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Our Hands Brought Us Together Forever

It's What We Have In Common

By BettyPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Our Hands Brought Us Together Forever
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

A good friend called, he's a local Police Officer; I was needed urgently at the hospital regarding a 5-year-old boy that had been found and admitted.

Grabbed my stuff quick, let my wife know, jumped in the car and off I was; happy that the little boy had been found and was being treated at the hospital, but concerned too. See, I'm a Child Protective Service Officer so there must be some kind of issue related to protecting the boy or him being in danger!

Upon arriving, I was told they had received a report about a young boy running along the river bank a few days ago; it took officers awhile to find him, as he was on the north ridge in that old rickety run-down barn by the fork in the river! It looked like he'd been living there for some time!

By Mark Tryapichnikov on Unsplash

Doctors say he has some minor cuts, is dehydrated, filthy dirty, is clearly underweight and scared, but medically ok! However, the kid hasn't said a word, just stares all wide-eyed and blank looking.

They called me as they need him placed into protective services until they can locate his parents and figure out what's going on! An urgent report needs to be prepared, filed and a copy of the court order provided to hospital administration ASAP! The boy will remain here for a few days under medical supervision and an officer will be posted at his door.

I peeked in the little window of his hospital room door and there in the bed was a tiny boy, sitting propped up looking around. He looked so small in that big white hospital bed and I wondered what his innocent eyes have seen and experienced; hoping he will trust me and understand I'm his friend! It breaks my heart when these little ones have such a crappy start in life!

Sitting in the hall working on his file, I notice a nurse walking towards me holding a food tray, I jumped up and asked if it was for him and she nodded yes. I placed my hands out gesturing that I would like to take it in, she glanced to the officer, he nodded yes; opens the door for me and stands just inside as I slowly enter with the food tray.

By Martin Garay on Unsplash

That sweet boy looks my way, I smile as I approach his bed, put the tray on the wheelie table and push it towards him. He leans over slightly to take a look; I gently take the lid off the plate, unwrap the utensils, open up the carton of milk and put a straw inside, take the foil flap off the pudding cup and slowly wheel the table closer to him.

I can see in his eyes the interest and caution. He glances at me and I smile back and softly say, "Eat", as I poke two pieces of curly cheesy macaroni onto his fork and rest it on the side of his plate. He raises his hand, takes the fork and puts it into his mouth!




By Alex Woods on Unsplash

I felt like singing loud and dancing all over, but I remained calm and continued poking macaroni pieces onto his fork and he continued to eat; then suddenly stopped! Puzzled, I am; then he sits up a bit and grabs the carton of milk, drinks a bit, puts it back, grabs the pudding and spoon and starts eating it! Phew!! I stood there so proud and happy; many kids don't eat, don't trust and literally shut down and ignore everything and everyone; this is so fantastic!

Slowly I pulled a chair over and sat down beside the bed. I talked softly and slowly and asked him if he wanted more macaroni or milk, no reply, he didn't even look at me! I tried again, asking if he want more pudding or another pillow, no reply, no look, just kept eating!

I sat back in the chair, wondering, why wasn't he talking to me? He finished the pudding and put it back on the tray, drank some more milk, grabbed the little cracker and cheese packs, slid them under the blanket at his side; I smiled!

He was done, so I lifted the tray and walked towards the door, nodded to the officer, turned back and waved good bye, not expecting a reaction, but he waved back at me! Standing slightly in the hall as the door softly closed, completely shocked and stunned! What just happened? He waved back, acknowledged me, but ignored my questions!

I gave the tray to the nurse and sat back down to continue working on his file and TADA!! IT HIT ME! Leaning back in the chair with a big smile on my face: he can't hear, he's deaf!

By Petr Sevcovic on Unsplash

Immediately I asked the nurse to look at his chart and see if it indicated anything about hearing loss or impairment. All she could find was a little sentence saying child traumatized, non-verbal!

I went back to his door, peeked in the window, he was fast asleep! My thoughts processed, finish the report, get it to the judge, let him sleep; tomorrow is another day!

The judge accepted, signed and stamped my report thus transforming it into a court order. I returned to the hospital and submitted it to the administration office about 10am. On my way to see the boy, I noticed a doctor not far from his room, got his attention and explained my suspicions about his hearing; he accompanied me to the boy's room and let me take the lead.

That sweet boy was all squeaky clean and sitting in the chair beside his bed watching cartoons on the tv; it was so nice the hospital arranged for the tv. He slightly jumped when he noticed me and I signed to him, "It's ok, so sorry! Good morning!" (signing/signed means, sign language).

