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Mystery at the Odds Village

Inner sight disclosed

By Irina Ștefania RPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Rowan using his inner sight.

Mystery at the Odds village

The Odds village has always been thriving with a diligent community. Tourists swarming around, streets glowing clean, pleasantly structured houses, waters, and mountains surrounding it. It’s a classy and lovely place to live in. It looks just too perfect to be true, doesn’t it? It’s never quiet in the Odds village. It’s ironic because rural areas should be peaceful and relaxing, but not this one in particular. In such a chaotic countryside place, strange things can happen.

A freshly-moved young man is exploring the village’s alleys to accommodate himself to this new environment. He enjoys seeing such energetic people and often peeps at how they do their daily work. Sometimes he involves himself in conversations to the villagers’ delight. They’ve always been proud of their hard work since this is how they lived their entire life. Our guy is a city boy who converted from the chaotic urban life to the peacefulness of the countryside. He seems like your average guy, doesn’t he? The only different thing about himself is that he has a secret ability – one that sees through people.

Exactly, he has a power that helps him unravel mysteries that even the best detectives of the century couldn’t. He’s the infamous Rowan Cosmo Auclair. Infamous because he likes to keep his ability a secret. He hates fame and being in the spotlight. He just wants to explore the world, solving mysteries that help people feel safe and at ease. Pretty much a random goal, so he thinks.

As he continues his trail around the village, he can already spot the few friends he has made. He springs toward a middle-aged man that is in deep thought as if he is having a dilemma.

‚ Hi, Mr. Columbus. Is everything alright there?’ asks Rowan with a flush of enthusiasm.

‚ Oh, Rowan, my boy! You came just on time!’ exclaims Mr. Columbus.

‚ Oh. I see! What troubles you, sir?’ Rowan adds as his eyes sparkle in excitement.

‚Boy, I can’t seem to find something. Either my wife changed its place or I lost it for good.’, the man explains sighing deeply.

‚ Can you describe what’s it and what you need it for? It might be more helpful if I know.’ pleads Rowan.

‚ I, well, it’s my toolbox. I used to keep it in the garage but now’s gone. I need to make some repairs on my car so I can leave.’ the man adds giving Rowan a troubled look.

‚ Where is the last time you used it, Mr. Columbus? Let’s follow your last steps when you were near it.’ says Rowan frowning his fuzzy eyebrows.

‚ I know one thing for sure I always kept them in one place, and that’s the garage. Exclaims the old man warmheartedly. ‚ But one thing is for sure, I think Claire might have cleaned my garage without my consent.’ He adds with a small growl in frustration.

‚ Didn’t you ask your wife where she put it?’ Rowan interrogates him hoping to find a clue.

‚ Oh, I did, but all she says is that if I kept my stuff more organized, I’d know where I store them. She even claims I’m forgetful of my things. Can you believe that?!’ He scoffs as if he remembered a bad dream.

‚ Sir, would you allow me to help you search your garage again? I have a feeling they are still there.’ Rowan pleads again.

‚ Help yourself. You’re saving my skin, after all.’ Says the man as his wide smile is showing his teeth.

Rowan closes his eyes while moving his right hand in the thin air. He only focuses on what he feels through his inner sight, ignoring whatever could distract him. All sounds are dispersing in an unending void. His mind is receiving traces of the missing object at light speed. In a second, his fingers flinch in a strong response.

‚ What?! What is it?! Did you get an idea of where they are?’ the old man cries in surprise.

Rowan says no more but starts meddling in his neighbors’ things. The man groans at his lack of replying but lets him proceed. The young lad finds a set of tools that were buried down some wraps. He grabs them hastily and raises his hand victoriously.

‚ Young one, you made it! You’re a genius! How did you find them?!’ the man yells in such excitement that it made his wife come running worryingly.

‚ What’s your big idea? Are you hurt or anything?!’ she asks him while panting.

‚ Dear, dear, come closer. Rowan found my tools in no time!’ he pulls his wife closer so she could see the miracle herself.

‚ How did you do it, kid?’ she asks with a big smile on her face.

‚ I just put the clues together. Nothing extraordinary.’ Rowan tries to convince them to hide his power.

‚ Now, look, Claire, he closed his eyes and his hand was drawn to them like a magnet. You can’t deny it, I witnessed that special technique of yours, Rowan.’ The man says looking at Rowan in awe and suspiciously at the same time.

‚ Oh, you used your eyes? What a unique ability!’ Cries Claire.

Taken aback, Rowan stands silently for a brief moment, then decides it’s better to reveal himself although he feels quite hesitant about the thought.

‚ First of all, please, settle down and stop yelling. I don’t need this attention. Second of all, you’ve read right through me. I can,...see things better than any average person. Ah, don’t worry. That still makes me a human.’ Rowan explains his secret as he tries hiding the wavery in his voice.

‚ Oh, I knew you were a different one from the moment you came, kid. We swear we’ll keep your little secret. This community was getting boring anyway.’ ‚ replies the man in a serious tone.

‚ Thanks, Mr. Columbus. I trust you on that.’ adds Rowan smiling hopefully.

Mr. Columbus pats him encouragingly on the shoulder as our special guy speeds up towards his new mysterious destination. He doesn’t even realize that he is about to unlock the most controversial enigmas no one ever dreamt of.


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