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New World Order

My heart is in my hand

By erica feregrinoPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

I wake up on a filthy dusty floor, my head hurts as if I were hit with a hammer. I am confused about where I am. I stand up and take a look around. I'm in an empty home. It has bay windows, you can only see a blanket of darkness outside there's no light coming in from anywhere. So I get up and I feel a pain in my hand, where my hand is closed in a tight fist. I open it and it's a heart shaped locket, exactly like the one I gave my oldest daughter on her 20th birthday. I had grasped it so tightly that it left indents in my hand. I think to myself, what's happening? I find myself alone wondering where my two girls are, wondering where the rest of my family is? I stumble around to find the front door, and I walk out. I was in an apartment complex that looked familiar, from my childhood perhaps? Outside I could see the sun above but it was dark as if it were night. I started to walk to try to see if I can find some way out of this apartment complex. I walk out to the parking lot and there is nothing, no cars, no people, nothing, just darkness. I continued to walk out to the street, there were fires everywhere , flames so high they lit the sky which was filled with black smog. Cars, houses and stores were on fire! I continue to rummage through things and buildings to see if I could find somebody that can help me. I come to a store parking lot, the store doesn't have any electricity so there's no lights but there are things everywhere. I continue to walk through this massive parking lot of trash when I hear a horrible painful scream. I started running towards the direction where I heard the screaming to find nothing but more fires, no one and nothing. I continue to walk and finally I come across somebody, someone who I think I recognize. Nick, a friend of mine from long ago. I told him I was looking for my daughters. "I don't know where they are and I am afraid I need help!" He said in an exhausted voice, "Follow me I will try to help you find them." We continued through what looked like mazes of trash and debris, everything was on fire, fumes so toxic they almost choke you. At that point I ask Nick, " what is happening what is going on?" He stops and looks at me as if in disbelief and he says. " It started at 3 am this morning. My wife and I were awakened by a loud siren, I got up and looked at my cell phone. It was dead. I turned on the light switch and the electricity didn't work. I looked over to our wall clock it was still ticking it read 3:00. I walked over to our bedroom window and looked outside. There were bombs going off in the distance. We could hear rapid gunfire nearby and a few blocks away we could see soldiers dressed in black heavy armor going into each home. Behind them was a string of people, men and women all chained together and naked but there were no children." Which gave me hope and despair at the same time. Nick continued to say, " I turned to my wife and told her to get dressed as soon as we did we ran up stairs to the attic, there we hid, quitely. That's when we heard a loud bang on the roof, it shook our home. We could smell a foul putrid odor that made us almost gag. My wife screamed from fear. I grabbed her and held her tightly. Then we hear in a loud monotone voice say " This house will be cleansed by the New World Order!" We heard the front door being torn down and we heard soldiers run from room to room looking for people. I motioned to my wife to keep quiet when we heard "Attic!" She starts to tremble in fear. I hold her tighter when I feel her being yanked from my grasp as I am held back. She is screaming and crying and I am yelling at the soldiers to leave her alone. We are dragged downstairs. A top official came up to me. His eyes were black and soulless, he had an evil smile on his face, and he said, " This house has been cleansed for the New World Order, obey or suffer the consequences." The soldiers then dragged us outside and started to strip us of our clothing, my wife was fighting back and somehow came loose and started running, they shot her in the back as that happened I also broke free of the soldier's grip and started running as soldiers started to shoot at me but I ducked behind some homes and ran. In the distance I could hear the soldiers laughing, and I thought to myself why are they laughing if I just got away? An eerie feeling came over me. I ran and found some clothing that could fit me. As I was walking along I stumbled onto you." And he pauses to see what my reaction is to the insane story he just told but I was dumbfounded. I had no words to what he just told me so I say "Our government has been overturned?" He then replies in a terrified voice, " there is more to it, there is evil present." I then say "I have to find my daughters." Nick looks at me and nods his head. " We have to find some weapons." He says and turns to walk, I follow. We walked toward the city and eventually we came to a highway. We walk toward the top of the on-ramp. Nick motions me to be quiet when he hears something. "I am going to go look, wait here," he says. I squat down to wait as he goes up the ramp onto the freeway it seems like forever he's gone. I don't know how much time passes but I get scared just waiting when I smell something rotten, then I hear an ear piercing scream I start to run up the ramp and what I see is horrible! My heart feels like it stopped. I can feel my breathing stop, I am in shock. Tears start to stream down my face at the sight of this large devil looking creature. Satan? It had wings like a dragon, horns like a bull, and the legs of a goat. Could it be Satan? Could I be in hell? I remember that my worst nightmare would be for my girls to be stolen from me and for me to not know where they were or what happened to them. That was my hell, was I in hell? As I look at the horizon I see my friend screaming, as I see this Satan like creature jump onto my friend’s chest and begin to rape him through his belly button. It's heinous!! The sight and sounds are revolting and this beast just laughs as it tears my friend's skin off his chest and eventually bites him in the neck and tears a chunk of my friend’s neck. I turn around and I run, I run as far as I can. I can no longer feel my feet, I feel faint from not being able to breath. I could feel the fear tightening my chest. I was so scared. What is going on?? Am I in hell? Then I start to think if I am in hell was I that evil that I am being punished? I touch my forehead to wipe the sweat away and I realize I am still holding the heart shaped locket. I open it and see the picture of my two girls, Angela and Ellie. I begin to cry because now I know that I'm not in hell. I know now that I have to find them and I will. I continue to run. I have no idea of where I am going or where I will start to look for my girls. I know that this is the apocalypse and I have to save my innocent girls, I don’t care if I am shot or if I am torn to shreds by that thing as long as I know my girls are safe I will be at peace. I find myself walking down a street with homes on either side of the street. And in the distance I see light but it was from large fires they lit the sky as if the sun was setting. It was beautiful but daunting for this was the new world I would have to face on my own. In my hand I carried the heart shaped locket, I unclasp it and fixed it around my neck. I will find my daughters.


About the Creator

erica feregrino

I am a single mom of two beautiful girls. I love animals and I love to dance! I have a CDL licence and I am working on getting my babering licence, I'm a jack of all trades, lol.

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