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My Name is Michael

The Brink of Sanity Part 6

By Jennifer S. Benson Published 2 years ago 3 min read
My Name is Michael
Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash

The entity inhabiting Michelle's body roared with laughter at the sight of David running. “Run, little human, run for your life,” the entity mocked David. The sound of the laughter coming from the woman that he loved ripped him from his terror and reminded him of what he was trying to save. David pulled himself out of his fear. He stopped running and stood in place. His hands trembled as he willed himself to turn around and face the body of his wife being inhabited by a monster. As he slowly turned around, the red eyes stared back at him and his heart was once more drenched in fear.

The entire space appeared to be shrouded in darkness and his legs refused to move. “Give me back my wife,” he demanded though the tremor in his voice lacked the confidence he had hoped to portray. The entity laughed and it sent a shiver down his spine.

Terror, sheer and utter terror was what he felt and he wasn’t sure how he was going to overcome this moment. He closed his eyes hoping that he was dreaming and that this nightmare would soon end and he would be laying in bed with his beautiful wife.

“Thinking of waking from a bad dream, David?” the entity asked a smirk rested casually on its femine features.

“How did you?” He asked confusion rose as doubt began to cloud his senses. 'Did he just read my mind?' he thought to himself as he willed one leg to step back.

“I know everything. I hear all and see You should be worshipping me David.” the entity stated with confidence and let out a boisterous laugh.

“I would never worship you!” he said in response with more conviction than his previous dialogue. He was starting to feel like he was regaining his confidence.

“Shame. You worshipped her body, what’s the difference?” the entity said as he grabbed Michelle’s breasts and squeezed tightly. “ much much pleasure.” It said through her lips.

A tear escaped her eye and it caused the entity to laugh. “Hahahaha. I love these moments just before the end.”

“What do you mean just before the end?” David cried out. He was starting to feel a desperation settle in. He knew that something was wrong. Something had changed. Panic replaced the terror as he imagined his life without the woman that he loved. 'What will I do if I lost her?' he wondered and a sadness overtook him. This sadness left him depleted and despondent.

“The end my dear. The end of you. The end of her. The end. Was that not clear when I said “the end?” I will try harder next time.”

“Who are you?” David screamed the sound of his voice cracking from the strain of all of his emotions overcoming him at the same time.

“Who am I? What does it matter who I am? It is the end of things. Shouldn’t that be what is important?” the entity asked with a perplexed look on its face.

“It matters to me. It matters to Michelle. It matters. Please, a last request. Tell me who you are,” he pleaded as he fell down to his knees. The gesture caused the entity to smile widely as he took it to be a form of submission but in reality David was just so overcome with emotions that his legs could no longer support him and he buckled under the weight of his doubts.

The entity stood in thought for a moment, trying to decide if he was going to let David in on its secret. It decided it would tell him since there was nothing to lose. This had become the end of the road. “Very well,” it said.

“My name is Michael,”

David stood stunned. His eyes widened. “That name,” he said as his voice fell away.

“Yes, that name is very familiar I would say. I knew her mother,” Michael laughed.

“But….Victoria,” David stammered.

“Yes, yes, I took Victoria too but listen, in my defense, her mother was after her AND she has been after your daughter. I am doing you a favor. Wouldn’t you rather me drag her down to hell or her mother who is one evil bitch?” Michael asked with all seriousness and David was at such a loss he found himself feeling a sense of desperation that he hadn’t realized he could feel.

“I would rather it be her mother,” he said with such a strong resolution that a strong wind blew into the room and the already dark room was covered in blackness. David felt his insides being ripped apart as he felt another presence force their way into his body.

“Let me in,” it called to him.

He struggled for only a moment before he felt himself give up the fight, “Yes,” he said before he closed his eyes and fell to the ground.


About the Creator

Jennifer S. Benson

Jennifer is both a fiction author and mindset coach. Her newest series, The Brink of Sanity takes you on a paranormal journey into the unknown and the terrifying. Do you think you are brave enough?

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    Jennifer S. Benson Written by Jennifer S. Benson

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