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NO.3 XueyanHu

The story of the businessman with red top

By Alon LongPublished about a year ago 21 min read

"Then," asked Chun Shou, "how much would it cost to pay one or two hundred denarius per stone?"

The Ting's mental calculation was very quick, and after a moment's hesitation, he gave the exact figure: "The total is thirty-three thousand two hundred and twenty silver."

"If the ships don't go away, please change the price and pay the silver, and it will be approved. But, "Chun Shou asked gravely," who should pay for the 330,000 taels of silver?" "As your excellency knows, the eight members of the Hu Clan are the 'Exhausted clan', whose strength is really not enough. Please ask your excellency to be very considerate and let Cao Ding live."

"Hum! Chun Shou sneer, "Your life, my life can not?" This is a two-way bargain, deliberately contrived. Cao help has "farmland", there are "public expenses", in such a situation, it has to be from the public industry and income, the loss of the percentage, but the above pressure, first depends on the quality of the help, the public property of the "prosperous help" will lose more, the debt of the "weak help" will lose less. Oddly enough, the richer the area, the more exhausted the cao gang is. The first exhausted gang is that Jiangsu Songjiang Prefecture belongs to each gang, and Suzhou Prefecture belongs to eight Gang. This is because the richer the area, the more exploitation there is.

The difference in compensation, in addition to the cao cao, mainly caused the department to collect compensation from various bad rules of grain collection and "floating harvest". So dealing with this difficult case, in fact, is only a matter between the Yamen and the Lake. Chun Shou soft coax hard force, finally the points to talk about the loss of percentage.

But this is only a last resort. The eyes are always looking forward, can sail the cao ship, pay the job, but also avoid the burden of compensation, why not? So Chun Shou turned back and asked, "In your opinion, can the cao ship move or not? It's better to move or shine."

Naturally, this sentence was very popular. When the candidate states and counties present saw that things had taken a turn for the better, they all extol the wisdom of Chun Shou. Only Dingding, who spoke for the Cao gang, shook his head. But he first declared that he had some opinions, and on behalf of Cao help, I do not know whether to say? "Speak, speak! Brainstorm and discuss." According to Najiding's personal opinion, in order for the cao ships to be able to operate, the riverbed had to be dreached, and at the same time locks were installed in each tributary to raise the water level in the canals. Then private vessels were hired to carry the rice grains separately to lighten the load of the cao ships. Only in this way could the "moving" be possible.

"So do it! Why not?" "Said one of the escorts excitedly. The Tingding smiled ruefully, but said nothing. Chun Shou, however, understood what he meant and replied sarcastically, "That's easy to say, brother! Do you know how much it will cost?" "Why not spend the lost money on dredging river beds and employing people's boats? Not only the poor delivery, but also the canal management, is your honor." These two words moved Chun Shou's heart, nodded his head and thought, "This is also said." He said to himself, "How many days do you know?" Dredging plan, construction schedule, how much work, how much material, should be carefully calculated, in order to know the exact number, in so many people miscellaneous platform, it is impossible to get the results, so Chun Shou called everyone scattered, and find some actual can be responsible for, can do things to renegotiate.

The gathering of a few people, the first thing to talk about is the source of materials. There is really only one word: money. Cao help was pushed out to speak that pointed Ding, with a long history of the river's lake experience, foreboding that this move is not right, but small words, unable to reverse the Chun shou "wishful thinking", it was very simply agreed to send funds, and guarantee Cao help must fully support this matter. However, he also solemnly declared that the Cao gang out of the money, no matter what the cao ship must go. If anything else happens. The cao gang cannot be responsible. The dredging plan was soon put into practice. In the past, the local officials were also responsible for this, but the three counties of Huzhou Capital and Wucheng, GUI 'an and Deqing, through which the canal runs, had to send workers and materials. It would take a long time to get to work, to get back and forth, and to convene gentlemen's consultations. In order to compete with the sky, their own money out to recruit migrant workers is the most practical way. When all this has been arranged, it is expected that the Cao ship will set sail before the end of August. In this way, Chun Shou was relieved and started back to province.

Go that day, autumn wind autumn rain, general travel dull damage unhappy weather, in Chun life is very happy, thinking in my heart, the rain had better fall some big, even a few days before the stream rose, the trough time, well in advance.

* * *

Returning to the provincial capital, the first thing he did was to see Huang Zonghan, Futai.