I almost fainted right then and there when he signed back to me, "Hi, good morning!"

I was ecstatic with happiness and joy; wanted to pick him and whirl around the room singing at the top of my voice, "I knew it, I knew it, we can talk, we can talk, I'm so happy we can talk!"

By Natasha Ivanchikhina on Unsplash

Pulling up a chair, I sat down by him. He smiled back at me as his eyes twinkled brightly. I signed again, "I'm so very happy to talk with you! How are you feeling today?"

He signed back, "I'm hungry!"

I signed, "Did you have breakfast yet?"

His reply was, "Yes, but I'm still hungry!"

I let him know I would be right back; I will get the nurse to bring some more food. I got up and left the room, the doctor followed me. He looked at me amazed and dazed, "How did you know he was deaf?" he asked.

I explained that yesterday, the boy never replied to me when he was eating and looking down at his food but then waved good bye to me when he watched me leave the room! It caught me by surprise making me wonder, then it hit me, reminding me of my mother and daughter, as they are both deaf and looking up is very important!

By Ekaterina Shakharova on Unsplash

Extra food came for the boy as we sat and chatted. My phone rang, it was my police officer friend, and he was telling me they found the boy's parents and three siblings! I was devasted thinking they can't give the boy back to them!

He asked if I remember that old run-down barn where the boy was found. "Yes, I know the place." I replied. He continued saying, about 120 feet away from that old run-down barn they found a shallow grave with the bodies of the boy's mother and three siblings and a bit further, his father lay dead on the ground! A case of murder times three, then did himself away! They also figure the family had been living in that old run-down barn for a few years, as it was packed with loads of boxes, personal and household stuff! Furthermore, telling me that little boy's name is Bobby! Why he wasn't killed is still a mystery; he is one lucky little boy to be alive and have a full life in front of him!

By veeterzy on Unsplash

I decide a few days later to bring my daughter, Angelina, to the hospital to meet Bobby. I wanted him to smile, play and have some fun! She's almost six so around his age and it seems they have a lot in common; both adorable, sweet little angels, both hearing impaired and sign, talk and communicate via sign language and both can use a friend!

Angelina gathered some of her Lego, coloring books and crayons and her favourite book, The Itsy-Bitsy Spider. She loves dancing around signing the song, similar to how everyone else does it with their fingers and hands, going up the water spout, but a bit more intense when signing, wash the spider out! They both got along so wonderfully as I watched them playing, smiling, dancing around and having so much fun together!

We all had lunch and went for a little walk at the back of the hospital; they chased each other and rolled in the grass just like kids should! When it was time to go, my daughter told me, well signed to me, that she wants to leave her toys and things here so Bobby can play with them and when we come back tomorrow, she wants to bring all her Play-Doh!

In the car, she told me, signed to me, Bobby is my new best friend and I had so much fun today, Daddy! My heart was melting and I had to choke it back; life brings such great amazing surprises when you least expect it! These two little kids just met and instantly accepted each other no matter what; there's nothing better in life then love and a true friend!

By Torsten Dederichs on Unsplash

Later that night it dawned on me; I can't imagine life without that sweet boy! We've become such good friends, Angelina and I love him so much, we all understand each other in a very special way, the kids can grow up and go to school together, we have so much in common and we could forever be family!

I know when he is released from hospital, he's going to go to a good foster home and due to my profession, I will know where he is and be connected through work but that's not enough! I want to take care of him, give him a good loving home and the best possibly life, just like my daughter!

After a few hours of pulling a few strings and favors, I was sitting in front of the judge once again regarding Bobby's case. This time however, it was for personal reasons as I was asking for temporary custody with an immediate adoption procedure!

The judge looks at me, turns and says to my wife, "You're on board with all this?" "Oh, yes sir, I am! Bobby is some boy, so sweet, so very special and such a terrific little guy! He and our daughter already are the best of friends and have so much in common!"

The judge looks at me again and says, "You are both so vibrant and radiant talking about this little Bobby!" I nodded and said, "Sir, with all due respect, I humbly ask you to please approve my urgent application and allow us to be his forever family, save him from an unknow future and make him our son, forever friend and brother to our daughter Angelina!

He looked down at the papers and thumbed through them all, reading this and that, looked up, looked back down, signed, stamped and embossed the papers, gave us a huge beaming smile, handed them to me and said, "Congratulations, go get your son!"

By John-Mark Smith on Unsplash


About the Creator


An average person that enjoys DYI and History shows.

A huge Downton Abbey fan that would have loved to live that life.

Nanny to 2 sweet grandchildren.

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    BettyWritten by Betty

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