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Of Druids and Dragons

The Ripples of Draig-uisge

By A.J.K.Published 2 years ago 6 min read
Of Druids and Dragons
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

There weren't always dragons in the Valley. They only appeared when a threat greater than themselves had emerged. That is what struck fear into the hearts of every village person. Not the sightings of them, ungodly and magnificent, but the reason for the sightings of them.

"What threat is greater than a dragon?" Aylwyn asked the chief Druid as he stood in the village center, imparting what knowledge he had of the reasoning behind their appearance. Chief Grigor turned to Aylwyn, piercing her with his stare from under unruly white brows.

"That is yet unknown," his voice was stern, as if reproaching her for asking the most obvious and important question at the center of everyone's thoughts. Aylwyn knew the druids were to be respected as the wisest among the village yet she never found herself able to follow Grigor's commands without question.

"Well what are we to do presently? Three dragons have already appeared about our lands without provocation from us. How are we to... navigate such happenings?" she asked, annoyance coloring her voice so much as to insight murmurings of shock from the crowd surrounding the Chief. Questioning the Druids was not something to undertake lightly. But Aylwyn had considered the arrival of the dragons deeply and knew there must be more the Druids were not sharing with the village. She was determined to know everything there was to know. Grigor continued his steady stare, something calculating in his eyes.

"Sacrifices should keep them from destroying our herds at will. They are large beasts who need to feed. We should take every measure to keep them content," he answered evenly. He then motioned to another robed member of the tribe and spoke quietly to him. The same member shot his eyes to Aylwyn and nodded, his face unreadable, before turning and disappearing into the crowd. At that moment Chief Grigor put an end to the gathering, urging the crowd to disperse and began his return to the edge of the village where he resided. Aylwyn watched him depart as the crowd scattered slowly, returning to their end of day tasks, until she felt a soft pressure on her arm. It was the robed member Grigor had spoken with at her elbow.

"Come with me," he said in an unyielding voice. Trepidation filled Aylwyn as she wondered if she had gotten herself in bad humors with the Chief. Remembering her earlier conviction to know the entire truth about the dragons, she straightened her spine then nodded, letting the robed member lead her to the edge of the village near the Loch. Near Grigor's abode. It was not fear Aylwyn felt at that moment, but a dark kind of excitement. The sun had already set, the last vestiges of light reflecting off the waters of the Loch, still as a tree on a windless day. They rounded the large oak tree that stood on the banks of the water and Aylwyn saw them, waiting for her. Grigor stood watching the water, another member of the tribe at his side.

"Go to them," the robed member said to her before turning to depart. Aylwyn joined the Chief Druid, outwardly as still as the water before them though her heart beat rapidly in the cage of her chest.

"Thank you for joining us. No doubt you are wondering why you are here," Grigor said to her, voice serene and devoid of the harshness it had exhibited only moments before.

"I am," Aylwyn admitted, looking from the water to the druid. His long nose and beard outlined by the twilight. A smile pulled the side of his mouth up.

"You are an exceedingly curious girl. Your mind is sharp. You wish to know more," he said simply. This only confused Aylwyn more.

"Indeed I do..." she prompted, waiting for the rest of his explanation.

"This evening I am willing to challenge you. To see if you can comprehend the truth. If you can, I will tell you. If it is apparent you cannot, you will stop questioning me in such...public settings," he explained. He turned his head slightly, eyes moving to her face. Aylwyn felt her heartbeat quicken further.

"All I ask is for the chance to prove my worthiness," she spoke. She understood this was the only way to know. Grigor nodded slowly.

"Very well," he agreed, "just watch and do not move or make a sound."

Aylwyn nodded and breathed deeply, rooting herself to the ground. She glanced at the other member of the tribe, trying her best to recognize the person. They were robed and hooded in deep blue, and all Aylwyn could see of their face was a long straight nose and dark hair that curled down past their chest. They were about her height, but Aylwyn could still not make out their personage. She returned her gaze to the water, scanning the serene surface for any disturbances. Moments passed, the light shrinking in the sky as darkness grew around them. Then she saw it.


They started far from them, near the middle of the Loch. Then they reappeared again, much closer and much larger. Aylwyn narrowed her eyes until she saw something round emerge from the water. It looked to be the size of a horses head, with ridges and shapes she could not make out. before she could help it a gasp sounded from her lips. The hooded member stepped forward and removed their hood, revealing the face of Morien, one of the healers of the tribe. Aylwyn wondered how she had not recognized her before. Morien walked to the waters edge, all the while the creature in the water moved closer as well. It's head rose from the Loch, followed by an impossibly long neck, then sloping shoulders and finally front legs, serpentine back, and endless, curving tail. What was left of the light shone off its water soaked scales of deep indigo.

"Draig-uisge." She whispered to herself. Water Dragon. Chief Grigor nodded.

Fear and awe fought for control over Aylwyn. Her first instinct was to run, but she knew she was being tested, and she did not know what the water beast would do to her of she drew attention to herself. Instead she watched as Morien reached her hand to the dragon, who was not but a few paces from her now. Aylwyn felt fear for her, did she not know how dangerous these creatures were? As if hearing her thoughts, Grigor spoke quietly.

"Every Draig will conspire with a member of the tribe of their choosing. Morien herself is much influenced by, and holds much influence over, water. She, as well as the rest of the Draig will be able to join forces with the goal of defeating our common enemy," he explained. His explanation only prompted more questions. Aylwyn chose where to start.

"The rest of the Draig? Do you refer to all three we have encountered recently?" She asked, her voice barely audiable as she continued to watch the woman and the water serpent, now seeming to communicate in silence with each other.

"I refer to the three we have encountered, Draig-uisge, Draig-talamh, Draig-athar, as well as Draig-tiene, whom we have yet to... meet." He finished his thought with a dry edge to his voice.

"So there is a dragon for every cooresponding element? Water, earth, air and... fire?" Aylwyn asked, hoping to have her wonderings clarified.

"Indeed there is, and while our first three encounters have been peaceful, our fourth dragon is much more... hot tempered." He admitted. Aylwyn swallowed audibly.

"And what, do tell, is our common enemy?" She knew she was venturing far in asking this, but still she asked. It elicited a log look from Grigor until he finally spoke.

"Not all knowledge is for common understanding, just as not all power is for common acquisition," he answered decidedly.


About the Creator


Eclectic witch + wine professional living in the PNW. Published poet. Exercising my creative muscles here.

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    A.J.K.Written by A.J.K.

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