silently down her face. This was going to take forever and she just wanted to sleep. Bernette allowed herself ten minutes to breakdown then forced herself up and began picking everything up. By ten o’clock she had finally finished. She packed up the cleaning supplies, cleaned herself up, and headed upstairs. Bernette set her alarm for seven am and collapsed on her bed. After a few minutes she slowly got herself under the covers and fell asleep.

Day Three: (Stress and time frame colliding) firewood grocery shopping

Bernette’s alarm went off startling her awake. Flustered, she struggled to get untangled from her blanket and shut her alarm off. She sighed, taking in the silence and calming herself. “Alright, Bernette. You’ve got a busy day ahead so let’s get moving.” She said as she forced herself to get up. She quietly went down to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. Racheal, Marion, and Barry had afternoon shifts today so Bernette didn’t want to wake them this early. Remy and the twins, Dan and Darla, were already gone for their morning shifts. While her coffee brewed, she washed up, got herself ready, and popped two eggs into a frying pan. The coffee machine beeped, announcing it’d finished brewing. Bernette got herself a coffee mug, plate, and fork from the cabinets and set them on the counter. After she finished her coffee and eggs, she brushed her beak, grabbed the list Marion left on the counter, and headed out the door. It took her only an hour to get the groceries and put them all away. Barry, Marion, and Rachael were awake now and getting ready for work. Bernette wished them a good day, made herself a thermos of coffee to go and headed out again. She grabbed her cart and ax then headed to the woods. By one o’clock Bernette had chopped down enough trees for the winter so all that was left was to load them up, take them home, chop them up and stack them. She was pretty worn out by now and hungry. Bernette headed to the house to get some lunch. At home she washed up, poured herself a big glass of water, and pulled out a plate. She opened the fridge and grabbed some meat, cheese, lettuce, and mustard. Then, grabbing the bread, she proceeds to sip her water while making herself a sandwich. Bernette sat at the table and ate her lunch in peace and quiet. Feeling full, happy, and more energetic she picked up her plate and glass, washed them, and headed back to the woods. It took her a few hours to load the heavy trees up into her cart and get them to the barn. As she was beginning to unload them, Barry arrived home. He looked upset and tired. “Hey, Barry! How was work?” Bernette asked, taking a moment to stop. He looked over at her surprised as he’d clearly been lost in some thought. “Oh. Hey, Bernette, I didn’t see you. Work was tedious today, but it’s over and I’m ready to shower and forget about it.” replied barry. He glanced at the trees in her cart, “I see you’ve had a busy day yourself. Are you going to cut that all up today?” Bernette turned and looked at it all. Her body was aching already and she knew she’d be lucky to finish this today but no way would she be able to before dinner. She rubbed her neck and said, “I’m gonna try too. At least try to get half of it done. They were a lot heavier and hard to load than I thought they were going to be.” Barry shook his head, “I don’t know how you do it. I couldn’t do that, that’s for sure.” He headed inside and Bernette went back to chopping. She got so caught up in it that by eight o’clock hit Marion came out and stopped her. “Bernette! You missed dinner and it pitch black outside. It is time for you to stop and come inside. I have a plate made up for you that you can warm up in the microwave.” said Marion in her most motherly fashion. Bernette stopped and looked around. She’d made quite some progress. Only one tree left to chop but then she had to stack it all. Marion was right though it was late and dark, plus now that she thought about her stomach was painfully empty. Sighing she wiped her brow, set her ax down, and turned to Marion and the barn. “You’re right. Sorry I lost track of time. Thank you for saving me a plate.” Bernette said as her and Marion headed inside. While washing up Bernette thought about the firewood, the hay pick up tomorrow, and everything else she had left to do. Anxious, she started planning tomorrow out so she could get the firewood and hay done tomorrow. “I'll just have to get up early tomorrow. I can stack some wood before I head to town at eight and get the hay bales. Yeah…. Yeah, I can make this work.” she thought to herself feeling a bit overwhelmed. Knowing she had a plan, she went and warmed her plate up, ate quickly, brushed her beak and headed up to the loft for bed. Falling on her bed, exhaustion overtook her. She didn't even get under her covers before passing out.

