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By Hilda Putri RahmawatiPublished 8 days ago 5 min read

Every night for the past month, Sam had the same dream. Well, not exactly the same, but close enough. It always started with him wandering through a foggy forest. The trees were tall and twisted, their branches reaching out like bony fingers. The ground was covered in a thick layer of fallen leaves that crunched under his feet, and there was always that eerie silence, the kind that makes you feel like something is watching you.

In the dream, Sam never felt scared, just curious. He would walk through the forest, looking around, trying to find something he couldn’t quite remember. And then he’d come across the same old wooden cabin. It was tiny, with peeling paint and a crooked chimney. A soft light glowed from the windows, casting a warm, inviting aura. Despite the cabin’s rundown appearance, Sam always felt a weird sense of comfort standing in front of it.

Every time, he’d push open the creaky door and step inside. The interior was always different, though. Sometimes it was a cozy little living room with a fireplace crackling in the corner. Other times it was a kitchen with the smell of freshly baked cookies filling the air. But there was always a small table in the center of the room, and on that table, a single, peculiar item.

One night, it was a pocket watch with intricate designs etched into the metal. The next, it was an old, leather-bound book with no title. Once, it was a glass jar filled with fireflies, their light flickering softly. Sam never touched the items, just looked at them, feeling like they held some hidden meaning he couldn’t quite grasp.

After a few minutes of staring at the mysterious object, he’d hear a faint whisper. It was always too quiet to understand, like someone was speaking from far away. Then the dream would end, and Sam would wake up, feeling like he’d just missed something important.

It was all pretty weird, but Sam wasn’t too bothered. Actually, he kind of enjoyed the nightly adventure. His real life was, to put it mildly, boring. He worked at a small accounting firm, lived in a tiny apartment, and his idea of excitement was ordering a different kind of takeout on Friday nights. So, the dream was like a little escape, a break from the monotony.

But then, one night, something changed. Sam found himself in the forest, as usual, but this time, the fog was thicker, and the trees seemed even more twisted. He felt a shiver of unease as he made his way to the cabin. When he reached it, the light was still glowing warmly, but the door was already open. Inside, the room was darker than usual, and the only light came from a flickering candle on the table.

On the table, instead of the usual object, there was a mirror. Sam hesitated but then moved closer, curiosity winning over caution. He looked into the mirror and saw his reflection, but it wasn’t quite right. His eyes looked tired, almost haunted, and there was a shadowy figure standing behind him, barely visible in the dim light.

The whispering started again, louder this time, almost frantic. Sam’s heart raced as he tried to make out the words. Just as he was about to turn around and face the figure, the dream ended, and he woke up, drenched in sweat.

Sam couldn’t shake the feeling that the dream was trying to tell him something. He started to research dream meanings, symbols, anything that might give

him a clue. His search led him down various rabbit holes of dream interpretation websites, old folklore, and even some new-age forums where people shared their own bizarre dream experiences. Despite all this, nothing seemed to make sense of the recurring elements in his dreams.

One evening, as he was scrolling through yet another forum, he stumbled upon a post from someone describing a dream eerily similar to his. The user, going by the name DreamSeeker, talked about the foggy forest, the cabin, and the mysterious items. They mentioned seeing their reflection in a mirror, just like Sam had. The post ended with a cryptic note: "Find the meaning, or it will find you."

Sam felt a chill run down his spine. He decided to reach out to DreamSeeker. They exchanged messages, and Sam found out that the user had experienced these dreams for years before finally understanding what they meant. DreamSeeker suggested that Sam keep a journal of his dreams, noting every detail, no matter how insignificant it seemed. They also advised Sam to focus on the feeling he had when he woke up, as it might be a crucial clue.

Over the next week, Sam meticulously documented his dreams. He drew sketches of the cabin and the items, wrote down the whispers he could barely hear, and tried to capture the unease he felt when he saw the shadowy figure. He noticed that the dreams seemed to get more vivid each night, and the whispers grew louder, but they still didn’t make sense.

Then, one night, the dream took another turn. Sam found himself back in the forest, but this time, the fog had cleared. The trees were still twisted, but he could see the sky above, filled with stars. When he reached the cabin, the door was wide open, and light poured out, brighter than ever. Inside, there was no table, no mysterious item. Instead, there was a staircase leading down into a dark basement.

For the first time, Sam felt genuine fear, but also an overwhelming urge to go down those stairs. He took a deep breath and descended. The steps creaked under his weight, and the air grew colder the deeper he went. At the bottom, he found himself in a small, dimly lit room. The walls were lined with old books, and in the center stood an old man, his eyes shining with an eerie light.

“Welcome, Sam,” the old man said, his voice echoing in the small space. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

Sam froze, his heart pounding in his chest. “Who are you?”

The old man smiled. “I am the keeper of your dreams, the one who holds the answers you seek.”

Sam felt a mix of relief and confusion. “Why have I been having these dreams?”

The keeper gestured to the books around them. “These are the stories of your life, past, present, and future. The items you’ve seen are pieces of your soul, memories, and potential futures. The mirror showed you what you fear but also what you must confront.”

Sam took a step closer, intrigued despite his fear. “And the shadowy figure?”

The keeper’s smile faded. “That is the darkness within you, the part you’ve ignored for too long. You must face it to find peace.”

Sam felt a weight lift off his shoulders as the keeper’s words sunk in. He realized that his mundane life had been overshadowed by unresolved fears and regrets. The dreams were a call to face his inner demons and embrace all parts of himself.

When Sam woke up the next morning, he felt different, lighter. He looked around his tiny apartment, realizing it was time for a change. He decided to take a break from work, travel, and reconnect with the parts of himself he had neglected.

The dreams stopped after that night. Sam never saw the cabin or the shadowy figure again. But he often thought about the keeper of his dreams and the journey he had taken. And as he embraced his new life, he felt a sense of peace he had never known before, all thanks to those eerie, recurring dreams.


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    HPRWritten by Hilda Putri Rahmawati

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