After hearing the report, Huang Zonghan also praised him, saying that he was honest. He also told him that the imperial court had ordered the governor of Zhili and the barnsmen in Beitongzhou to be ordered to send fifteen hundred barges from Yangcun in Tianjin to Linqing in Shandong Province to prepare grain barges. However, the governor of Zhli had made a reply, fearing that the barges of Yang Village would arrive at Linqing and the rivers would freeze, so he requested that grain grain from Jiangsu and Zhejiang be unloaded in Linqing and Dezhou and temporarily stored until next spring when the grain grain would be thawed and then transferred to the north. It is not clear whether this request could be granted.

Chun Shou thought this was good news. He had been worried about the cold weather in the north. After October, the river froze and the cao was still blocked. Now the governor of Zhili reported the facts, which was equivalent to saying what he wanted to say. The court could not be inaccurate based on the facts. In this way, as long as we reached Linqing, the task would be accomplished. If it is delayed, the circumstances are the same everywhere, and the cases disposed of are mixed together and become "settled". Chun Shou ate this reassuring, for the dredging project, progress is not very ideal, not too anxious. What he was most concerned about was the reply written by the Governor of Zhili. After the cao ships had left, he saw that Ming had sent an encyclical: "Jiahang and others in Zhejiang, if they are able to dispatch Mishi, should follow the previous instructions and take advantage of the clear weather to dispatch the ships from Yangcun. Set up or must be cut off along the way, Linqing, Dezhou and other warehouses, is sufficient to accommodate? The warehouse field lang, Zhili governor, the governor of the river transport, the governor of Shandong will now do urgent business, quickly for handling, do not allow the staff to shirk the vice, the bourne, and then go to the mistake. Fear!"

"It must be shipped out." Chun Shou thought to himself, "According to the letter, it has been approved to cut off the cargo at Linqing and Dezhou for temporary storage. But I'm afraid the grain silo is not enough. If there is no silo to store the rice, it will be a difficult matter."

So he went to the upper house to see Futai. When Huang Zonghan saw him, he said, "Ah, just in time. I'm going to send Goshha to invite you. There's something important to discuss."

"Ask your excellency." "No, no! If you need anything, you can tell me first."

Chun Shou will explain the purpose, meaning that you want to ask Taiwan to play, Zhejiang Lake belongs to eight help Cao rice, has been out of the province. If you arrive at Linqing and cannot lightens the cargo and need to cut it off, please kindly order the governor of the canal transport and the Governor of Shandong and reserve an empty warehouse. He requested this because he was afraid that the cao ship of the eighth Gang of the Lake would arrive last and that the warehouse would be his gang's first.

As he listened, Huang Zonghan kept shaking his head. When he finished, he leaned forward and asked, "Your company knows how to handle the grain transport business, and your company is responsible for it this year. May I ask if you have calculated the date of 'return'?"

It turned out to be because of this concern, Chun Shou slightly relaxed, "return your excellency's words," he said, "return to the sky naturally will be a delay??" "How long is the period?" Huang Zonghan did not wait to finish, gun asked, "Please count your company with me to listen."

"It depends on the situation in Linqing. If we cut off the cargo there and wait for the next year's thaw, it will depend on how many ships are ahead.

"How soon?"

"Not until next April." "And return? "It will take two months."

"This means that the ships will not be able to return home until next summer, and that they will have to undergo some repairs, and that it will take a month or so, or at the earliest, July, before they can go to the counties to receive the grain. May I ask your company, next year's new grain harvest will not be shipped until August or September, the same as this year?"

'Yes! Chun Shou replied, "But next year to switch to sea, it doesn't matter." "What do you mean nothing?" Huang Zonghan blanched, "You say it easy. Every year delay the cao period, when do you get back to normal? You should know that this year it is your responsibility, but next year it will be mine. Your company is deliberately trying to get in my way!"

Chun Shou a see ask Taiwan change face, big accident, he is also the childe brother's birth, a can not help, immediately contradict the past: "adults heavy! Since I am responsible for killing or cutting, I am responsible for it. Why should your excellency be so angry?"

'Good, good! Huang Zonghan was half really angry, half deliberately artificial, his face was blue, red and said: "You are responsible, you are responsible! May I ask how this responsibility is borne?"

"Although I am in charge of the transport this year, I have been instructed to do everything since your arrival. This year, Jiangsu sea trial, very good results, please your adult play, next year Zhejiang Province to follow the example of Jiangsu, not on the line?" "Hum, hum! Huang Zonghan kept sneering, "Your company sounds like a minister of military aircraft. I would like to ask you again. What if your superiors refuse?" "There is no doubt."

'In that tone again! Huang Zonghan patted the Kang table and shouted, "Are you here to discuss or to raise the bar?"