Day Four:

The smell of coffee and pancakes wafted in the air as the sound of everyone talking downstairs gently awoke Bernette. She lazily rolled over and opened her eyes. She felt rested but so comfy she didn’t want to move. As she lay there relaxing she looked out the window at the beautiful sun shining in and the bright blue sky speckled with puffy white clouds. Another beautiful day she thought. Bam!! Instant panic as she shot up and snapped her head at her clock. It was ten o’clock in the morning! She hadn’t set her alarm and overslept! Bernette sprang from her bed and rushed to get ready. She flew down the stairs toward the bathroom nearly crashing into Darla. “Sorry! I overslept!” exclaimed Bernette as she raced by into the bathroom to brush her beak. “Oh!” exclaimed Darla in surprise. Hearing the commotion and Burnett's voice Marion rushed to the bathroom. “I’m so sorry Bernette. We thought you’d already left. I’ve got you some coffee to go right here . Is there anything else I can get you to help?” she offered as she handed the thermos to Bernette. Bernette shook her head and grabbed the thermos. “No. I have to run. Hopefully, I can still get the hay bales today. Thanks for the coffee!!” Bernette replied as she rushed by Marion and headed out the door. The hay bales store was busy when Bernette arrived. She had to wait in line at the pick up section for thirty minutes before getting to the counter. “Yes. My name is Bernette. I had an order of hay bales to pick up this morning at eight but I overslept. I’m so sorry. Am I still able to get them today?” she told the Collie at the counter. He checked the computer and said “Yes you can still get them today, however it’ll be about half an hour before we can bring them out to you.” Sighing with relief and hint of irritation, Bernette thanked him and told him she’d be back in a half hour. She left the hay bale store and headed to the donut shop. A half hour and two donuts later she was back at the hay bale store watching the bales get loaded into her cart. As she headed home she noticed the sky getting cloudy and dark. Looks like it might rain, she thought. Once Bernette was home she unloaded the groceries and then started unloading the beds with the help of Barry who’d gotten off work early. As they got the hay bales upstairs and refilled the beds the rain started coming down. Bernette closed her eyes, took a deep breath in and stretched her wings with relief. She’d caught up on her tasks and was going to be able to enjoy the night. “Uuuumm….. Bernette?” Barry said in a soft and coustios tone. “Yes?” replied bernette. “I think the roof is leaking.” He said as he pointed to a spot she had filled the other day. Water was slowly building up into drops and dripping down. Bernette stared blankly at it for a minute before she sunk to the floor and began crying. The stress of everything she’d dealt with the past few days mixed with her exhaustion both physically and mentally had finally collided. She couldn’t hold back the tears or the awful feelings of dread and failure. Barry stood frozen by surprise at her reaction. The door opened and in walked Racheal, Dan, and Darla. Barry unfroze and waved for them to come up to the loft before he took a seat next to bernette. Wrapping an arm around her, he pulled her close. “What's wrong Bernette? It’s just a few small leaks. The rain will stop in an hour or so and we can fix them.” He tried to console her. Bernette kept crying though her wing tips damp from trying to wipe them all away. “What happened?” Darla asked as she rushed to Bernette’s other side and wrapped a wing around her. “It’s… It’s… Just… There is so much I have to do to get the barn ready before winter!” Bernette said between sobs and sniffles. “I’m just trying… trying so hard… and I’m….so tired…” she trailed off as another wave of sobs hit her. “Oh you’ve done a wonderful job Bernette! And we can all help get everything finished. You don’t have to do everything yourself.” consoled Rachael. “Yeah! We’re a family after all, and it's our home too. Let us help you.” Dan said encouragingly. “I know that. It's just… You all have jobs and things to do I didn’t want to … to burden you with… well… more.” Bernette replied. By now Marion and Remy had arrived home and were also in the loft. “Bernette!” exclaimed Marion, “You have a job too and even though you took time off to set up the barn you still need to rest. You are just ONE owl! You can’t expect yourself to do everything and none of us expect that of you either!” Bernette knew she was right. Feeling a bit more calm now she sat up and started wiping the tears from her face. Remy passed her a handkerchief. “Thank you.” said Bernette, taking the handkerchief and blowing her beak, “Thank you ALL so much.” Smiling Rachael said “Now why don’t you go take a bath while dinner is getting ready. Tonight you're going to relax and tomorrow we will figure out what to do, ok?” Bernette smiled back at her and nodded. Barry helped her get up and she hugged them all before heading to the bathroom. After her bath Bernette felt relaxed and whole again. She cleaned up her stuff in the bathroom and headed to the dinning. The smell of fried fish, mashed potatoes, and vegetables filled the house. She found everyone in the dining room at the table. Dan was putting the last of the food out and Darla was pouring drinks. They spent the rest of the evening talking, eating, and playing card games before heading to bed.

