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Parting and Relative

"Parting and Relative" shows the struggle and pain in marriage by depicting the parting and growth of Liu Ming and Li Na. The story deeply explores the conflicts between morality and responsibility, desire and guilt, and triggers readers to think about marriage and human nature. At the same time, the novel is also based on the background of Chengdu,china, presenting the city's scenery and cultural atmosphere, adding a unique charm to the story. The ending of the story shows Liu Ming and Li Na's growth and lessons. Through pain and parting, they have learned to cherish and care for their families. Although they were lost, they gained a deeper understanding and found their own happiness again. This is a warm and true story, and it is also a deep thinking and reflection on marriage and love.

By Huatin OUPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

Liu Ming is a married man living in Chengdu city of china. He works in the procurement department of an oil company, striving hard for his family's livelihood. Despite his dedication to his job, over time, he has been feeling a sense of emptiness and confusion about life.

One evening, Liu Ming decides to relax and go for a run in the nearby park. There, he can temporarily forget about the pressures of work and the complexities of family life, seeking inner peace and freedom. As he runs along the park's path, he notices a woman sitting on a bench, enjoying the evening breeze.

The woman's name is Li Na, also a married young woman living nearby. Her warm and charming smile catches Liu Ming's attention. He can't help but slow down and approach her.

"Good evening. Are you alone here?" Liu Ming friendly breaks the silence.

Li Na turns her head, smiling in response, "Yes, I enjoy spending quiet moments here. Do you, too?"

From that moment on, Liu Ming and Li Na begin to explore their curiosity about each other and engage in conversations. They discover many commonalities between them, not just as married individuals but also in their concerns for family and children. They start sharing their experiences, worries, and love for life.

As time passes, their communication becomes more frequent, and they gradually become each other's soulmates. They stroll through the park together, admiring the sunset, and sharing their dreams and hopes. Liu Ming feels that he can truly be himself with Li Na by his side, and Li Na finds her life more fulfilling and meaningful with his companionship.

However, they soon realize that their feelings have surpassed the boundaries of friendship. Liu Ming develops a deeper attraction towards Li Na and realizes that his emotions for her go beyond friendship, becoming a strong love. Li Na also becomes more dependent on Liu Ming's care and companionship, finding in him the warmth and support she lacks in her marriage.

Their relationship becomes increasingly complex, filled with taboo and guilt. They know they have crossed moral and ethical lines, causing harm to their families and partners. Liu Ming feels guilty and remorseful for betraying his wife, while also contemplating the worthiness of risking everything for his relationship with Li Na. Li Na, too, feels guilty for her actions and understands the harm this affair has brought to her family.

Despite their awareness of the wrongdoing, they find themselves unable to resist the desire for each other. Every meeting draws them deeper into an emotional whirlpool from which they can't escape.

Over time, their communication intensifies, and their emotions develop into a forbidden love. They discover a deep connection in their souls and find emotional fulfillment, escaping the mundane and dull aspects of life. They begin secretly dating, and each encounter is filled with passion and warmth.

In each other's arms, Liu Ming experiences long-lost happiness and satisfaction. Li Na becomes an oasis in his life, providing him with passion and warmth. Together, they explore new realms, their love burning fiercely.

However, the development of this relationship is not without its challenges. Guilt and remorse start haunting them. Liu Ming, being a responsible husband and father, understands that his actions have betrayed his marriage and family, causing pain to his wife and son. He spends countless nights reflecting, feeling guilty and regretful about his behavior.

Li Na, too, feels guilt and anguish, aware that her actions have violated the commitments of her marriage. She knows this love affair is a temporary misdirection but can't let go of her deep affection for Liu Ming.

They have tried to break up, attempting to return to their respective families, but the pain in their hearts won't dissipate. They find themselves caught in a difficult decision, torn between their responsibilities and moral obligations towards their families and their desires and needs for each other.

Eventually, they realize that they can't continue this forbidden relationship. They decide to end their affair and bury their feelings deep within their hearts. Although it breaks them, they understand it is the only right choice.

Life after the breakup is not easy for either of them. Liu Ming works hard to repair his relationship with his wife, making every effort to make amends for his mistakes. He understands the pain he has caused his wife and hopes to regain her trust and forgiveness.

Li Na also strives to reinvest herself in her family, doing her best to be a good wife and mother. She deeply acknowledges her wrongdoing and is willing to face the consequences of her actions, hoping to make up for the harm caused to her family.

After a period of effort and reflection, their families gradually regain tranquility and warmth. Liu Ming and Li Na understand that what they experienced was a misunderstanding and a profound lesson about marriage and family.

After their breakup, Liu Ming and Li Na began their separate lives. They struggled to adapt to the days without each other's presence, but the longing and memories in their hearts remained persistent.

Liu Ming returned to his family and made efforts to repair his relationship with his wife. He felt deep guilt and regret, remorseful for betraying his wife and causing pain to his family. He made a heartfelt decision to change himself from within, becoming a better husband and father.

He engaged in honest conversations with his wife, apologizing and expressing his true feelings. He acknowledged his mistakes and promised to make amends for the past. Though his wife was hurt and disappointed, she could see Liu Ming's sincerity and efforts, thus giving him a chance.

Liu Ming and his wife attended marriage counseling sessions, deepening their understanding of each other's needs and expectations. They learned to communicate better, listen to each other, and handle conflicts and difficulties in their marriage. Gradually, their marriage started to regain vitality and happiness.

Similarly, Li Na worked hard to reintegrate into her family. She confessed her mistakes to her husband, expressing her deep love for him and their children. Though her husband was hurt and disappointed, he could also see Li Na's repentance and transformation.

They decided to seek marriage counseling, facing and resolving the issues in their relationship together. They made efforts to improve their communication and foster trust and understanding. Gradually, their marriage began to rebuild, rediscovering the happiness and warmth they once shared.

Several years passed, and Liu Ming and Li Na crossed paths in Chengdu by chance. By this time, both had experienced life's changes and personal growth, becoming more mature and rational. They looked into each other's eyes, filled with complex emotions, as well as nostalgia and gratitude for the past.

Without the fiery passion and romance they once had, they were able to see each other from a broader perspective. Reflecting on their journey, they deeply appreciated the importance they held in each other's lives. Though they couldn't return to the past, they understood that everything they went through was a part of their growth and lessons.

They wished each other well, hoping for true happiness. Even though their stories were no longer intertwined, they remained forever in each other's memories.

Maybe they were in love.

familyYoung AdultShort Story

About the Creator

Huatin OU

Originally from Western China,live in Saskatoon as a freelance writer. vibrant energy of this city fuels creativity, lending a unique flair to work. a fusion of Eastern roots and Western experiences, captures the magic find in everyday life

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