Chun Shou has been an official for more than 20 years, but he has never seen such a boss. He thinks to himself: I am from the department of Science, I am not a donation of Banzuosha to climb up, accustomed to gas, on the career experience, I put the Zhejiang department, you are just the Zhejiang department, but in the middle of someone, Daoguang 15 years B not that list?

On turning to this, Chun Shou shuddered and cried out: Great things are not good! In the same year of Huang Zonghan, Peng Yunzhang of Suzhou had already become minister of military aircraft. There were also two attendants in the household department. One was Wang Qingyun from Fujian, who liked to take care of his fellow countrymen, and the other was his son and good friend, Wait GUI Qing.

As the saying goes, "no one in court can be an official." Huang Zonghan dared to be so defiant, but only because there is an Olympic aid, and heard that he entered the capital this year, the emperor summoned six times, the holy family is long, he can not touch him anyway. These thoughts flashed through my mind like thunder and lightning, and I felt discouraged and had to swallow my pride to accompany a crime.

"Calm your grace. How dare I speak to an adult? I ask your lordship to maintain everything." At this, Huang Zonghan's face softened a little. "If you are a colleague, you must maintain it.

But, "he said, shaking his head vigorously," hard, hard!"

With his heart sinking deeper and deeper, Chun Shou tried to calm himself and asked, "What do you think? Please teach me." "How dare I, how dare I? Wait till I think about it!" With that, he took a cup of tea, and Goshha, the waiter in the hall, cried out: "See you!" This departure is equal to expulsion. Chun Shou went out of the Futai Yamen, sat in a sedan chair, only urged the sedan to speed up, hurried back to the yamen, asked the page to invite the copywriter to the "sign room", closed the door, detailed the process of the upper house, and asked in doubt: "Everybody look, Huangfutai what does this mean?" "Huang Futai, nicknamed 'Yellow Yan Luo', has turned his back on people who are famous. This matter needs to be properly sorted out."

'Alas! Chun Shou shook his head, want to speak but stop, regret in Huang Futai just arrived, ignore his suggestion of asking for bribes.

"' Big business, big money, '" said one of the copywriters, very bluntly." First go and find out what the court has in mind." It is said that Huang Zonghan arrived at Tongzhou according to the time limit in order to receive the loading of the new grain grain next year. He decided to go to the court and brought back the ship of the eighth Gang of the lake, unloaded the grain grain and put it in the warehouse together with the new grain grain next year. In this way, only bitter Cao help, pay for a sum of dredging fees. Secondly, the candidate states and counties that were escorted by the delegation had no "public funds" to send, so a New Year's Day payment was lost. Chun Shou heart although can not bear, but in the end is someone else's thing, the department can not compensate, is already the best, had to cruel ignore them.

Sure enough, the next day Futai Yamen sent a formal official order to avoid affecting the deadline for the next year's new CAO. "All the ships belonging to the eight groups in the lake this year will be recovered and handled at your request," he said. Chun Shou dare not neglect, immediately sent someone to the lake is eight help Cao ship intercepted back, at the same time the upper house to see Futai, ask the so-called "wait for orders to handle" is how to do?

Huang Zonghan has been avoiding illness. Five or six days later, a piece of the document arrived. When he opened it, Chun Shou almost fainted. He stamped his feet and cursed, "Huang Shouchen, Huang Shouchen, you are so cruel! What is my grudge against you? You want to kill me!" Huang Zonghan's method was really too drastic. In order to complete the transportation of grain transportation in the next year as scheduled, in order to return to normal every year thereafter, Huang Zonghan made a decision: this year, the grain transportation of Huba Gang would be kept in Zhejiang for a change of price. The total grain transportation price was 276,000 stone, according to the price set by the Ministry of Household, at two silver per stone. The total amount of 552,000 is due within one month.

This was the difference between the market price and the part price, which had already been calculated by Chun Shou and Chitin. It amounted to 330,000 taels of silver. If Futai had made this decision before he went to Huzhou for the first meeting, the cao would have paid most of the compensation, while the Fantsi would have paid a small part. The small amount of compensation could have been allocated from the floating funds. Speaking of this, it would have been a free labor this year, with no "benefits". However, the situation is completely different now. The Cao Gang bears all the expenses for dredging the river. They have already stated in advance that the Cao gang had to leave the Cao gang and could not be cut off now, so they feel ashamed to ask them to share the difference even if the Cao Gang is willing to pay for it.

As for the "benefits" of the float, already according to the stock according to the dispatch, "run" have a husband, where to pursue? Even if the claim is obtained, it is only five or sixty thousand silver, still short of a big cut!