Day Five:

Bernette woke up feeling refreshed but still a bit sore. She rolled over and saw it was seven in the morning. She took a deep breath and got up. “SURPRISE!!” yelled everyone, startling Bernette. With one wing on her chest she breathed heavily and asked, “What? What are you all doing? Don’t you work or have appointments?” Everyone smiled at her and shook their heads. “We all decided to rearrange our schedules so we could help get the barn ready with you.” explained Dan. Bernette smiled. A wave of relief, joy, and thankfulness hit her and she teared up. “You guys are too kind!” she exclaimed, rushing to hug them all. After everyone had hugged Marion ushered everyone to the table which was all set up with the most delicious variety of breakfast foods! “Now, we are all gonna have a nice filling breakfast and discuss what the plan is. Bernette, since you know what all is left to do, you can fill us in.” Darla said with a smile as they all took their seats Bernette told them the roof and walls need a touch up so there wouldn’t be anymore leaks, the wood still needed to finish being chopped up and then stacked, the storage shed needed to be fixed up, and food stocked and stored up. “No wonder you were so stressed, bernette! That’s a lot to do and you were going to do it all?” Dan said, looking at her in awe. “I know. But it all needs to be done.” she replied slightly embarrassed, realizing just how ridiculous that idea was. “It’s okay, we can get it done! Now how should we go about it?” Rachael interjected in her always chipper voice. Bernette thought for a moment then smiled. “I’ve got it!” she exclaimed. “Rachael and Barry can gather some more moss and leaves for the leaky spots. Then get some mud and mixing it all together should fill and prevent anymore leaks. Marion, Dan, and Darla can start working on the storage shed. Leaving Remy and me to finish up the firewood!” Everyone agreed this would work well and finished their breakfast. As they were heading out to start Remy stopped and asked, “But wait. Doesn’t still leave stocking and storing the food?” Pausing, everyone looked around at each other for an idea. “ We can do that tomorrow. We still have one more day before winter and the snow comes.” said Dan. Marion smiled at him, “You’re absolutely right, Dan! Plus we can all work together and get it done faster.” They set out to do their task. By dinner they had everything done and ready for tomorrow. Bernette hadn’t felt so relaxed in days. “Thank you all so much for helping me today. I know I can’t handle everything and it’s so nice to know I have such reliable, caring friends to help me.” Bernette thanked them over dinner. Rachael leaned over and gave her a hug. “I agree. I’m glad we all have each other, and I think we all learned that we all can use help every now and then. Barry said. Dan stood raising his glass, “A toast! To us, to teamwork, and to knowing it’s okay to ask for help!” Everyone smiled and joined his toast. Bernette looked around at them all. Her heart is so full of love and appreciation. “I couldn’t be more blessed,” she thought.

Day Six:

The next day everyone got up at eight and had breakfast together. Everyone seemed to be in the happiest mood today. They had decided to divide and conquer, so Bernette, Marion, and Remy were going to head to the grocery store and get what they needed there. Dan and Darla were going to go get more bait for fishing. Rachael and Barry got some baskets and buckets and were heading out to collect berries and fruit. By two o’clock everyone was back at the barn with everything they needed. They all took a break and had lunch before they teamed up and began putting everything in the storage shed. They had done it! The Barn was now ready for winter and so were they! Just in time too, because as Dan shut the door to the storage shed it began to snow. Everyone stared up at the sky watching the snowfall. Bernette began laughing with relief and joy. Soon they were all laughing and dancing and trying to catch snowflakes in their mouths. The stress was gone and they were ready to enjoy winter and all the snow to come.


About the Creator

Lora-Lee Reed

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