The evolution of things, should have all the responsibility, fall on their own head. Chun Shou regret and, but still can't do the last struggle, sad to convene the confidants to negotiate, the consensus view is: "the bell also must be tied to the bell", but to ask for Taiwan, recover "change the price", should solve more than two hundred thousand stone Cao rice, with next year's new cao together. In this way, they would have to pay tens of thousands of taels of silver for the freight and warehousing fees, and for the damage caused by the two movements, and they would certainly have to be punished, but at any rate it would be better than thirty-three thousand taels of silver.

The right to take the lesser of the two evils, Chun Shou had to stick to the scalp of the upper court, the "manual" sent in, the door came out and replied: "The superiors are not comfortable, please go back to your adult! I've been told not to send for a conversation until I'm well again."

Bao Shou was furious and told his servant, "Go back and get your bedrocks! If you don't see me, you can sleep on the kang bed in the official hall." A look on the door, this is outrageous, hurriedly smiled: "Your excellency do not need, do not need! I think I have urgent business to return to, so I will go to the upper room again."

So Chun Shou sat in the official hall and waited for half an hour. Huang Zonghan came out with his head up and a stern face. As soon as they met, without waiting for Chun Shou to speak, he asked aloud, "Do you have to see me?"

'Yes! Toon Shou humbly answer: "adults are sick, this should not disturb, but it is very difficult to report." "If it is a matter of grain in the lake, you needn't talk about it. It's already played." He had to sit down. When he looked back, Huang Zonghan was nowhere to be found. The governor of the hospital, Goshiha, whispered to him, "Please come back, your excellency! The sedan chair has been waiting for a long time."

Chun Shou closed his eyes, and two drops of tears came out of his eyes. He wiped them clean with his horse's hoof sleeve and walked lazily to the official hall with the help of the footman.

On that night, Chun Shou in the fansi Yamen back yard signed room, hanged himself. The next morning for the family to find, crying shake inside and outside, less people gallantry, the unfortunate news, fly to Futai.

Huang Zonghan a listen, know the disaster, forced the death of two products big shellfish, not light charges. But then I thought of an official case and felt that I could do the same.

He thought of Pucheng Wang Ding corpse remonstrance of the past in Shaanxi province, this heavy case happened ten years ago, Wang Ding and a traitor Mu Zhanga, as a big bachelor value military aircraft. The "Pucheng prime minister" strong temperament, hate evil, and meet Mu Zhang Ah is a feminine and treacherous character, each in the imperial dispute, a tone harsh, a calm and easy, Xuanzong is not clear, always feel Wang Ding unavoidably excessive.

Daoguang twenty-two years, in order to sponsor Lin Zexu summer, Wang Ding did not hesitate to suicide corpse remonstrance, mud mud pain impeach. At that time, there was a military aircraft named Chen Fu En, which was Mu Zhang Ah's lackey. When Wang Ding was not on duty, nor did he ask for leave, he had an excuse to leave the palace. When he arrived at Wang Ding's home, he heard his crying. Take advantage of Wang Ding's son, the academy editor Wang Kang sudden death, the five faint, advised him to put the body of Wang Ding down, at the same time put the rest of the thin caught in the hand, a look at the content, as expected, and advised Wang Kang to personal future, do not offend Mu Zhang A, and said that the "top" of Wang Ding impression is not good, and minister suicide, hurt the national body, maybe Yan angry, Not only Wang Ding behind the shirts failed, but also do not have unexpected disaster.

This threat to lure, teach the king to resist, listen to Mu Zhang Ah change the drainage, and to die of sudden illness. Xuan Zong also some suspicion, but Mu Zhang a layout is thorough, "the top" can not know the truth, even if.

Chen Fei En's great help to Mu Zhang 'a yielded little. Soon Mu Zhang 'a appointed him governor of Shandong. However, Wang Kang was unable to become his father's ambition, for his father's protege, his own year, and Shanxi-Gansu fellow villagers despised, resigned back to the city, depressed.

Mu Zhanga is Daoguang 15 years B did not take the exam, Huang Zonghan is his protege, rather fawning over the teacher. Under Qin Hui there were ten men, under Mu Zhang Ah there were ten men, and Huang Zonghan and Chen Fuen were both in the number of Mu Men's Ten men, so they were naturally familiar with it. Therefore, in the case of Chun Shou's change, he immediately sent his confidants, in order to pull the plug on the purpose, first try to put Chun Shou will get to hand, and then personally visit the garrison general and Zhejiang learning government, because these two people are able to play the matter, first to put them steady, can not make the truth.

Of course, on the other hand, he would also indirectly please flag officials, appease Chun Shou's family, and then report the vacancy of the department. Suicide by hanging is not hidden, so the other attached a "clamp", said that "Zhejiang money Cao cao expenses, this year long drought years of apology, the solution is particularly difficult, the department is afraid of missing work, anxious day and night, and even urgent suicide." The lake is eight help should transport Cao rice, leave Zhejiang price, not a word, recorded at the same time was modified Chun Shou will. Emperor Xianfeng, who had just entered Dabao, was quite shrewd. He was greatly puzzled by the two sentences in his will: "Due to circumstances, I could not live." He thought that even if business was difficult, why would he hurriedly commit suicide? If there is another situation, ordered Huang Zonghan to "visit again in detail, according to the facts, without a little hidden decoration." Then, Zhejiang study government Wan Qingli also has a special fold report, said Chun Shou after, left a will, "the actual business tricky, precipitous suicide." With Huang Zonghan they wished, cooperated very well. The emperor gave instructions: "An order has been issued for Huang Zonghan to investigate and report. If you are near the province, you can tell what you have heard." It seems that things are going to be very big, but the really serious key, only Huang Zonghan himself knows. Because Chun Shou's suicide, if it is really because of his severe measures, although guilty of conscience, but also to moral responsibility, in the business can account for, that need not be afraid. But in fact, it is not so, Chun Shou's death, is died in his words of false threats.

The so-called "stay in Zhejiang to change the price", originally is Huang Zonghan with Chun Shou embarrassed a saying, secretly he does not insist on doing so, not only do not insist, he also left behind, in case Chun shou can not do, he has room for a turnaround.

Due to his excellent relations in the military Aviation Department and the Ministry of Household Affairs, Huang Zonghan was fully confident that the next year's Cao Cao would be used by sea, as well as that this year's rice could not be transported to the north if the lake owned the cao cao. But these circumstances, Chun Shou did not know, he did not tell. On the grounds that there was no guarantee to switch to sea transport and that river grain ships could not return to the air according to the limit, he ordered to intercept the cao ships and leave Zhejiang to change the price. This set of measures was completely inconsistent with the reform methods he reported. He said to Chun Shou, stay in Zhejiang to change the price, "has played", things to the point of the cart against the wall, no longer irreparable, it makes Chun Shou feel in a dead end, can not but die. In fact, the phrase "already played" is nonsense.

With this lie, Huang Zonghan had to take full responsibility for Chun Shou's death. So he must try to cover up, do not make the truth on the smell, Wan Qingli and others to help him lie, one side sent cronies, carrying Juxian, to the capital activities. Of course, like military aircraft Minister Peng Yunzhang there, is not need not bribe, only in the same year's identity, please take care of.

But a case like this, it's not easy. Chun Shou is "on the three flags," among the relatives, quite a noble official, think his death suspicious, natural head to speak for him, so that the military to help Huang Zonghan, can not not spend some hands and feet, to hide.

According to the usual practice, such a situation must be sent to spy. It is called secret inspection, nature can not let the people know, but one or two products of the big man out of Beijing, in any case is a matter that cannot be concealed, so there are many ways to cover their whereabouts and tasks, one is a diversion, such as Ming issued an oracle: "sent to Jiangsu to investigate the case", this person is the "imperial" identity, by the place, the reception ceremony is extremely grand. In this way, he went all the way south and reached Jinan. Suddenly, he was in doubt. He consulted the governor of Shandong with the imperial minister's Guan Fang, and issued a list of names, asking him to mention the case immediately.

Another is to secretly take advantage of the opportunity of a certain grand councillor put in office, secret instructions to a place to investigate a case.

As a rule, the secret message was not copied from the palace, and the people under investigation were not aware of it. They went to the destination, visited the governor or governor, presented the secret message, and in a short time, the prison could be opened. This method is used to investigate the case of forced death of Chun Shou Huang Zonghan, so on the surface can not see the traces of Huang Zonghan out of trouble. This, of course, was done in his favour by the Army.

His name was He Guiqing, and he was in the same year as Huang Zonghan. In their B not a list, He Guiqing's age is relatively light, clear appearance, tell Yuan Ya, very good popularity. In the autumn of that year, the minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs gave a farewell dinner to Jiangsu Province. There were a lot of farewell parties in Beijing, so I was unable to start my journey. During this period when Yin was preparing to take office, the case of Chun Shou came out. Peng Yunzhang and he had some discussions in the same year in Beijing, and asked the secret delegation to ask GUI Qing on his way to Jiangsu to study politics. "Top" only on the death of Chun Shou suspected, never thought he trusted Huang Zonghan do good things, nature will not to He Guiqing and Huang is the same year as suspect, then approved the advice of the military.

The news reached Hangzhou quickly and secretly, and Huang Zonghan was reassured.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Alon Long

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